
  • 网络The Leviathan;Levitan
  1. 去年与奥列格·涅金(OlegNegin)一起凭借《利维坦》(Leviathan)获得戛纳电影节最佳编剧奖的俄罗斯导演安德烈·萨金塞夫(AndreyZvyagintsev)将担任金爵奖评委会主席。

    Andrey Zvyagintsev , the Russian director who with Oleg Negin won the award for best screenplay in Cannes last year for the 2014 film " Leviathan , " will head the jury for the Golden Goblet Award .

  2. 约旦只是利维坦最近的交易中的一宗。

    Jordan is one of the latest deals for Leviathan .

  3. 法治渠道的畅通与法律利维坦。

    The good law channel and the supreme status of law .

  4. 但是利维坦(注2)的出现有更久远的历史及更宽广的背景。

    But the rise of Leviathan is a much longer and broader story .

  5. 论复合共和制对利维坦式主权概念的解构

    The Deconstruction of Compound Republic on Leviathan Sovereignty

  6. 他构造了一个利维坦,形成了其系统的国家学说。

    He constructed a " Leviathan ", forming a systematical theory of the state .

  7. 利维坦》之于散文,就像弥尔顿的《失乐园》之于史诗。

    Leviathan is to prose what Milton 's Paradise Lost is to epic poetry .

  8. 《利维坦》的国家理念

    The Idea of State in Leviathan

  9. 社会契约论探赜&霍布斯《利维坦》的新面相及其当代意蕴

    Investigation of Social Contract & The new phase and the modern meaning of Leviathan by Hobbes

  10. 行业专家表示,诺布尔需要更多的长期承诺才能维持利维坦的花费。

    Industry experts say that Noble will need more long-term commitments to support the expense of Leviathan .

  11. 学者们对霍布斯政治哲学的研究多集中在其《利维坦》的前半部分。

    The studies on Hobbes ' political philosophy have mainly focused on the first half part of Leviathan .

  12. 如此结合起来的群众称作国家。这个“利维坦”是一个凡间的神。

    A multitude so united is called a commonwealth . This " Leviathan " is a mortal God .

  13. 本文主要分成两个部分:《利维坦》的圣经诠释和政治神学。

    This essay consists of two parts : the interpretation of the bible in Leviathan and its political theology .

  14. 现在我们来讨论《利维坦》中的学说,霍布士的声誉主要就在这本书上。

    We will now consider the doctrines of the Leviathan , upon which the fame of Hobbes mainly rests .

  15. 利维坦的主权形成的内在逻辑&新的政治基础和主权建构

    The Inner Logic of Leviathan 's Formation of Sovereignty & A New Approach to Construction of Political Foundation and Sovereignty

  16. 我还看到,政府已发展到这样的利维坦的比例,改变其方向可能需要几代人。

    I also see that the government has grown to such leviathan proportions that changing its direction could take generations .

  17. 利维坦出现的形式是一个庞大的海蛇有七头,是男用和女用。

    Leviathan appears in the form of a huge sea serpent with seven heads and is both male and female .

  18. 但由于他的务实主义做法,他未能平息选民对于“利维坦”政府会无限扩张的忧虑。

    But in his pragmatism , he has failed to assuage voters worried about the boundless expansion of a leviathan state .

  19. 至于《利维坦》,我要向你们说明,霍布斯的中心问题是,是什么使得权力成为可能?

    In the case of Leviathan , I would suggest to you , Hobbes'central question is ,? what makes authority possible ?

  20. 也许我们可以给他们空投好多份《利维坦》,因为正是这个问题,正是霍布斯关心的基本问题。

    Perhaps we should airlift copies of Leviathan to them , because that is the issue that Hobbes is fundamentally concerned with .

  21. 对利维坦的争论也持续了近五个世纪,有争论并不代表它的价值存在质疑。

    Debate on the Leviathan has continued for nearly five centuries , but a debate does not mean that the value of its existence into question .

  22. 这本书的名字《利维坦》来自于,圣经中的《约伯记》,而在《约伯记》中,利维坦正是被描述为,骄傲的水族的王。

    The very title of the book comes from this wonderful biblical passage from Job where Leviathan is described as king of the children of pride .

  23. 七个月后,诺布尔签署了一项初步协议,从利维坦平台向约旦出售天然气用于发电,合约价值约为120亿美元。

    Seven months later , Noble signed a preliminary agreement to sell gas from Leviathan to Jordan for electric power , worth an estimated $ 12 billion .

  24. 但是,当然他所处时代的冲突并不是自然社会的结果,而更接近于控制利维坦本身的结果。

    But , of course , the conflicts in his time were not the result of natural society , but rather of the control of leviathan itself .

  25. 利维坦的社会控制思想自其诞生近五个世纪以来,无论是对西方世界还是东方文明都产生了较大的影响。

    The leviathan social control thought since its birth nearly five centuries , both for the western world or the eastern civilization has had a major influence .

  26. 利维坦的形成立基于对人类政治、经济和思想自由的多方面控制,但本文只考察政治和经济两个方面。

    The formation of Leviathan results from his control on politics , economy and freedom of thought . The dissertation focuses on the aspects of politics and economy .

  27. 据诺布尔能源“利维坦代表了该公司历史上最大的勘探与16万亿立方英尺的天然气资源总意味着成功。”

    According to Noble Energy ," Leviathan represents the largest exploration success in the company 's history , with gross mean resources of16 tcf of natural gas . "

  28. 霍布斯重视保护生命,把生命视为最高道德价值,这不是使强大的利维坦,变成了一个懦夫的联邦吗?

    Does Hobbes'emphasis on the preservation of life as the supreme moral value , does this turn his mighty Leviathan into ? a kind of commonwealth of cowards ?

  29. 本文的目的就在于厘清利维坦社会控制思想的形成背景、发展完善直至最终成为系统理论的过程。

    The purpose of this article is to clarify the leviathan social control thinking formation of background , and to develop perfectly until eventually becoming a system theory process .

  30. 因此,在本文接下来的两部分,着重分析了霍布斯开启现代性法律的两大基石,即自然状态理论和利维坦学说。

    Thereby , in the followed two parts of this discourse , it emphatically analyzed the two underpinning which be used by Hobbes to establish the modernity of law .