
  • 网络Innovation Ecosystem;An innovative eco-system
  1. 建立了基于Multi-Agent的汽车制造自主创新生态系统的模型框架,分析了模型的逻辑结构、基础条件和仿真的详细过程。

    Build the model frame of independent innovation ecosystem for automobile manufacturing based on Multi-agent based modeling and simulation , analyse the logic structure , basic qualification of the model and the particular process of the simulation .

  2. 区域技术创新生态系统的制约因子与应变策略

    Restrictive Factors in the Regional Technological Innovation Ecosystem and the Strategies for Adaptation

  3. 汽车制造自主创新生态系统建模与仿真研究

    Research on Modeling and Simulation of Independent Innovation Ecosystem for Automobile Manufacturing

  4. 本文从理论上给出了孵化器创新生态系统&天使孵化器的商业模式。

    This paper will theoretically give Incubator Innovation Ecosystem-Angel incubator business model .

  5. 企业战略创新生态系统学习的理论和实证研究

    Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Inter-organizational Learning in Enterprise Strategy Innovation Ecosystem

  6. 高科技产业创新生态系统耦合战略研究

    The Coupling Strategies of Innovation Ecosystem in Hi-Tech Industry

  7. 技术创新生态系统结构的生态重组

    Eco-restructuring on the Structure of Technological Innovation Ecosystem

  8. 最后,构建了评价高科技企业创新生态系统可持续发展指标体系。

    Finally , we build the evaluation indicators system of high-tech innovation ecosystem of sustainable development .

  9. 构建产业集群创新生态系统,推动浙江经济转型升级

    Set up Industrial Cluster of Innovative Ecosystem , Promote the upgrading of Economic Transformation in Zhejiang

  10. 创新生态系统本身规模各异、构成繁杂、对其他生态系统的影响也各不相同。

    Innovation ecosystems themselves can vary in size , in composition , and in their impact on other ecosystems .

  11. 本文探讨了技术创新生态系统的特点和市场选择机制,分析了技术创新的生态制约与平衡机制。

    The paper studies characteristics and market selection of technological innovation , and analyzes the ecological confine and balance of technological innovation .

  12. 在此概念基础上,分析了区域技术创新生态系统的调节机制:稳定性调节机制,多样性调节机制和静态均衡机制。

    Based on the concept the regulation mechanism of RTIES were analysed including the stability mechanism , the diversity mechanism , and the static state equilibrium mechanism .

  13. 创新生态系统的形成也受社会道德规范、价值体系的影响,特别是那些与商业失败、社会流动升迁和创业精神相关的观念态度。

    Innovation ecosystems are also shaped by shared social norms and value systems , especially those concerning attitudes toward business failure , social mobility , and entrepreneurship .

  14. 孵化器的网络关系构成了一个创新生态系统,研究这一系统有助于全面系统地分析孵化器的未来发展趋势。

    Incubator network relationships constitute an innovation ecosystem , a comprehensive and systematic study of this system helps to analyze the trend of the future development of incubators .

  15. “建立一个包罗万象而且可持续的创新生态系统的手段与方法必须在根本上是我们自己的&也就是说,是印度的,”他说。

    " The approach and methodology for creating an inclusive and sustainable innovation ecosystem has to be essentially our own & that is , Indian ," he said .

  16. 把合作的参与者联系成一个创新生态系统会是有益的。创新生态系统概念强调了在把创新带向市场的过程中诸多努力之间的联系。

    It is useful to link cooperating participants together in an innovation ecosystem , a concept that highlights the connections among the many efforts involved in bringing innovation to market .

  17. 运用博弈论的相关理论,分析在竞争条件下汽车制造自主创新生态系统中的竞争关系,研究企业的创新策略选择。

    Analyse the competitive relationship in the independent innovation ecosystem for automobile manufacturing in competition condition with the game theory , and research on the choice of the innovation strategy .

  18. 在述评高科技企业创新生态系统评价指标体系与评价方法及生态位适宜度评价方法的基础上,指出生态位适宜度法适用于高科技企业创新生态系统可持续发展的评价。

    Based on the review of evaluation index system and evaluation methods we proposed that the eco-fitness method is fit for the evaluation of sustainable development of high-tech enterprises innovation ecosystem .

  19. 最后,通过文中对新能源汽车创新生态系统的分析,从创新生态系统的角度提出我国新能源汽车成长路径的建议。

    Finally , from the angle of the ecosystem of innovation of new energy vehicle , pass on the text of the new energy automotive innovation ecosystem analysis can get the development proposals .

  20. 高科技企业的健康成长需要有一个良好的一个完善的科技和创新生态系统予以支持,特别是科技金融系统的支持。

    The healthy growth of the high-tech companies need to have a good and a sound technology and innovation ecosystem to support it , especially the support of science and technology of the financial system .

  21. 孵化器商业模式有着从简单模式向价值链陷井模式、专一模式和资本型模式演变的规律,资本型专业孵化器能够有效地规模化培育创业企业并形成创新生态系统。

    Incubator business model has a model to value chain from simple trap model , specific model and schema evolution law of capital , capital-based professional incubator can effectively foster entrepreneurship scale enterprises and the formation of innovation ecosystem .

  22. 指出了产业集群创新生态系统的五个特征,即创新种群的协同进化、创新生态位宽度的缩小化、价值增值化、非中心化、知识累积性和快速流动性。

    It further points out five features of innovation ecosystem : the coordinated evolution of innovation species , the innovation niche compression , the increment of values , the non-centralization , and the accumulation and rapid flow of knowledge .

  23. 在花费了一年时间设计整个基金会系统的数据集结构之后,DeepMind开发了一个软件界面,可用于监测多种病情,并为开放创新的生态系统提供一个平台。

    After a year of structuring the whole Trust-wide data set , DeepMind has developed a software interface that allows multiple conditions to be monitored and provides a platform for an open innovation ecosystem .

  24. 复杂产品系统创新信息生态系统的构建及分析

    Construction and Analysis of the Information Ecological System in Complex Product and System ' Innovation

  25. 区域集群创新系统与自然生态系统具有同构性特征。

    Regional cluster innovation system has similarity in terms of internal structure .

  26. 公众公司是创新和就业制造生态系统中的组成部分。

    Public companies are parts of an ecosystem of innovation and job creation .

  27. 计算机专业应用型创新人才培养的生态系统研究

    Research on the Ecosystem of Cultivating Innovative Applied Talents of Computer Specialties in Universities

  28. 区域技术创新系统与自然生态系统结构和功能的相似性,使得运用生态理论解释区域技术创新系统具有可行性。

    The similarity of structure and function between RTIS and natural ecosystem , which makes it has feasibility that using the ecological theory to study on the complexity of RTIS .

  29. 这两个三螺旋创新模型共同构成了科普产业协同创新发展生态系统的一体两翼。

    Those two triple-helix innovation models form the " One Body Two Wings " collaborative innovation ecosystem of the popular science industry .

  30. 将生态学理论与区域技术创新理论相结合,提出了区域技术创新生态系统新概念。

    Combining the theory of ecosystems and the regional technological innovation system ( RTIS ), a new concept was put forward , i. e.