
  • 网络L'Evolution Creatrice;Creative Evolution;Evolution of Creation
  1. 论萧伯纳戏剧创作的创造进化论思想

    The Theory of Creative Evolution in Shaw 's Drama

  2. 创造进化论是萧伯纳在唯意志哲学和进化论思想的基础之上提出的观点,这是一种生命力哲学。

    The theory of Creative Evolution which based on Voluntarism philosophy and the theory of evolution means Life Force philosophy .

  3. 创造进化论是萧伯纳极力推崇的思想。

    The Theory of Creative Evolution is the thought which George Bernard Shaw praised highly .

  4. 康有为进化思想的渊源主要包括近代西方自然科学进化观、中国古代变易思想和今文经学的朴素进化观以及柏格森的创造进化论;

    The origins of Kang Youwei 's thought of evolution include the evolution of natural science in the west , the change thought of ancient China , the naive evolutionism of Confucian classics and Bergson ? creative evolution .

  5. 由于萧伯纳在特定的历史环境中和其独特的世界观,在他的创造进化论中认为:在人类进化的过程中,女性起着至关重要的作用,并且比男性更加的重要。

    Due to his striking world outlook in the particular historical context , in line with his theory of " creative evolution ", he insisted that females played a very crucial role in the evolution of humankind , even more important than males .

  6. 在当时世纪之交,西方的思想价值体系发生变动、人们的信仰出现危机之时,萧伯纳更加笃定地相信,创造进化论可以拯救人类,让人类向着更好的方向发展,它是人类唯一的出路。

    At the turn of the century when the value system of Western was changing and crisis of faith was arising , George Bernard Shaw is even more certain to that the theory of Creative Evolution could save human and would lead human to a better direction .

  7. 萧伯纳不信奉任何宗教,他在独特的历史背景下创造了属于他自己的真理:创造进化论。

    He did not believe in any religion but created his own truth - " creative evolution ", in the unique historical context . 2 .