
  • Fine Arts;Design-Art;Fine Art Painting & Drawing
  1. 高师美术学专业外出写生教学的组织与管理

    The Organization and Management of Fine arts Study Specialty Egress Sketch Teaching in Normal University

  2. 寿字及寿字图形作为中国文化史中的独特现象,在美术学和中国传统美学中有着独特的意义和价值。

    In history of Chinese culture , " shou ", and " shou " figure as unique phenomenon , in fine arts study and China traditional aesthetics have unique meaning and value .

  3. 地方高校美术学专业技能课程教学方法探析

    Analysis on the Teaching Professional Skills of Fine-Art in Local Universities

  4. 论现代水彩艺术的美术学价值

    On the Value of Modern Watercolor in Art Studies

  5. 因此艺用人体解剖学是每一个学习美术学专业必不可少的一门知识。

    Therefore the skill is each studies a fine arts study specialized essential knowledge with the anatomy .

  6. 总之,本文通过一系列的考察与分析就是想明确黄庭坚题画诗是美术学研究中的重要课题,对黄庭坚题画诗的深入研究必定会让我们对北宋的文人画思潮有更为深刻的认识。

    And with this deep research , we will fully understand Literary Painting thoughts in North Song Dynasty .

  7. 绘画色彩课是高师美术学(教师教育方向)本科专业技法教学中的重要组成部分。

    The color course is an important part of the professional skill teaching courses of the fine arts .

  8. 目前取得的学术成果,侧重点大多集中于考古学、美术学等方面。

    At present the academic achievements , focus mostly concentrated in archaeology , art school , and so on .

  9. 另外,民俗学、美术学、考古学、历史学的理论与方法也是研究枕顶造型艺术的主要参照,应用跨学科的综合性研究。

    In addition , the theories and methods of folklore , fine art , archaeology , history are main reference .

  10. 识形辨色是形象思维的基石谈师范美术学改革聚焦造型观形象思维基础教学的思考

    Distinguishing Shapes and Colours is a Basic Skill of Imaginative Thinking & on Reform of Artistic Painting Teaching in Normal Colleges

  11. 而解决这一问题的根本途径就是进行高师美术学(教师教育)专业课程改革。

    And the fundamental way to solve this problem is to have fine arts studies ( teacher education ) curriculum reform .

  12. 高等师范院校美术学专业的学生通过平面设计课程的专业训练,其直觉、感性、经验等将得到锻炼。

    Higher Art science majors through professional training courses in graphic design , intuition , sensibility and experience to get exercise .

  13. 在具体的研究中,将研究的视角选择在美术学和风俗学的角度上。

    In specific research in the chosen point will study learns , design , and the customs and learn to learn angles .

  14. 本文以美术学中的水彩技法为主要研究形式对工业设计中的产品表现进行归纳和大胆的探索。

    Based on the art of watercolor techniques as the main form of industrial research in product design performance summarized and bold explorations .

  15. 对于哲学和美术学的相关理论问题的引入也采取了同样的方式,从室内建筑学的角度重新认识和解释。

    Philosophy , art and some related theoretically issue has taken the same way . Interior architecture provides new perspective and interpretation for us .

  16. 作为现代主义文艺理论的代表,俄国形式主义的话语对今天中国的美术学研究有着重要的现实意义。

    As the representative of the current modern literature and art theory , Russian formalism discourse has an important real significance for current Chinese art theory research .

  17. 由于传统研究方法的原因,美术学理论研究一般囿于作者中心论的方法,作品本身的形式语言价值被忽略了。

    Because of the traditional research method , art theory research is generally founded in the writer-centred method , neglecting the formal language value of the work .

  18. 总结了从风水到环境艺术的必然规律,并提出环境艺术的作用机制、美术学特征与发展目标。

    It summarizes the inexorable law geomancy Fengshui changing into environment art and brings forward the mechanism of action , aesthetic characteristics and development goals of environment design .

  19. 对这些博物馆(院)收藏的明清人物画做一个比较全面的考察,为中西比较美术学的研究工作提供了实物证据。

    Study on the portraits in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in these museums will provide the physical evidence to the research of comparison of Chinese and Western art .

  20. 在此基础上,结合民族学、历史学、民俗学、工艺美术学等相关理论,对门饰艺术进行系统的分析、提炼和归纳。

    Based on this , combined with the ethnology , history , folklore , arts and crafts and other learning theories , decorative arts portal for system analysis , extraction and induction .

  21. 在当代开放的信息化文化语境中,色彩教学作为美术学的基础学科,承担着培养学生的创造性思维与实践的自觉;

    At the present age , in opening cultural context , coloring teaching is a basic course of art , it undertakes the tasks of training students ' creative thought and practical consciousness ;

  22. 这名毕业于韩国首尔弘益大学美术学专业的28岁的设计师表示,这种设计让人们感受到和父母、朋友或者爱人抱在一起的温暖。

    It enables people to recreate the feeling they get from having a cuddle with parent , friend or lover , according to the 28-year-old fine arts graduate from Hongik University in Seoul .

  23. 因学科设置的统一性,普通高校艺术类学科一致分为“音乐学”、“美术学”、“舞蹈学”等,少有“艺术学”理论专业方向。

    Because of the unity of curriculum setting , the arts specialties in regular colleges are divided into Musicology , Fine Arts , Dancology and so on , lacking the specialty of Art Theory .

  24. 继而从美术学专业角度,分别就造型、图式构成、色彩三个基本要素论述其装饰美特征,以及灯彩与其他艺术门类相融入的表现方式。

    After that , from a professional view of Fine Arts , in respect of shape , figure composition and color which are three basic elements to discourse the characteristics of its decorative beauty .

  25. 中西比较美术学的一个基本话语就是在研究、阐发、解读不同文化圈的美术时,要求有一个平等的对话机制和平台。

    One of the basic view of the Comparative Fine Arts between China and West is to research , explain and decode different cultures and to demand a mechanism and a platform of dialogue .

  26. 从现有的文献资料和相关著作来看,专家学者大多是从美术学、民俗学、社会学等方面对烟画进行归类、分析和整理。

    From existing literature and related works of view , most experts and scholars deal with it in classifying 、 analyzing and arranging cigarette painting by the arts 、 folklore 、 sociology and other aspects .

  27. 要树立为地方经济文化发展服务的意识,这样,课程体系的建构才有针对性,学校的发展才有保证,地方高师美术学专业的前景才能充满生机。

    So , construction of course system will have a clear aim , the development of school will have the guarantee , the future of fine art of local higher teachers colleges will be full of vitality .

  28. 中国画教育作为高等师范院校美术学的一个专业方向,不仅具有深厚的中国传统文化内涵,更在美术教育中具有极其重要的地位。

    Chinese painting education as a professional direction of fine arts in the higher normal colleges , not only has the profound Chinese traditional culture connotation , but also plays a very important role in art education .

  29. 本文从生态艺术观的理论和方法出发,将生态式教育的概念引入普通高等学校美术学(教师教育)专业的美术教学理论课程-《中小学美术教学论》。

    This paper bring the concept of " ecological education " into primary and secondary school art teaching theory ( the fine arts teaching theory course of high school arts department ) with the theory and method of eco-art .

  30. 在剪纸与其他艺术形式的结合与应用方面,多数学者从设计学的角度来研究,而与美术学中的创作相结合的研究还相对寂寞。

    In the aspect of the combination and application of paper cutting and other art forms , most scholars from the design point of view to study and learn the creative and art of combining study also relatively lonely .