
měi xī zhàn zhēng
  • Spanish American War;American-Spanish War
美西战争[měi xī zhàn zhēng]
  1. 在美西战争中,迷彩色展现出自己的优势,蓝色让位给卡其色,最终演变为德怀特·艾森豪威尔(DwightEisenhower)著名短夹克的橄榄绿棕色。

    When the tactics of the Spanish-American War showed the wisdom of some semblance of camouflage , blue gave way to khaki and eventually to the olive-brown tones of Dwight Eisenhower 's famous short jacket .

  2. 那是19世纪90年代后期,美西战争刚刚结束。

    It was right after the Spanish-American war in the late 1890s .

  3. 改革开放以来我国的美西战争研究综述

    Review on the study of Spanish-American war in China since reform and opening-up

  4. 新闻男爵黄色新闻,帮助他们完善开始美西战争。

    The press baron who perfected yellow journalism and helped start the Spanish-American War .

  5. 建立起卫戍部队以便保护在美西战争中占领的殖民地和兼并的西班牙领地。

    Garrisons established to protect colonies acquired in the Spanish American War and kindred annexations .

  6. 美西战争前夕,美国在国外投资,总共只有六亿八千四佰五十万美元。

    American investments abroad totaled only $ 684,500,000 on the eve of the Spanish-American War .

  7. 一个关于送信的故事:美西战争爆发后,美国总统麦金莱必须与起义军首领加西亚将军取得联系。

    A story about sending letter : After Spanish-American War broke out , McKinley , president of U.S.A.

  8. 是1812年美英战争、美西战争、南北战争还是第一次世界大战?

    Was it the War of 1812 , Spanish-American War , Civil War or World War I ?

  9. 这可回溯到包括在回到以往的运动所引用的英勇行动,在美西战争。

    It was retroactive to include those cited for gallantry in action in previous campaigns back to the Spanish-American War .

  10. 许多专家表示赫斯特先生的报道方法以及他与普利策先生之间的读者争夺战导致了美西战争。

    Many experts say Mister Hearst 's reporting methods and his battle with Mister Pulitzer for readers led to the Spanish-American War .

  11. 美西战争爆发时,美国总统必须立即与古巴的起义军首领加西亚取得联系。

    When war broke out between Spain and the United States it was very necessary to communicate quickly with the leader of the insurgents .

  12. 美西战争爆发以后,美国必须马上与反抗军首领加西亚将军取得联系。

    When war broke out between Spain and the United States , it was very necessary to communicate quickly with the leader of the Insurgents .

  13. 早在19世纪末期,美国新闻界就充分利用报刊的宣传作用,导致了美西战争的爆发。

    As early as in the late of 19th century , the American journalistic circles fully used the function of publication and propaganda , of which has facilitated the eruption of war between US and Spain .

  14. 故事中的英雄,就是安德鲁·罗文,一个送信人,美国陆军的一位年轻的中尉。当时美西战争爆发。

    The hero of the story , the man who carried the message , was Colonel Andrew Summers Rowan , who , when the Spanish-American War broke out , was a young lieutenant in the United States Army .

  15. 但是在1795年西班牙将这个地区割让给法国时,他的遗骸又被运往古巴,直到1898年美西战争爆发,他才最终被送回西班牙的塞维利亚。

    But when the Spanish lost the region to the French in 1795 , his remains were transferred to Cuba , where they stayed until the Spanish-American war . They were eventually returned to Seville , Spain , in 1898 .