
  • 网络uscg;US COAST GUARD;U.S. Coast Guard;United States Coast Guard;Coast Guard
  1. 美国海岸警卫队公共信息援助队

    USCG Public Information Assist Team

  2. 介绍了亲身经历的A船通过美国海岸警卫队对国际船舶保安和港口设施保安检查的全过程,并从语言沟通、梯口值班控制等方面谈几点体会。

    By observing the whole process of A ship 's successful inspection of international security and port security by USCG combined with keeping the record of ISPS inspection , the papers attempts to give understanding in terms of communication through language and control of gangway watch etc.

  3. 美国海岸警卫队说他们营救了100多名海地难民。

    The US Coast Guard says it rescued more than 100 Haitian refugees .

  4. 但是BP石油公司和美国海岸警卫队相信,与潜在的环境危害相比,这次行动是值得的。

    But BP and the US Coast Guard believe it 's worth the potential environmental damage .

  5. 美国海岸警卫队(coastguard)表示,飓风“艾克”已造成至少11个海上石油平台沉没。

    Hurricane Ike had sunk at least 11 offshore platforms , according to the coast guard .

  6. 美国海岸警卫队正在检查SwiftEnergy公司的运营以保护井口,该井口所在的海湾位于路易斯安那州萨尔弗港西南部九公里的位置。

    The US coast guard is overseeing Swift Energy 's operation to secure its well head , located in a bay about nine miles southwest of Port Sulphur , Louisiana .

  7. 美国海岸警卫队(CoastGuard)周三表示,仍在搜救墨西哥湾一处石油井架发生爆炸和火灾之后失踪的11人。这起事故已造成三人重伤。

    Blast Jolts Oil World The Coast Guard said Wednesday that it was still searching for 11 people missing after an explosion and fire at a oil-drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico that left three critically injured .

  8. 这其中既包括只有一个座位的螺旋桨飞机,也有2009年在加利福尼亚海岸附近坠毁的美国海岸警卫队(U.S.CoastGuard)C-130运输机。

    The aircraft range from tiny one-seat propeller planes to jetliners and a U.S. Coast Guard Lockheed C-130 Hercules -- a four-engine turboprop transport -- that crashed off the California coast in 2009 .

  9. 美国海岸警卫队关闭了Natchez镇附近的河段。

    The US Coast Guard closed the stretch of the river near the town of Natchez .

  10. 一艘美国海岸警卫队破冰船上周从阿拉斯加海港启航,与一艘加拿大破冰船会合,对加拿大育空地区(Yukon)与阿拉斯加边境以北的波弗特(Beaufort)海床进行地震勘测。

    A United States coastguard icebreaker left port in Alaska last week to join a Canadian icebreaker to conduct a seismic survey of the Beaufort seabed north of the Yukon-Alaska border .

  11. 负责此次灾难响应的美国海岸警卫队海军上将泰德艾伦(thadallen)承认,联邦机构反应缓慢,但他表示,此次漏油出乎意料的分散性,妨碍了相关努力。

    Thad Allen , the Coast Guard Admiral in charge of the disaster response , admitted that federal agencies had been slow to react but said that the effort had been hampered by the unexpectedly dispersed nature of the spill .

  12. 将会被强行征入美国海岸警卫队。

    Will be forcibly conscripted into the United States Coast guard .

  13. 美国海岸警卫队正用飞机将相关人员送往太子港接受治疗。

    The U.S. Coast Guard now flying people to Port-au-Prince for treatment .

  14. 青年旅舍乐活投宿自助店美国海岸警卫队简介

    The brigade abandons youth Introduction of U.S Coast Guards

  15. 美国海岸警卫队周一早上收到报告,称比斯坎湾有一只翻倒的木筏。

    US Coast Guard received reports of an overturned raft in Biscayne Bay Monday morning .

