
měi ɡuó kōnɡ jūn
  • US Air Force;United States Air Force
  1. 今年早些时候,SpaceX把美国空军告上了法庭,原因是后者将一系列军事卫星发射任务交给了波音(Boeing)和洛克希德-马丁(LockheedMartin)设立的合资公司UnitedLaunchAlliance(ULA)。

    Earlier this year SpaceX sued the United States Air Force over an $ 11 billion contract awarded to Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture United Launch Alliance ( ULA ) for a block of military satellite launches .

  2. 您最终为美国空军提供了几架成品?

    How many FunctionaI pianes did you deiiver to the United States Air force ?

  3. 他被带到美国空军基地汇报执行使命情况。

    He was taken to a US airbase to be debriefed on the mission .

  4. 突击队员继续执行着他们的任务——搜寻并摧毁美国空军、海军力量。

    The raiders continued on their mission — to seek out and destroy American air and sea forces .

  5. 在之前担任美国空军(USAirForce)军官时,我曾在许多不同的国家工作过,体验过不同的文化。

    In my previous career as a military officer in the US Air Force , I worked in many different countries and experienced different cultures .

  6. 杰里米因慢性头疼已从美国空军(USAirForce)病退,拉卡莎则刚刚辞职,把更多时间投身于教会工作。

    Jeremy had been medically retired from the US Air Force for chronic headaches and LaKasha had just left her job to become more involved with her church .

  7. 这种领导力模式与已退休的杰克•查恩将军的想法不谋而合。他曾在多家公司董事会任职,并曾担任美国空军战略司令部(StrategicAirCommand)领导人。

    This leadership model resonates with retired General Jack Chain , who sat on a number of corporate boards and , at one time , headed the Strategic Air Command .

  8. 美国空军最近已开始实施双距离空空导弹(DRM)计划。

    The USAF has begun to carry out the dual-range missile ( DRM ) project .

  9. 在1951年3月23日的傍晚,正前往英国的一架美国空军道格拉斯C-124环球霸王II在海上迫降。

    On the late afternoon of March 23 , 1951 , a US Air Force Douglas C-124 Globemaster II on its way to England ditched into the ocean .

  10. 美国空军将军DouglasFraser告诉迈阿密记者,救援出现短缺。

    U.S. Air Force General Douglas Fraser told reporters in Miami that the aid effort is .

  11. 美国空军的项目Sign,1948年开始研究,结论是UFO是真实的,但是不是什么离奇的现象。

    The Air Force 's project , Sign , which began its work in 1948 , concluded that UFOs were real , but not extraordinary .

  12. 美国空军标准语言JOVIAL的分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of USAF Standard Programming Language JOVIAL

  13. 美国空军部长米切尔温(michaelwynne)表示,台湾官方的行动“非常负责任”。

    Michael Wynne , Secretary of the air force , said Taiwanese authorities acted " very responsibly " .

  14. 北约发言人,美国空军上尉JustinBlockhoff表示,联盟军队与迅速赶赴现场的阿富汗领导的力量并肩战斗。

    NATO spokesman U.S. Air Force Captain Justin Blockhoff says troops fought together with an Afghan-led force that rushed to the scene .

  15. Maher说,他们通过美国空军RQ-4GlobalHawk(全球之鹰)远程驾驶飞机在受损的核电站上空了解情况。

    Maher says that was based on flights over the crippled nuclear plant by a U.S. Air Force ( RQ-4 ) Global Hawk remotely piloted plane .

  16. 任何一个在综合测试大队飞F-22的人曾经都是一名美国空军的战斗机飞机员。

    Everyone who flies the F-22 at the Combined Test Force has been an operational USAF fighter pilot .

  17. RonSconyers是一位退役美国空军准将,同时他也是和平医师组织的主执行官。

    Ron Sconyers , a retired Air Force brigadier general , is the chief executive officer of Physicians for Peace .

