
  • 网络cnn;Cable News Network;CNN Cable News Network
  1. 他于1996年创办的福克斯新闻(FoxNews),如今已超越时代华纳的美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)——且不论这是好还是不好。

    Fox News , which he started in 1996 , has ( for good or ill ) overtaken Time Warner 's CNN .

  2. 在去年接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)采访时,特朗普承认,他的个人品牌的多数领带都是在中国生产的。

    In an interview with CNN last year , Mr Trump admitted that most of his ties are produced in China .

  3. 在谈话节目《国情咨文》上被美国有线电视新闻网的德娜·巴许问及明年美国人是否仍需戴口罩时,福奇回答道:“我认为可能需要戴口罩,而且这取决于你对正常状态的定义。”

    Asked by CNN 's Dana Bash on " State of the Union " whether he thinks Americans will still need to wear masks next year , Fauci replied : " You know , I think it is possible that that 's the case and , again , it really depends on what you mean by normality . "

  4. 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)通过多次测试证实了这一漏洞。

    CNN confirmed the bug multiple times in its own tests .

  5. 2014年,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,自2010年以来,肯塔基州有15名律师自杀。

    And in 2014 , CNN reported that 15 Kentucky lawyers had committed suicide since 2010 .

  6. 过去六个月里,Snapchat也从美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)及技术网站TheVerge聘用了多名记者。

    Within the past six months , Snapchat has hired reporters from CNN and tech site The Verge .

  7. 本月,美国有线电视新闻网CNN报道称,在由美国环保机构“环境工作小组”发布的一项报告中,美国国内800种送检的防晒产品中,有75%含有潜在危害成分。

    In May , CNN reported that , according to the EnvironmentalWorking Group , 75 percent of 800 sunscreens tested in the UScontained potentially harmful ingredients .

  8. 在美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)播出一则监控视频后,一名凭经验阻止一场灾难事故发生的中国交警获得了来自全球的称赞。

    A Chinese traffic policeman prevented a disastrous accident thanks to his experience , winning praise from the world after a surveillance video was broadcasted by CNN .

  9. 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)的沃尔夫·布利泽将这段视频描述为“总结了这一天,在很多方面,也总结了战争本身”。

    Wolf Blitzer of CNN described the footage as " the image that sums up the day and , in many ways , the war itself . "

  10. 特别是当他希望即将推出的新产品能上《时代》杂志封面或者CNN(美国有线电视新闻网)专题报道的时候,而这两处恰好都是我曾工作过的地方。

    especially when he was launching a new product that he wanted on the cover of Time or featured on CNN , places where I 'd worked .

  11. 不过一个明显的缺点是,该订阅服务还是没有囊括一些主要的电视台,例如HBO、美国有线电视新闻网以及《行尸走肉》系列的主播电视台AMC。

    One notable drawback , however , will be the absence of major channels such as HBO , CNN and AMC , home of the Walking Dead series .

  12. 据美国有线电视新闻网财经频道报道,H&M设立的新职位产品多元化和包容性全球负责人将由AnnieWu担任,同时她也是H&M现任的全球员工关系经理。

    CNN Money reports that the new Global Leader for Diversity and Inclusiveness position will be filled by Annie Wu , who will also continue in her current role as H & M 's Global Manager of Employee Relations .

  13. 本周,一张照片被发表,喜剧演员凯西·格里芬(KathyGriffin)在其中举着血淋淋的类似特朗普总统被斩首的头颅的道具,而格里芬被美国有线电视新闻网炒了鱿鱼,并且被公开谴责。

    And this week , comedienne Kathy Griffin wore a pussy blouse and held a bloodied prop in the likeness of President Trump 's decapitated head in images from a photo shoot , for which Griffin was fired from her CNN job and publicly rebuked .

  14. 动图宇宙(制作gif的公司)创始人兼首席执行官丁焱告诉美国有线电视新闻网的记者说,加文“尬笑”的动图表情包在中国各大社交媒体平台每天使用多达1000万次。

    A gif of Gavin 's face , smiling awkwardly , might be used as many as 10 million times a day across China 's various social media platforms , according to Ann Ding , founder and CEO of Dongtu.com , a major distributor of online gifs , told CNN .

  15. 在接受美国有线电视新闻网财经频道专访时,布莱斯说他不是唯一一个试图缩小与员工收入差距的公司高管。

    Price told CNNMoney he isn 't the only CEO looking to close the income gap .

  16. 他在近期接受美国有线电视新闻网的采访时表示,他非常渴望获释。

    In a recent interview on CNN , he said he was desperate to get out .

  17. 今年9月,美国有线电视新闻网报道,这对夫妇已经在洛杉矶的法院办理了结婚证。

    In September this year , CNN reported that the couple had gone to a courthouse in Los Angeles to obtain their wedding licence .

  18. 去年11月,纪录片制作人、著名的自由派人士迈克尔·摩尔曾向美国有线电视新闻网表示,温佛瑞或男演员汤姆·汉克斯会成为总统选举的理想人选。

    Documentary filmmaker and well-known liberal Michael Moore told CNN in November that Winfrey or actor Tom Hanks would make ideal choices for a presidential bid .

  19. 美国有线电视新闻网最先报道了这家公司向两名在西非感染埃博拉病毒的美国传教士提供实验样品的消息。

    CNN first reported that the company provided a sample of its experimental products to two American missionaries in West Africa who had contracted the disease .

  20. 报告说,美国有线电视新闻网等有线电视频道现在播放更多的采访报道,每天的现场报道减少,而以往这类报道所占的地位重要得多。

    It says cable channels , such as CNN , are airing more interviews and less of the day-to-day live news that once played a much larger role in their coverage .

  21. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,欧洲人每年都会倒掉大量不适合人们饮用的过期牛奶。如今,德国一家公司将这些过期牛奶变成了高档时装。

    Every year , Europeans discard tons of milk deemed unsafe for human consumption . Now , a German company is turning the spilled milk into high-end fashion , CNN reported .

  22. 在美国有线电视新闻网播出的对扎尔达里的一次采访中,扎尔达里说,印度列出涉嫌与孟买袭击有关联而受到通缉的20名逃犯的名单不足以成为巴基斯坦当局抓捕他们的证据。

    In an interview broadcast on CNN , Mr. Zardari said India 's list of 20 fugitives wanted in connection with the attack is not enough evidence for Pakistani authorities to detain them .

  23. 在加拿大的一块林地上,一头黑熊吃了一名杀人犯的遗体。据美国有线电视新闻网报道,加拿大皇家骑警透露,上周三晚,他们在不列颠哥伦比亚省南部发现了现年53岁的罗里·尼尔森·瓦格纳被撕咬过的尸体。

    A bear ate the corpse of a convicted killer in a wooded area of Canada , CNN reported . The mauled body of Rory Nelson Wagner , 53 , was found in a rural area in southern British Columbia on Wednesday evening , the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said .

  24. 美国国际有线电视新闻网:第一个知道

    CNN International : Be the first to know

  25. 为帮助驴友们发掘超值之旅,我们综合借鉴了《今日美国》、美国有线电视新闻网CNN以及《孤独星球》上的相关内容,为您盘点出一系列超值旅行目的地。

    To help travelers in search of value , we 've assembled , with the help of professionals from USA Today , CNN and Lonely Planet , a list of destinations that are worth going to while they 're still cheap .

  26. 美国有线电视新闻的生活旅游网称它为世界上十个最丑陋的建筑之一。

    It was named as one of the ten ugliest buildings in the world by a lifestyle and travel website owned by CNN .