
  • Matcha;Green Tea
  1. 去年年底,一家HelloKitty主题茶馆在京都开张,它有风格类似的点心菜单和抹茶拿铁。

    And late last year a Hello Kitty teahouse made its debut in Kyoto with a similarly styled dim sim menu and matcha green tea lattes .

  2. ChaChaSobaAle则是一种淡干啤,由不发芽的荞麦以及日本抹茶绿茶粉制成,用这些原料是为了激发日本荞麦面的那种爽口感。

    and the Cha Cha Soba Ale , a light , dry beer made with unmalted Chinese buckwheat and matcha green-tea powder , meant to evoke the crispness of Japanese soba noodles .

  3. 然后,去砖木结构的Kayaba咖啡馆(KayabaCoffee)小坐,这家惬意的咖啡馆从1938年开始营业,在日间供应抹茶拿铁,晚上6点后有用各式配方(比如姜)调制的鸡尾酒或自制梅酒。

    Then duck into the brick-and-wood house of Kayaba Coffee . Open since 1938 , this cozy cafe serves green-tea lattes by day and , after 6 p.m. , pours cocktails infused with ingredients like ginger or homemade plum liqueur .

  4. 这里的商品琳琅满目,从竹制抹茶筅到印花手帕应有尽有。逛完商店,沿旧楼梯拾级而上,看着往来的中央线(Chuoline)列车隆隆驶过,而屋顶咖啡馆N3331就开在两条轨道中间,距轨道仅一步之遥。

    After browsing the handful of shops selling everything from bamboo matcha whisks to printed handkerchiefs , ascend the old staircase to watch Chuo line trains rumble mere feet from either side of the rooftop cafe N3331 , set between the tracks .

  5. 餐后抹茶的千层酥点心口味很独特。

    Powered green tea mille-feuille as dessert was something very special .

  6. 然而现在,一块巧克力入口,可能是抹茶口味,橘子口味,甚至木槿口味的都有。

    Now a bite might yield tea , tangerine or hibiscus .

  7. 最受欢迎的是抹茶绿茶球和蓝莓松糕。

    Scoops of matcha green tea and blueberry muffin , for the win .

  8. 我最喜欢的饮品是豆奶抹茶拿铁。

    My favorite drink is the soy matcha latte .

  9. 他点了一份抹茶拿铁,想看看美国人是怎么喝茶的。

    Mr. Ikeuchi ordered a matcha latte to see how Americans drink the tea .

  10. 起初抹茶是在坐禅前饮用的,来帮助清醒头脑。

    It was originally drunk before meditation to help with mental awareness and clarity .

  11. 作为一个孩子,抹茶冰淇淋对我更有吸引力。

    And as a child , I was more focused on the matcha ice cream .

  12. “碾茶”由石磨研成精细的粉末就是抹茶了。

    The tencha is then ground to a fine powder often in a stone mill .

  13. 现在她几乎每天下午都来这里买淡抹茶(4.25美元)。

    She now comes in most afternoons for a thin matcha ( $ 4.25 ) .

  14. 如今,最高品质的抹茶通常在日本茶道中使用。

    Today the highest grades of Matcha usually remain in Japan for use in their tea ceremonies .

  15. 然而当你喝过抹茶咖啡之后,你会相信它们可以相容。

    Maccha However , when you drink coffee , you will believe that they can be compatible .

  16. 现在她几乎每天下午都来这里买“淡抹茶”(4.25美元)。

    She now comes in most afternoons for a " thin matcha " ( $ 4.25 ) .

  17. 16世纪时,禅宗佛教和尚发明了日本茶道,抹茶便很快风行开来。

    In the16th century Zen Buddhist monks created the Japanese Tea Ceremony and it quickly became very popular .

  18. 抹茶和奶制品混合起来的味道很好,粉末状也让它容易作为添加物。

    Matcha 's flavour blends well in dairy-based recipes and its powder form makes it easy to work with .

  19. 除了供应泡好的茶水,这里还销售大包装的茶以及在家泡抹茶的工具。

    Besides serving ready-brewed tea , Ippodo sells bulk bags of tea and the tools to prepare matcha at home .

  20. 抹茶只是绿茶的另一种形式,所以它具有绿茶所有的保健功能。

    Matcha is just another form of green tea , so it has all the health benefits found in green tea .

  21. 格劳斯菲尔德点的是浓抹茶,它的抹茶含量是淡抹茶的两倍,更粘稠。

    Mr. Grossfield had the thick matcha , which has twice as much matcha as the thin version and is more viscous .

  22. 冰淇淋、奶酪蛋糕、奶油干酪片、白巧克力、拿铁饮料和热巧克力等等都可以添加抹茶。

    Matcha is being used in ice cream , cheese-cakes , cream cheese spreads , white chocolate , latte beverages , hot chocolate etc.

  23. 点这杯抹茶的是36岁的尼奥维·克里斯托普洛(NioviChristopoulou),她在附近工作,几周前发现了一保堂茶铺。

    Waiting for her order was Niovi Christopoulou , 36 , who works nearby and discovered Ippodo Tea a couple of weeks ago .

  24. 在日本,抹茶主要用于仪式活动,但是这种绿茶在美国拥有更广泛的消费群体。

    In Japan , matcha is mainly for ceremonial events , but the green tea is finding a wider audience in the United States .

  25. 这是抹茶,一种非常特别的日本茶,甚至在纽约这座钟爱咖啡因的城市里,你也不容易碰到它。

    This is matcha , a very particular kind of Japanese tea that is not easy to come across even in such a caffeinated city .

  26. 然后,给大家介绍我最喜欢的抹茶冰淇淋,颜色碧绿、味道甘醇实在让人很喜欢。

    Then , to tell you about my favorite Green Tea ice cream , dark green color , sweet flavor is very fond of people .

  27. 抹茶刨冰和抹茶拿铁是为了吸引常喝星巴克的纽约顾客而开发的。

    The matcha slushy , tea over shaved ice , and matcha lattes were developed for the New York outpost to appeal to a Starbucks-drinking customer .

  28. 每块咖啡中也含有大约6克的砂糖。咖啡块有三种口味:滴滤、拿铁和抹茶。

    They also contain about six grams of sugar per cube , and come in three different flavors - pure drip , latte , and mocha .

  29. 最后还有一部分讲的是如何把茶用在烹饪中:抹茶配鱼。我总觉得有点奇怪!

    At the end of the book there are a collection of tea-related recipes-though fish fillets covered in Mochi must taste pretty weird if you ask me !

  30. 一保堂茶铺也卖其他种类的绿茶,包括日本最流行的煎茶,但是该店最畅销的是淡抹茶。

    While Ippodo also has other green teas , including sencha , the most popular tea in Japan , the thin matcha is the most popular drink in the store .