
mā bù
  • rag;towel;duster;dish cloth;file;dish towel;rag for wiping tables
抹布 [mā bù]
  • [file;dish towel;dish cloth;rag for wiping tables] 专用于擦地板或桌子的织物

抹布[mā bù]
  1. 他拎着脏抹布,身子离得远远的。

    He held the dirty rag at arm 's length .

  2. 他在用一块油乎乎的抹布擦手。

    He was wiping his hands on an oily rag

  3. 他的工作是上门推销抹布和刷子。

    He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes .

  4. 他穿着松弛的裤子。抹布一样的帽子。

    He sags his pants ; doo rags and a stockin cap .

  5. 用该臭氧水浸泡抹布1min,可将其污染菌杀灭98.06~99.73%。

    Immersing the rag in this ozone water for 1 min could kill 98.06 % ~ 99.73 % of the contaminating bacteria .

  6. 可以先用浸了温水的抹布擦拭一下,如果仍然能看到污渍,你必须按照Polycell教你的方法重新进行粉刷了——这用于掩盖证据是非常好的。

    Start by dabbing it with a rag soaked in warm water , but if you can still see the stain then you need to try painting it with polycell stain stop - this is great for disguising the evidence ! !

  7. Food52的下一个商机是设计自己的产品,目前该公司已经开始与一些厂商展开合作。比如它与纽约手提包公司MZWallace合作开发了一款定制的农产品购物袋;与设计师克里斯蒂娜o韦伯合作开发了一系列擦拭杯盘用的抹布。

    The next opportunity for Food52 is to design its own products , which the company has already explored in partnership with its vendors . Food52 has created a custom farmer 's market tote bag with MZ Wallace , the New York handbag company , and a set of tea towels with 52 stripes with designer Christina Weber .

  8. 但他弟弟和旧抹布有什么关系

    What has the brother got to do with lea towels ?

  9. 我正想洗出一两块抹布。

    I just want to wash out one or two rags .

  10. 刘静:好的,抹布在哪儿?

    Liu Jing : OK . Where 's the tea towel ?

  11. 请拿一块抹布把椅子擦干净。

    Get a wash-cloth and wipe the chairs , please .

  12. 请用干燥或较干燥的抹布进行清洁。

    Use a dry or slightly moistened cloth for cleaning .

  13. 你要用到:白蒸馏醋湿抹布吸尘器

    You will need White distilled vinegar Damp cloth Vacuum cleaner

  14. 服务员,请给我拿一块抹布好吗?

    Waiter ! Could I have a piece of rag , please ?

  15. 赫比掏出丝手帕擦去额上直淌的汗水。拿块抹布把溢出来的东西擦掉。

    Herbie took out a silk handkerchief to mop his perspiring forehead .

  16. 是谁给了我们海绵抹布,抹去了整条地平线的?

    Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon ?

  17. 请别把我的手帕当抹布来用。

    Please don 't use my good handkerchief for a dust cloth !

  18. 那个车库工人的手把抹布攒得更紧了。

    The garageman 's hands clutched the rag more tightly .

  19. 这位服务员用湿抹布擦桌子。

    The waitress wiped the table with a damp cloth .

  20. 抱歉,那是桌巾,不是抹布。-

    Excuse me , that is a doily , not a dishcloth .

  21. 用抹布擦干净。

    Dry them off with a tea towel and replace .

  22. 果皮发亮,想必是用抹布或手绢擦的。

    Shiny peels : polishes them up with a rag or a handkerchief .

  23. 他用一块沾油的抹布擦干净汽车。

    He cleaned the car with an oily rag .

  24. 我们用抹布擦去了它上面的积垢。

    We removed the accumulated filth of years from it with a cloth-brush .

  25. 如果看到任何污渍残留,用清洁干燥的抹布擦干净。

    If you see any polish with a clean , dry tea towel .

  26. 我们可能会两人每人一块湿湿的抹布,之后开始打扫房间。

    we might get two damp rags each and skate around the room .

  27. 所以他打算只在旧抹布上画画

    And so now he 's only gonna paint on these old rags .

  28. 所以抹布要时常拿出来晒一下,就能消灭大部分细菌。

    So the dishcloth to often take out , can destroy most bacteria .

  29. 她在敲打抹布使其干净。

    She was beating the rug to clean it .

  30. 天哪,快,拿块抹布来!

    Oh no ! Quick , get a cloth !