
jī yīn dìnɡ wèi
  • gene mapping;gene location;gene localization
  1. 通过Southern杂交的基因定位实验,证实了营养期杀虫蛋白基因并非位于染色体和环型质粒上;

    Using Southern blot of gene localization , vegetative insecticidal protein gene was determined neither on chromosome nor circle plasmids .

  2. 基于BSA分析法的分子标记基因定位技术在农作物中的应用

    The Application of the Molecular Gene Localization Technique Based on BSA in Crop

  3. F2群体动态性状基因定位的极大似然分析

    Maximum Likelihood Analysis for Mapping Dynamic Trait QTL in F_2 Population

  4. 通过F1和F2代的性状表现研究雄性不育性的遗传和基因定位。

    The genetics and gene location were studied through F_1 and F_ 2 generations .

  5. 用地高辛标记的降钙素DNA探针原位杂交法,验证颌下腺细胞分泌降钙素并进行基因定位。

    Digoxigenin labeled DNA of calcitonin in situ hybridization method verify the submandibular gland cells secrete calcitonin and gene mapping .

  6. 通过对突变株的基本特征以及PCR鉴定后,再进行插入基因定位。

    Mutants were identified by basic characteristic of Salmonella pullorum , special PCR and gene location .

  7. 马卡小麦耐湿性SSR标记及基因定位

    SSR Marker and Location of Gene Controlling Waterlogging Resistance in Ma Wheat

  8. 玉米SSR连锁图谱构建及抗纹枯病基因定位

    Quantitative trait loci mapping of resistance to banded leaf and sheath blight in maize

  9. 目的:对一个常染色体显性遗传扩张型心肌病(familialdilatedcardiomyopathy,FDCM)家系进行基因定位。

    Objective To localize the gene of autosomal dominant familial dilated cardiomyopathy with conduction defect .

  10. 马铃薯晚疫病抗性候选基因定位与QTL位点的比较分析

    Mapping of Potato Candidate Genes Related to Late Blight Resistance and the Comparison with Some Known QTL

  11. SCA致病基因定位及中国汉族人群SCA亚型频率分布

    Mapping the Disease Gene in SCA Families and the Frequency Distribution Analysis of Different Subtypes of SCA in Hans of China

  12. 糙皮侧耳(Pleurotusostreatus)种内原生质体融合与基因定位

    Protoplast fusion and gene location in Pleurotus ostreatus

  13. 该图谱是国内第一张结球白菜分子遗传图谱,将为基因定位、比较基因组学和重要农艺性状的QTL定位等研究打下良好基础。

    The molecular genetic map is fundamental for gene localization , comparative genomics , and QTL mapping of agronomically important traits .

  14. 对DNA分子标记的分类、原理、特点及其在月季亲缘关系分析、基因定位、品种鉴定和遗传图谱的构建等方面的研究进行概述。

    In this paper , we summarized their basic principles , classification , characteristic and applications in phylogenetic analyse , location of gene , identification of cultivars and construction of genetic linkage map for roses .

  15. 缺体分析将不育基因定位在4B染色体上。

    Nullisomic analysis showed that the male sterile genes located in the chromosome 4B of wheat .

  16. 结论CTXM14基因定位在耐药质粒上转座子基因结构中;

    Conclusion CTX-M-14 gene is located on transferable elements transposon of the plasmid .

  17. 抗寒基因定位在4P、6P染色体上;

    The coldness tolerant gene locate on 4P and 6P ;

  18. 杀鞘翅目幼虫Bt菌株YM-03的δ-内毒素基因定位

    Location of crystal protein gene of Coleoptera larva killing BT strain ym-03

  19. 基因组上的SNP位点及其相应单体型的信息已经广泛地应用于疾病易感基因定位和药物基因组学研究。

    SNPs and haplotypes in the human genome have been widely used in the identification of disease-associated genes and the study of pharmacogenomics .

  20. 这些模型包括农艺性状遗传模型、种子品质性状遗传模型、动物性连锁遗传模型、QTL基因定位的遗传模型等。

    The new models include agronomy trait models , seed quality models , animal models with sex linked effects , and models for QTL mapping .

  21. 遗传图谱是数量性状基因定位(QTL)、基因图位克隆、比较基因组学研究以及分子标记辅助育种等的基础。

    Genetic linkage map is a QTL mapping , the genetic map spaces cloning , comparative genomics research and and molecular marker-assisted breeding the foundation .

  22. 它已被广泛用于遗传图谱构建,基因定位和克隆,作物重要农艺性状的QTL分析和遗传多样性评估等研究方面。

    It is commonly used to construct high density genetic maps , map genes and QTLs of important agronomic traits in crops and perform genetic diversity analysis .

  23. 大豆重组自交系群体的构建与调整及其在遗传作图、抗花叶病毒基因定位和农艺及品质性状QTL分析中的应用

    Establishment and Adjustment of RIL Population and Its Application to Map Construction , Mapping Genes Resistant to SMV and QTL Analysis of Agronomic & Quality Traits in Soybeans

  24. 金融危机冲击下的农民工回流问题研究&基于CES经济增长模型的实证分析家蚕心形眼纹(ces)的遗传与基因定位研究

    On the Reflux Problem of Migrant Workers Genetic Analysis and Mapping of the Cordiform Eye-spot ( ces ) Gene in the Silkworm , Bombyx mori

  25. 卡方测验的结果表明,本研究所用的玉米四交F1群体是一个随机群体,适合于遗传作图、基因定位等基因组分析和应用。

    The result of goodness test indicated that the four-way cross population used in this study was a random population and it could be used for genetic mapping and analyzing QTLs .

  26. 系统介绍了RAPD技术在畜禽品种(系)和类群的鉴定、群体的遗传分化、基因定位、遗传图谱的构建和标记辅助选择等方面的应用,并对其应用前景进行了展望

    The paper systematically introduces RAPD and its application to the identification of animal 's breed and population , genetic differentiation , gene location , construction of genetic fingerprint and selection The paper also prospects for its application

  27. 本文综述了RFLP分子标记技术在蔬菜分类学及遗传多样性研究、遗传图谱构建、基因定位、分子标记辅助育种方面的应用情况,并对其应用前景进行了展望。

    This paper reviewed the recent advance of the application of RFLP in various aspects of vegetable researches including genetic map construction , gene location and markers assisted selection .

  28. 初步基因定位表明,SGP(t)基因可能是调控水稻开花的一个新的重要基因。

    Preliminary gene mapping result indicated that the SGP ( t ) gene may be a new important gene in controlling rice floral .

  29. 小麦品种N.Strampelli的抗条锈基因定位与分子作图

    Molecular Mapping and Monosomic Location of Stripe Rust Resistant Gene in N.Strampelli

  30. 水稻空间诱变矮秆新种质CHA-1的遗传分析及基因定位

    Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a New Dwarf Rice CHA-1 Induced by Space Mutation