
chuàng kān
  • Launch;start publication;the first issue;the initial issiue
创刊 [chuàng kān]
  • [start publication] 开始出版发行报刊

创刊[chuàng kān]
  1. 《广告大观(理论版)》创刊研讨会圆满召开

    Start Publication Proseminar of AD PANORAMA ( Theory ) has Held Successfully

  2. 始终坚持对中国特色建筑道路的探索&对《华中建筑》创刊20年来的总体评述

    Insistent Research on the Architecture Way with Chinese Characteristics & Review in Whole on Huazhong Architecture 's 20 Years from Start Publication

  3. 该杂志于1927年1月创刊。

    The magazine started [ began ] ( its ) publication in January , 1927 .

  4. 《人民日报》于一九四八年创刊。

    The people 's daily started publication in1948 .

  5. 全面的中国,为促进中国和世界交流沟通作出新的贡献。中国日报创刊于1981年6月1日,是新中国成立后第一份全球发行的国家级英文日报。

    China Daily , established on June 1 , 1981 , is the first national English-language daily newspaper in the People 's Republic of China , serving a global audience .

  6. 值此中国日报创刊40周年之际,我向你们表示热烈的祝贺!向报社全体干部职工和外国专家、友人,致以诚挚的问候!

    On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of China Daily 's founding , I extend warm congratulations and cordial greetings to its staff members , foreign experts and friends .

  7. 它是一种期刊,由R?多兹利在1758年创刊。

    It was a periodical commenced by R. Dodsley in 1758 .

  8. 今年夏天,《新共和》(TheNewRepublic)发表了创刊以来的最热门文章。

    This summer , The New Republic published the most read article in that magazine 's history .

  9. 《Portfolio》的创刊号就提供了一个明证。

    The launch issue of Portfolio provided one piece of evidence .

  10. 写在《RFID技术与应用》创刊之际

    Address for the Beginning Issue of " RFID Technologies and Applications "

  11. 《财富》(中文版)(FortuneChina)由《财富》杂志(Fortune)授权出版,最近它刚刚举行了创刊15周年的庆祝活动。

    Fortune China , a licensed edition of Fortune magazine that publishes in Chinese , recently celebrated its 15th anniversary .

  12. Banach空间微分方程解的存在唯一性&为庆祝《纺织高校基础科学学报》创刊十周年而作

    Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of Differential Equations in Banach Spaces

  13. 《花花公子》创始人休•赫夫纳表示,他“曾想在杂志创刊号中插入3D画页,但由于资金不够,无法附赠3D眼镜”。

    Playboy founder Hugh Hefner said he " wanted to create a 3-D pictorial for the very first issue of Playboy , but didn 't have enough money to include the 3-D glasses .

  14. Vice的起点是一个蒙特利尔的独立杂志,创刊于1994年,如今,与这些公司的任何一笔交易中,它的估值都可能在15亿到25亿美元之间。

    Any agreement is likely to value Vice , which started as a free magazine in Montreal in 1994 , at $ 1.5 billion to $ 2.5 billion .

  15. 1953年,赫夫纳创办了这本杂志,创刊号封面上是玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)的照片,他这么做是为了取悦自己。

    When Mr. Hefner created the magazine , which featured Marilyn Monroe on its debut cover in 1953 , he did so to please himself .

  16. 《林业纪事》创刊于1925年,是加拿大林学院(CIF)的正式出版物。

    The Forestry Chronicle ( text in English and French ), first published in1925 , is the official Journal of the Canadian Institute of Forestry ( CIF ) .

  17. 人们一般认为是《汽车潮流》杂志开启了“年度汽车”的概念。1949年,也就是该杂志创刊那一年,它将凯迪拉克(Cadillac)的V8车型评选为年度最佳。

    Motor Trend is thought to have originated the car of the year concept , selecting Cadillac 's V-8 models in its first year of publication in1949 .

  18. 通过对《贵州农业科学》自创刊以来的知识文献信息进行分析,利用TRS全文数据库平台建立了其全文数据库检索系统。

    The full text database computer system was formed by TRS , based on the analysis of the knowledge and literature information from the foundation of Guizhou Agricultural Sciences .

  19. 行业咨询机构OliverWyman的创刊研究报告,注意力主要集中在除日本和澳大利亚以外的亚洲地区,预计该地区今年将产生700亿美元的收入。

    The inaugural study , by Oliver Wyman , an industry consultant , is largely focused on banking businesses in the Asian region excluding Japan and Australia , which are predicted to generate revenues of $ 70bn this year .

  20. 从2004年中东艺术文化杂志《Bidoun》创刊时起,它向我们展现了一个独特而色彩缤纷的复杂地区。

    Since its founding in 2004 , the Middle Eastern art and culture magazine Bidoun has presented a distinctive , Technicolor vision of a complex region .

  21. 结果共检索1986~2000年15卷85期杂志3906篇文章,其中RCTs论文147篇,CCTs论文106篇,分别占杂志创刊以来文章总刊栽的3.8%和2.7%。

    Results Among the 3 906 published articles from 1986 to 2000 , there were 147 RCTs articles and 106 CCTs articles , accounting for 3 . 8 % and 2.7 % of the total numbers of the published articles , respectively .

  22. 上周,在公司旗下新闻杂志《彭博商业周刊》(BloombergBusinessWeek)创刊85周年的庆典上,布隆伯格展示了对公司新闻业务的深度参与,他与来宾详细地讨论了这本杂志,并在活动中滔滔不绝地发表了演说。

    At last week 's 85th anniversary celebration for Bloomberg BusinessWeek , the organization 's newsmagazine , Mr. Bloomberg displayed a deep engagement with the news side of his company . He spoke with guests about the magazine in detail and spoke extensively at the event .

  23. 学术期刊的使命和音乐学家的成长《中国音乐学》创刊20周年暨音乐学研究在当代学术研讨会综述

    RESEARCH Summarize the Academic Forum of Contemporary Musicology Research in China

  24. 中国沉积学若干领域的回顾与展望&庆祝《沉积学报》创刊二十周年

    Review and Prospect for Some Research Fields of Sedimentology in China

  25. 从经济生态学观点看环境保护科学的动向&为《环境科学》创刊十周年而作

    Trends of Sciences of Environmental Protection from the Viewpoint of Econ-ecology

  26. 1998年创刊的《神经科学通报》在2006年转为以英文形式出版;

    Neuroscience Bulletin , founded in1998 , switched to English in2006 ;

  27. 布兰德在创刊号的第一页上写道:

    Brand wrote on the first page of the first edition ,

  28. 《中华内分泌代谢杂志》创刊二十周年有感

    Thoughts on the twentieth anniversary of Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

  29. 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》杂志创刊十年回顾及展望

    10th anniversary of Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery in China

  30. 我们在创作一些木刻。机械工程与材料科学&为庆贺《机械工程材料》创刊100期而作

    We 're working on some wood-cuts . Mechanical Engineering and Material Science