  16. 美国海岸警卫队综合深水系统现状及启示

    The situation and revelation of the Integrated Deepwater System ( IDS ) of U.S.A. coast guard

  17. 美国海岸警卫队计划一银行外的飞机和航班天桥准备搜索和救援直升机。

    The Coast Guard planned an airplane flyover of the Outer Banks and prepared for search-and-rescue helicopter flights .

  18. 美国海岸警卫队希望英国石油公司以及钻井平台所有者越洋钻探公司,对井口遗址进行深入的检查工作。

    The Coast Guard wants BP and rig owner Transocean to do further inspections at the wellhead site .

  19. 面向美国海岸警卫队学院的毕业军官们,谈论他们服务国家的新角色。

    to the graduating cadets of the United States Coast Guard Academy about their new roles serving our country .

  20. 美国海岸警卫队解除了得克萨斯州重要商业运输航道的交通限制,此前该航道因石油泄漏而关闭。

    US Coast Guard has lifted traffic restrictions on key Texas commercial shipping waterways shut down by an oil spill .

  21. 比利·霍奇:[用肘子打碎教官的牙]美国海岸警卫队来营救你。

    Billy Hodge : [ after hitting his teacher in the face ] United States Coast Guard I 'm here to help you .

  22. 美国海岸警卫队和国家交通安全管理局已经对这艘游轮机房起火的原因展开调查。

    The U.S. Coast Guard and National Transportation Safety Board have launched an investigation into the cause of the fire in the engine room .

  23. 美国海岸警卫队出现在1790年,但当时不是叫这个名字。它被称为收入海洋服务。

    The US coast guard came along in 1790 , but not as the coast guard . It was called the revenue marine service .

  24. 根据美国海岸警卫队透露,船从阿拉巴马驶往墨西哥,船上一名船员称听到一声巨大的响声。

    According to the coast guard , the ship was heading from Alabama to Mexico when a crew member reported hearing a loud splash .

  25. 但西里号没有这种国际船运的执照,而美国海岸警卫队本应批准其航行申请。

    But the MV Sili does not have a certificate to operate international voyages and the US Coast Guard would have to approve the special sailing .

  26. 美国海岸警卫队的官员称,测试结果显示该石油来自英国石油公司,但是那是陷入墨西哥湾底部的死油,并不是从密封的井中渗出的新鲜石油。

    Coast Guard officials say tests show the oil is BP 's , but it 's considered dead oil that 's been trapped on the Gulf floor , not fresh oil that is seeping from the plugged well .

  27. 美属萨摩亚港口管理部表示上周他们正在等待美国海岸警卫队为本地的一艘船只的许可,以便前往普卡普卡岛。

    The Department of port administration in American Samoa said last week it was awaiting approval from the US Coast Guard for a local vessel , the MV sili , to sail to Pukapuka in the cook islands .

  28. 周末,两艘油驳船在维克茨堡附近撞上铁道桥,致使石油泄露进密西西比河,目前美国海岸警卫队及美国陆军工程兵依然在评估到底有多少石油泄露。

    The Coast Guard and US Army Corps of Engineers are still trying to assess how much oil has leaked into the Mississippi River after two oil barges crashed into a railroad bridge near Vicksburg over the weekend .

  29. 美国海岸警卫队,美国联邦紧急救援署以及很多地方政府机构目前正在受灾最严重地区展开搜救工作,并且给灾民提供冰、饮水和食品。

    The U.S. Coast Guard , the Federal Emergency Management Agency and many local government entities are engaged in search and rescue operations in the worst effected areas and are providing ice , drinking water and food to people in need .

  30. 欧洲宇航防务集团中,这方面最为成功的是欧洲直升机公司,该分部在2004年赢得过金额高达20亿美元的合同,为美国陆军和海岸警卫队制造直升机。

    Its Eurocopter Division has been the best performer of the EADS family , winning a $ 2 billion contract in 2004 to build helicopters for the US Army and the coast guard .