
  • 网络Gene Flow;genetic drift;gene drift
  1. 转基因抗除草剂油菜对十字花科杂草的基因漂移

    The studies on gene flow from GM herbicide-tolerant rapeseed to cruciferous weeds

  2. 富阳地区稻田杂草及抗除草剂水稻99-1bar基因漂移评价研究

    Weed Survey in Fuyang Paddy Fields and Bar Gene Flow of Herbicide Resistant Rice 99-1

  3. 转基因甘蓝型油菜向其近缘种的基因漂移研究进展

    Research Progress in Gene Excursion from Transgenic Rapeseed ( Brassica napus ) to Its Relatives

  4. 抗除草剂转基因水稻的基因漂移

    Gene flow of transgenic herbicide-resistant rice

  5. 同时,本研究结果对于其他的自花授粉和风媒传粉作物花粉介导的基因漂移研究而言,也具有重要的参考价值。

    Our study also can provide valuable references for the pollen-mediated gene flow in other self-and wind-pollination crops .

  6. 为抗除草剂转基因作物抗性基因漂移的安全性评价提供了快速检测技术和方法。

    The fast test techniques and methods for assessment on the gene flow of transgenic herbicide-resistant crops were provided .

  7. 栽培水稻到其野生近缘种的基因漂移会影响野生近缘种群体的遗传组成和遗传结构,甚至可能对野生近缘种群体的发展和延续构成威胁。

    Gene flow from cultivated rice to its wild relatives ( crop-to-wild ) may influence the genetic components and structures of the wild populations and even play a part in the extinction of the wild relatives .

  8. 绿色和平就此作出回应,解释了为什么会进入该地区,并表示在调查过程中绿色和平注意到华中农业大学南繁基地存在管理问题,可能导致基因漂移风险。

    Greenpeace again responded , explaining why it had gone to the area , and suggested that ' problems with the management of GMO seeds planted on a trial basis at the university could have led to GMO seeds ' drifting ' to areas outside the university . '

  9. 转基因花生外源基因田间漂移风险初步研究

    Primary risk assessment of transgenes escape of transgenic peanut in field

  10. 采用花粉粒染色法对转Bt基因棉的花粉漂移距离和强度进行了观测,并应用PCR法检测转Bt基因棉的基因流频率。

    By the methods of pollen grain dyeing and PCR analysis , this paper measured the distance and intensity of pollen dispersal , and determined the frequency of gene flow ( FGF ) of transgenic Bt cotton .

  11. 在完全隔离的小群体中伴性基因频率的随机漂移过程

    Random drift of sex-linked gene frequency in completely isolated small populations

  12. 抗性基因可以通过花粉漂移;

    Herbicide resistant genes could drift by pollen movement .

  13. 由于其易于出错的聚合酶和片断化基因,流感病毒基因突变(抗原漂移)、重配(抗原转移)而产生新病毒株的现象非常普遍。

    Owing to error-prone polymerase and segmented genome of influenza virus , there is common phenomenon of mutations ( antigenic drift ) and reassortment ( antigenic shift ) for influenza virus and emergence of new variants or strains .

  14. 转基因植物田间释放带来的主要问题之一,就是抗性基因通过基因流转移到野生植株,从而给农田生态环境造成潜在的危害,所以在释放前对其潜在的基因漂移做出确切的评估是很必要的。

    The main problem to release transgenic plant in the field is the target-gene flow to wild plant and causes potential danger to farmland ecological environment .