
  • 网络feeling of depth
  1. 右边这张因为摄影师选择了一个适当的前景来作为华盛顿纪念碑的补充,而使图片具有强烈的纵深感,并且讲述了一个更加完整的故事。

    The picture on the right has a stronger feeling of depth and tells a more complete story because the photographer chose an appropriate foreground to complement the Washington Monument .

  2. 伯尔在小说中引入丰富的神话原型,一方面顺应了时代的潮流和20世纪的艺术发展趋向,另一方面也使其小说更具审美价值和历史纵深感。

    Boll makes a rich mythological prototype into his novels , on the one hand could conform to the trend of the times the art of the 20th century , and also get more aesthetic value to the novel and the historical feeling of depth .

  3. 在3D场景中加入雾化效果能增加场景的真实感、纵深感和距离感,创造环境氛围。

    Adding fog effects to a 3D scene can give greater realism , depth and distance , and provide ambiance or set a mood .

  4. 由于目前许多高层建筑的设计与城市空间格格不入,使人们产生了对它的冷漠感,距离感。在3D场景中加入雾化效果能增加场景的真实感、纵深感和距离感,创造环境氛围。

    Currently many high rise buildings are not in good harmony with urban space , which induces a sense of coldness and remoteness . Adding fog effects to a 3D scene can give greater realism , depth and distance , and provide ambiance or set a mood .

  5. 舞台背景灯光纵深感的体现初探

    Preliminary exploration on expression of the depth feelings of background lights on stage

  6. 透明的表面,不受阻隔的视线产生了空间上的纵深感。

    Transparent surfaces , unhindered visual axes and long views produce an atmosphere of spaciousness .

  7. 各个山头用重迭法画出,画家用这些方法表现出山体的纵深感。

    Overlap with the various sects of paint , the artists use these methods Chushan performance of the Zongshen Gan .

  8. 低压压的天空、光影交错的平原以及作为前景的篱笆给这一场景带来了纵深感并使之饶有趣味。

    A seemingly low sky , alternating lit and shadowed plains , and the foreground fence , give this scene depth and interest .

  9. 它能够带给人们一种强烈的沉浸感和纵深感,并且能够摆脱平面的控制,甚至提供给人们360°全方位的立体展现。

    It can bring the users strong sense of immerse and depth , and get out of the control of parallax , even provide people with stereo display in comprehensive directions of 360 ° .

  10. 在下一代视频技术中,立体视频作为一种比普通视频提供更多信息内容和具有更多数据量的数字媒体,因其具有强烈的立体感和纵深感特性越来越受到人们的关注。

    In the next generation of video technologies , the stereo video as a digital medium which contains more information and data than ordinary video , has attracted more and more attention because of its intense characteristics of depth and third dimension .

  11. 随着后信息时代的深层社会变革,特别是光电技术和数字化媒体的广泛应用,使视觉传达设计从原来简单的平面形态向更为丰富、更具有纵深感的空间领域拓展。

    After the information age with the deep social change , especially in optical technology and digital media , extensive application of visual communication design from the original flat shape to a more simple abundant , more feeling of depth in the field of space development .