  18. 但美国空军方面却坚持认为:自蓝皮书计划终止后,没有任何事件可以支持重启UFO调查行动。

    The US Air Force , however , insisted : Since the termination of Project Blue Book , nothing has occurred that would support a resumption of UFO investigations .

  19. “这个构想不应与任何特定情景捆绑在一起,”美国空军参谋长诺顿施瓦兹上将(generalnortonschwartz)上周在被问及中国是否为主要目标时表示。

    " This notion should not be hijacked by any particular scenario , " general Norton Schwartz , the air force chief of staff , said last week when asked if China was the main target .

  20. 就算双方正在打官司,SpaceX还是通过了美国空军的认证,从而有资格用自己的猎鹰9号火箭发射军用航天器。

    Even as it was suing the Air Force , SpaceX still managed to receive USAF certification to launch military hardware aboard it Falcon 9 rocket .

  21. 北约(NATO)欧洲盟军最高司令、美国空军上将菲利普•布里德洛夫(PhilipBreedlove)上周四在威尔士举行的一个峰会上表示,北约将正面迎战在乌克兰境内参战的俄军部队。

    General Philip Breedlove , Nato supreme allied commander in Europe , said the alliance would take head on the engagement of Russian troops in Ukraine at a summit in Wales on Thursday .

  22. 但ISIS在叙利亚的地盘正受到美国空军和叙利亚库尔德民兵组织的压力,他们正准备向南推进,进逼ISIS的大本营拉卡(Raqqa)。

    But Isis territory in Syria is coming under pressure from the US air force and Syrian Kurdish militia , now poised to push south towards Raqqa , the group 's stronghold .

  23. 至少一家承包商和美国空军观点一致都认为暂时在V-22上的机载机枪存在着不足。

    At least one contractor agrees with the Air Force that the interim gun aboard the V-22 is wanting .

  24. 国务院发言人凯西说,美国空军c-130运输机星期四飞了五个架次,为缅甸送去瓶装水,塑胶布,蚊帐,和其他物品。

    Spokesman Casey said U.S.Air Force C-130 cargo planes made five flights Thursday carrying bottled water , plastic sheeting , mosquito netting and other items .

  25. 软件工程是发展现代军事飞行器的一个主要挑战,像是这架C-17运输机。(图片由美国空军提供。)

    Software engineering is a key challenge in developing modern military aircraft like this C-17 transport . ( Image courtesy of US Air Force . )

  26. 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的RQ-4A“全球鹰”是美国空军乃至全世界最先进的无人机。

    The Northrop Grumman RQ-4A Global Hawk is the modernest UAV of the USAF & the world .

  27. 当美国空军前中尉肖恩阿尼特(seanarnette)率领队伍走出位于韩国非军事区南48英里的乌山空军基地(osanairbase)时,他压根儿没有想到过自己会申请攻读商学院。

    When Sean ARNETTE , a former first lieutenant in the US air force , led missions out of Osan air base 48 miles south of the Korean demilitarised zone the last thing on his mind was applying to business school .

  28. 陈虎:价格提升后,美国空军很难按预计买那么多架F-35,它可能很快就开始评估替代品。

    Chen : After the increase , it will be difficult to buy the aircraft in the quantities expected , so the US Air Force is likely to start evaluating alternative projects soon .

  29. 网火成功取代了在此之前的防卫研究计划中美国空军低成本自主攻击(LOCAAS)计划。

    S.Air Force 's Low-Cost Autonomous Attack ( LOCAAS ) programs , and will be interoperable with the current as well as future forces .

  30. 美国空军太空司令部主管tacsat-3的中校ryanpendleton说,卫星变得更有本事了,可就在这会,也越来越易受攻击。

    Even as satellites become more capable , however , they are also increasingly vulnerable to attack , says lieut-colonel Ryan Pendleton , who is in charge of tacsat-3 at the US Air Force Space Command .