
yì huā shòu fěn
  • cross-pollination;allogamy
异花授粉[yì huā shòu fěn]
  1. 结果表明,授粉引起花柱内500、POD和cAT活性上升,提高了酶保护系统的保护能力;而异花授粉引起的三种酶的活性上升超过了自花授粉。

    The contents of SOD , POD and CAT enzymes , which strengthen the abilities of the enzyme protection system , rise up after pollination in styles . The contents of three enzymes in cross-pollination rise higher than that in self-pollination .

  2. 这种“异花授粉”的方式将减少定义工具或整个基础结构而造成的混乱。

    This " cross-pollination " will reduce confusion over defining the requirements of any tool or the entire infrastructure .

  3. 某些物种只能异花授粉。

    Certain varieties cannot be fertilised with their own pollen .

  4. 多年以来,Java语言和Python阵营之间一直存在大量的异花授粉现象。

    There has been a good deal of cross pollination between the Java language and Python camps over the years .

  5. 结果表明,甘蓝自花授粉和异花授粉后3min时,蛋白质磷酸化活性有显著差别。

    The results showed that the activity of protein kinase was significantly different after 3 min between self-pollination and cross - pollination .

  6. “Round-upReady(抗杀草剂)”转基因甜菜的反对者表示,这种基因改造的作物会异花授粉,危害其他作物。

    The Roundup Ready opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops .

  7. 而异花授粉可以继续生长,在授粉72h后能进入子房,完成受精。

    While the cross pollination could continue to grow , can enter the ovary 72 h after pollination . 5 .

  8. 自交后代较高的雄性不育率反映了异花授粉植物雄性不育的普遍性。

    High male-sterility rate showed that male-sterility was common in cross-pollinated plants .

  9. 异花授粉作物大白菜和荞麦基因库种子繁殖技术研究

    Studies on the Regeneration of Brassica pekinensis and Fagopyrum esculentum Seed in Genebank

  10. 一些异花授粉品种具有单性结实的能力;

    Some cultivars which were cross pollination had the ability to parthenocarpy at present .

  11. 不存在异花授粉的危险,因为茄子是自花授粉的作物。

    There was no danger of cross-pollination because the eggplant is a self-pollinated crop .

  12. 异花授粉后4&6小时,大量花粉粒在柱头上萌发。

    The pollen grains germinated on the stigma in 4 - 6 hours after cross-pollination .

  13. 蒙古扁桃趋向于虫媒的异花授粉,但缺乏忠实的传粉者。

    P. mongolica tended to be cross-pollinated by insects , but lacked of faithful pollinators .

  14. 苹果是异花授粉树种,授粉是影响其果实品质的重要因素。

    Apple trees are cross-pollinated plants , and pollination is an important factor which affects the fruit quality .

  15. 然而,一些农民担心异花授粉会产生低劣的杂交植株,并导致经济损失。

    Some farmers fear , however , that cross-pollination could create lower-quality hybrid plants and lead to economic losses .

  16. 人工异花授粉结实率高,但不同组合间差异较大,在50.0%~100.0%之间。

    Fruit-setting rates by artifical pollination had a significant difference between 50.0 % ~ 100.0 % because of different combinations .

  17. 不过这些近亲植物之间发生的异花授粉“事故”却意外催生出了一种无法繁殖的混血植物&香蕉。

    Nonetheless , these closely related plants occasionally cross-pollinate and spawn seedlings which grow into sterile , half-breed banana plants .

  18. 茶树是雌雄同株,异花授粉植物。茶树无性繁殖系品种多数是花而不实。

    Camellia sinensis is a monoecious and allogamous plant , and its clone varieties are mostly flowering rather than fruiting .

  19. 第二个因素是,农民为了增加茎的糖分,而把龙舌兰的花砍掉,这就导致了龙舌兰之间无法异花授粉。

    Second , cross-pollination is usually impossible because farmers cut off the agave flowers to boost sugar content in the stem .

  20. 异花授粉为头花蓼的主要授粉方式,其中自然授粉的结实率最高。

    Cross-pollination is the main pattern , but the highest ripening rate was spontaneous pollination of Polygonum capitatum Buch . - Ham .

  21. 轮叶沙参的有性繁殖主要依靠异花授粉,其自花授粉的结实率为1.2%。

    The sexual propagation of Adenophora tetraphylla is dominantly xenogamous . The seed setting ratio of its autogamy is about 1.2 % .

  22. 人工异花授粉试验中4个品种9个授粉组合坐果率绝大多数都在40%以上,其中混合花粉授粉试验结果最好;

    Most of the set percentage in 9 compounds were above 40 % follow hand-cross pollination , the best results were mix pollens experiments ;

  23. 它们均为异花授粉品种,异花授粉座果率高于自花授粉的座果率,混合花粉授粉座果率高于自然授粉座果率,但座果率均低,不能满足生产需要。

    They are cross - pollination cultivars , the set fruit percentage by cross-pollination and mixed pollens pollination are higher than by self-pollination and open pollination .

  24. 而异花授粉的花粉管虽然在花柱内也有停止生长现象,但大量的花粉管能长到花柱基部,表现为杂交亲和性。

    Although some cross pollinated pollen tube growth arrested in the styles , lots of pollen tubes still grew to the style bottom , which behaved cross compatibility .

  25. 结果表明:1.自花授粉挂果率和果荚生长量均优于异花授粉。

    The results show : 1.the bean bearing rate and growth rate by means of self-pollina - tion in the flower are superior to that by means of cross pollination .

  26. 自花及品种内异花授粉不结实,天然授粉结实率为0·053‰~0·130‰。

    No seeds were produced by self - and cross-pollination in the same cultivar group , but natural pollination seeds were produced with the rate of 0.053 ‰ - 0.130 ‰ .

  27. 丹参的自然杂交结实率为75.4%,自交结实率为46.16%,表明丹参为常异花授粉植物。

    The fruiting rate was 46.6 % and 75.4 % under the self-pollination and the natural cross-pollination respectively , which indicated that Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge was a kind of cross-pollinating and self-pollinating plant .

  28. 说明黄花忍冬和金银忍冬的最佳繁殖方式的异花授粉,即二者的结实率与传粉者访花率高低、传粉者种类的多少有一定的联系。

    For two Lonicera , shows the best way of pollination is the cross pollination , seed set that is both pollinated flowers with high and low rate , the number of pollinator species have some connection .

  29. 通过对18个板栗新品系之间授粉试验,表明板栗新品系自花授粉率低,雌花隔离授粉坚果不能形成种仁,异花授粉率高。

    Though pollination experiment on 18 new strains of Chinese chestnut , it is found that self pollination rate was low , the fruits could not form kernel by female parthenogenesis , open pollination rate was high .

  30. 异常的胚珠结构不能提供受精及胚胎发育的场所,最终导致115号株系自然授粉和自花授粉基本不结果,异花授粉坐果率仍很低。

    The fertilization and embryo development could not be satisfied in abnormal ovules , which resulted in that the fruit setting was very low in cross-pollination , and fruit could not be produced in open pollination and self-pollination .