
  • 网络Periplaneta americana;american cockroach
  1. 使用酶消化和机械分离出成年美洲蜚蠊的腹部末端神经节(TAG),然后在无菌条件下分离DUM神经元细胞。

    Isolation of adult DUM neurons was performed under sterile conditions using enzymatic digestion and mechanical dissociation of the median parts of the TAG from the nerve cord of the cockroach Periplaneta Americana .

  2. WAI-1对美洲蜚蠊消化道α-淀粉酶的抑制活性大于黄粉虫消化道α-淀粉酶的抑制活性。

    The inhibitory activity of WAI-1 to Periplaneta americana digestive duct a - amylase was higher than that to yellow mealworm digestive duct a-amylase .

  3. 主要探测了四种盐、三种糖、十八种游离氨基酸和牛血清白蛋白等刺激物质作用下美洲蜚蠊下颚须味觉毛的响应及其特点;

    The response of the sensillar field on the maxillary palp of the cockroach was studied for different stimulants such as four salts , three sugars , eighteen amino acids and bovine serum albumin .