
  • 网络American Samoa
  1. 关岛和美属萨摩亚是美国的准州。

    Guam and American Samoa are US territories .

  2. 在加入世卫组织之前,李博士在美属萨摩亚LBJ热带医学中心工作了两年。

    Prior to joining WHO , Dr Lee worked for two years at the LBJ Tropical Medical Centre in American Samoa .

  3. 据报导,美属萨摩亚遭四次海啸侵袭。

    American Samoa was reportedly hit by four separate waves .

  4. 这片海域属于美国领土,位于夏威夷和美属萨摩亚群岛之间。

    The waters are in US territory between Hawaii and American Samoa .

  5. 尽管如此,美属萨摩亚的平均每场失球数还不是最高的。

    Despite this , American Samoa has not endured the worst average losses .

  6. 美属萨摩亚大学,我的老天

    University of American Samoa , for Christ sake ?

  7. 是美属萨摩亚大学

    The university of American Samoa . Oh .

  8. 美属萨摩亚的一个港口。

    A port in American Samoa .

  9. 在美属萨摩亚,生活正在恢复正常,大部分学校恢复上课,商店重新开张。

    In American Samoa , life is returning to normal and most schools and businesses have reopened .

  10. 官员们指出,虽然美属萨摩亚人的伤口开始痊愈,他们将会很快开始长期的恢复进程。

    Officials say they will soon begin the process of long-term recovery , as American Samoans begin to heal their wounds .

  11. 印度-太平洋:东非到美属萨摩亚,北至琉球群岛,南至大堡礁与新加勒多尼亚。

    Indo-Pacific : East Africa to Samoa , north to the Ryukyu Islands , south to the Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia .

  12. 东印度洋与西太平洋:印度到美属萨摩亚,北至日本南部,南至澳洲新南威尔斯。

    Eastern Indian Ocean and Western Pacific : India to Samoa , north to southern Japan , south to New South Wales , Australia .

  13. 印度-西太平洋:斯里兰卡,然后包括可可群岛-基灵群岛与圣诞岛,到泰国日本,凤凰岛与马绍尔群岛与美属萨摩亚群岛,也斐济。

    Indo-West Pacific : Sri Lanka , including Cocos-Keeling Islands and Christmas Island , to Thailand then Japan , the Phoenix and Marshall Islands and American Samoa , also Fiji .

  14. 美国公务员法特别规定,只有美国公民和国民(美属萨摩亚和斯温斯岛的居民)才能参与竞争上岗的政府公职的竞选并担任这样的职务。

    American civil service rules specifically state that only United States citizens and nationals ( residents of American Samoa and Swains Island ) may compete for , and be appointed to , competitive service jobs .

  15. 萨摩亚航空是一个太平洋地区的国内航空,上周开始了萨摩亚和美属萨摩亚之间的航线。乘客们先自己报体重,然后在机场进行测量。

    Samoa Air , the Pacific national airline which flies domestically and last week began connecting Samoa to American Samoa , allows passengers to nominate their weight and then measures them on scales at the airport .

  16. 美属萨摩亚港口管理部表示上周他们正在等待美国海岸警卫队为本地的一艘船只的许可,以便前往普卡普卡岛。

    The Department of port administration in American Samoa said last week it was awaiting approval from the US Coast Guard for a local vessel , the MV sili , to sail to Pukapuka in the cook islands .

  17. 还有,当然,美国的确有使用日光节约时间,除非你住在波多黎各、维京群岛、美属萨摩亚、关岛、北马里亚纳群岛,或是先前提过的,夏威夷和亚利桑那州。

    And , of course , the United States does have Daylight Saving Time , unless you live in Puerto Rico , the Virgin Islands , American Samoa , Guam , the Northern Marianas Islands or as mentioned before , Hawaii and Arizona .

  18. 不出所料,南美洲的热带地区、加勒比地区、非洲、东南亚和苏里南、密克罗尼亚、帕劳、加蓬、圭亚那、美属萨摩亚和所罗门群岛等南太平洋国家位列前十。

    Unsurprisingly , the tropical lands of South America , the Caribbean , Africa , south-east Asia and the South Pacific dominate , with Suriname , Micronesia , Palau , Gabon , Guyana , American Samoa and the Solomon Islands all in the top 10 .