
zòng pōu miàn
  • longitudinal section;profile;vertical section;buttock;longisection
纵剖面 [zòng pōu miàn]
  • [vertical section;longitudinal section] 顺着物体轴心线的方向切断物体后所呈现出的表面。如圆柱体的纵剖面是一个长方形。也叫纵断面或纵切面

纵剖面[zòng pōu miàn]
  1. 这一最小功模式表明河流纵剖面演化方向是N由小变大,纵剖面形态由上凸抛物线经直线向下凹抛物线发展。

    The mathematical model of minimum energy dissipation indicates that to increase value N is evolution direction of river longitudinal profile , and that shape of the longitudinal profile develop to a concave parabola pattern from a convex one .

  2. 简易纵剖面仪及其在岩体结构面粗糙度系数研究中的应用

    Simple profile instrument and its application on studying joint roughness coefficient of rock

  3. 本图所示为蝗虫的纵剖面。

    This illustration shows a vertical section through the locust .

  4. 利用海南岛人工爆破地震Ⅰ、Ⅱ测线非纵剖面的P8波走时资料,初步得到了该区基底面的速度图象。

    Using Pg wave data from Profile I and ⅱ of deep seismic sounding in Hainan Island , the velocity image of the basement in the region is reconstructed .

  5. SEM观察表明:晶内疲劳微裂纹纵剖面二维形态发生了主要由表面扩散控制的形态变化,由初始的扁椭圆形演化成多个球洞定向排列的形态;

    SEM observations show that the two-dimensional longitudinal section of the intragranular microcracks evolves from the original thin-ellipse shape into the several aligned spherical voids dominated by surface diffusion .

  6. 下面的图表是一个典型的ZED住宅纵剖面。

    The diagram below is a cross-section of a typical dwelling in a ZED .

  7. 北西向断裂发育,其中,闽江断裂在纵剖面和扇形剖面均有明显的反映,并切割到Moho面2.0&3.0km。

    The faults in the northwest direction are well-developed , and one of which is Min River fault with 2.0-3.0 km amplitude on Moho-surface .

  8. 本文利用微波网络理论分析了缓变截面波导开放谐振腔,给出了任意纵剖面形状开放腔的传输Q值的一般公式。

    Using microwave network theory , this paper presents an analysis of open resonators in the form of waveguide with slowly-varying cross-section . A general formula for determining the trasmission Q value of the open resonator with any longitudinal profile is given .

  9. 参照区段出现了越来越多的RCF问题,而相同条件下的经过打磨的区段却一点RCF问题都没有,纵剖面仍然很平滑。

    The reference sections showed growing RCF problems , while ground sections in otherwise identical conditions had no signs of RCF and displayed a smooth longitudinal profile .

  10. 发现圆坯三辊斜轧时的应变强度在轧件纵剖面上的分布形态与圆坯二辊斜轧极为相似,也呈W型。二、末日意识两个小偷(英文)

    It is identified that the distribution pattern of strain strength on the rolled piece longitudinal section during three-hi cross-rolling process with round billet is very similar to that during two-hi cross-rolling process with round billet , i.e. both appear in a " W " pattern .

  11. 在建立Accu-Roll轧机变形区模型的基础上,开发出计算机模拟软件,可方便地通过变形区纵剖面计算机图象显示分析工艺参数对变形区的影响,从而为合理地选取与优化工艺参数提供依据。

    Computer software for simulating vertical section of deformation zone on Accu Roll rolling process developed on the basis of models built , which puts the base for optimizing process parameters .

  12. 用简易纵剖面仪可快速绘制大量结构面表面轮廓曲线,以便进行JRC统计分析和结构面抗剪强度的统计估算,克服了由于样本数少而估算结果代表性差的缺陷;

    Based on these curves which completed by simple profile instument , we can analyze statistically JRC and shear strength of discontinuity , so that the defects of bad representative caused by less samples can be overcome .

  13. 应用S600数字图像处理系统提取球墨铸铁断口纵剖面线,根据经典的Mandelbrot分形模型和Underwood修正分形模型对其分形特性进行了研究;

    The fracture profile of ductile iron has been extracted by means of an S 600 digital image processing system and its fractal characteristics are studied with a classical Mandelbrot fractal model and an Underwood modified fractal model .

  14. 试验前,将人体磨牙沿纵剖面切开,打磨并抛光后用0.001M的柠檬酸酸蚀1min。试验结果表明牙釉质的划痕磨损行为与它的微观结构密切相关。

    Before tests , the molars were longitudinally sectioned , well polished and etched in 0.001 M citric acid solution for 1 min. The experimental results confirmed that the scratching behavior of enamel was closely associated with its microstructure .

  15. 纵剖面上没有疏松多孔结构。

    The porous structure is not found on the vertical section .

  16. 并通过插值,得到横、纵剖面及斜截面。

    And gaining the across , vertical section and inclined section .

  17. 纵剖面上所有模块共用的封闭式垂直母线。

    Enclosed vertical busbars serving all modules in the vertical section .

  18. 冰雪融水沟谷纵剖面的形态与演化模式

    Models of shape and evolution on longitudinal profile of ice-snow melt-water valley

  19. 基于元胞模型的河道纵剖面调整动态模拟

    Dynamic modelling on stream profile evolution based on cellular models

  20. 金属断口纵剖面线分形图的微分曲线研究

    Study on differential curve of metal fracture profile fractal chart

  21. 华北平原河流纵剖面

    Longitudinal profiles of the streams on the North China Plain

  22. 基于人工神经网络的水库纵剖面形态分类

    Classification of shapes of reservoirs ' longitudinal sections based on artificial neural networks

  23. 本图所示为木材的纵剖面。

    This illustration shows a section through the timber .

  24. 可以自动生成用户需要的横、纵剖面图。

    It can bear automatically what customer need horizontal , longitudinal section diagram .

  25. 算法设计是为解决管线的横纵剖面图而设计的。

    The system algorithm is designed for pipeline 's cross and lengthwise section .

  26. 均衡纵剖面形态的实验研究

    An Experimental Study On Form of Equilibrium Profile

  27. 研究结果表明:湿润锋的纵剖面形状曲线符合椭圆方程;

    Results show that the vertical profile curve of wetting front follows elliptical equation .

  28. 点源二维电场中纵剖面上电位的计算

    The calculation of potentials at longitudinal section in 2-D electrical field with point source

  29. 黄河下游纵剖面自调整特性

    Characteristics of Self - adjusting in Longitudinal Stream Profile of the Lower Yellow River

  30. 水下滑翔机沿纵剖面滑行时水动力特性计算与分析

    Numerical research on dynamic characteristic of underwater glider when it runs in longitudinal section