
  • sauce;Dressing;gravy
  1. 把牛奶搅进去,直到酱汁变稠为止。

    Stir in the milk until the sauce thickens .

  2. 这酱汁淡而无味。

    The sauce was thin and tasteless .

  3. 酱汁太稀,奶酪味不足。

    The sauce was too runny and not cheesy enough .

  4. 弗兰克·布朗在炸薯条上又撒了些酱汁。

    Frank Browne shook more sauce over his chips .

  5. 肉嚼不烂,酱汁黏稠,味道也不自然。

    The meat was chewy and the sauce was glutinous and tasted artificial .

  6. 可能有必要将酱汁稍稍稀释一下。

    It may be necessary to thin the sauce slightly

  7. 以小火加热酱汁至其沸腾变浓。

    Cook the sauce over a low heat until it boils and thickens .

  8. 这个酱汁又浓又香,别费劲节食了。

    The sauce is thick and rich so don 't bother trying to diet .

  9. 把酱汁分到4个碗里。

    Divide the sauce among 4 bowls .

  10. 如果酱汁太甜的话,可以加少许红酒醋。

    If the sauce seems too sweet , add a dash of red wine vinegar .

  11. 不要吃太多浓酱汁、油炸食品和甜腻的油酥点心,因为这些食品的脂肪含量很高。

    Don 't indulge in rich sauces , fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat .

  12. 他狼吞虎咽地吃下了一大块牛排、很多色拉和浸着浓稠酱汁的花耶菜,还喝了半升红酒。

    He polished off a large steak , salad , broccoli swimming in thick sauce , and half a litre of wine .

  13. 酱汁中有一些碎块。

    There are some lumps in the sauce .

  14. 这些酱汁包括奶油汁、浓汤、西班牙酱和阿勒曼德酱,成为许多法国主菜的核心构成要素。

    These sauces — b é chamel , velout é , espagnole and allemande — formed the central building blocks for many French main courses .

  15. 你有花椰菜,而且Tom,你可以做些白酱汁。

    Sam , you get the broccoli and Tom , you make some white sauce .

  16. Fabio告诉John关于配牛排的不同酱汁。

    Fabio tells John about the different types of sauce that they serve their steaks with .

  17. Campbell于不久前推出了电炖锅酱汁与煎锅酱汁。

    Recently Campbell introduced Slow Cooker Sauces and Skillet Sauces .

  18. 卡夫食品集团(KraftFoodsGroupInc.)花了约18个月的时间研制其新推出的RecipeMakers产品,研究人员在试验过程中向妈妈们展示了配备一或两种酱汁的产品。

    Kraft Foods Group Inc. spent about 18 months developing its new Recipe Makers product . During tests , researchers showed moms versions with one or two sauces .

  19. 亲爱的Avis,附录是从我们的烹饪书里酱汁那一章中摘录的一部分

    Dear Avis , enclosed is part of our cookbook from the chapter on sauces .

  20. 该指南还指出,蟹子中约80%的PCB会在蒸煮过程中进入汤汁,所以不要再把这些汤汁重复用于酱汁调味、做汤或炖煮中。

    Do not reuse the cooking liquid for sauces , soups or stews ; roughly 80 % of the PCBs found in crabs move into the cooking liquid during steaming / boiling , said the guide .

  21. RecipeMakers产品现已在各商店上架,它有亚洲风味墨西哥玉米饼包炸鱼等九种口味,包括至少两种与肉、意大利面和蔬菜混拌在一起的酱汁。

    Recipe Makers , rolling out on grocery shelves now , comes in nine flavors such as Asian Fish Tacos and includes at least two sauces that are mixed with fresh ingredients like meat , pasta and vegetables .

  22. 其实整条羊腿用来烘烤(roast)或者煎烤(grill)都很不错。但只有羊小腿经过慢火焖煮之后能带出口感柔滑的酱汁。

    The entire leg offers various cuts for roasting and grilling , but only its lower portion , the shank , can render a velvety sauce when coaxed out by a long , slow braise .

  23. 该公司负责消费者洞察及策略事务的副总监里莎?施瓦茨(RisaSchwartz)称,妈妈们更喜欢配备两种酱汁的选择,因为步骤更多感觉更像是自己亲自下厨。

    The women liked the two-sauce option better because more steps felt closer to homemade , says Risa Schwartz , associate director of consumer insights and strategy for Kraft .

  24. 芋头糕(RM2.50)-她的芋头糕很香,放了虾米,炸的大葱,和美味的酱汁。

    Yam Cake ( RM2.50 )– Ingredients : Small Shrimp , Fried Union , and delicious sauce .

  25. 它还拥有一个令人惊讶的能力,乳化不可能酱汁。

    It also has a surprising capacity to emulsify impossible sauces .

  26. 猪扒秘方酱汁是由创始人在1927年发明的。

    Secret recipe created by the founders of Ginza Bairin in1927 .

  27. 特别适宜配搭有酱汁之肉类及芝士。

    It matches very well with meats in sauce and cheeses .

  28. 而且你700页都是来讲酱汁和家禽的食谱

    You have 700 pages of just sauce and poultry recipes .

  29. 碗形包装酱汁猪肘方便菜的辐射保藏

    Effect of radiation on preservation of convenient dish bowl-shape packed pig elbow

  30. 这种奶油可以作为淋在蛋糕或者水果等等东西上的酱汁。

    This can be poured as a sauce over cakes , fruits etc.