
  • 网络matteo ricci;matteo;Ricci;mathew ricci;M. Ricci
  1. 利玛窦在1552年出生于意大利中部的马契拉塔城。

    Matteo Ricci was born in1552 in Macerata in central Italy .

  2. 利玛窦世界地图在日本

    The Map of the World by Matteo Ricci in Japan

  3. 论译者的译材选择与翻译策略取向&利玛窦翻译活动个案研究

    On the Translator 's Choices : A Case Study of Matteo Ricci

  4. 利玛窦伦理思想研究

    A Research on the Ethical Viewpoints of Matteo Ricci

  5. 造就了利玛窦个人心理冲突与对文化的自我审视;

    This bring up the personal psychological conflict and self examination of culture .

  6. 论晚明西方传教士利玛窦的传播理念和方法

    On Matteo Ricci 's Idea and Way of Communication in Late Ming Dynasty

  7. 利玛窦与非欧氏几何在中国的传播

    Matteo Ricci and the Introduction of Western Non-Euclidean Geometry

  8. 利玛窦在晚明成功地把西方文化传播于中土。

    Matteo Ricci , a Western preacher , successfully spread the Western culture in China .

  9. 明朝末年,利玛窦等西方传教士来到中国。

    Matteo Ricci and other Western missionaries came to China in the late Ming dynasty .

  10. 这项工作和利玛窦绘制世界地图的工作一样重要。

    The work was as important as drawing world maps , done by Matteo Ricci .

  11. 利玛窦利用儒学化的策略,积极在华传播天学。

    Matteo Ricci utilizes the Confucianism tactics , propagates it to study in China actively .

  12. 在中西文化交流史上,利玛窦是最具影响的人物。

    Matteo Ricci is of great importance in the history of Chinese western culture communication .

  13. 略论利玛窦在南昌的传教活动

    The Mission in Nanchang about LI Ma-dou

  14. 肇庆是利玛窦中国传教的第一站。

    Zhaoqing was the first stop for Matteo Ricci to do the missionary work in China .

  15. 利玛窦于1583年到中国后不久,便深深被中国的文明所吸引。

    This aspect of Chinese life greatly impressed Matteo Ricci , when he entered China in1583 .

  16. 史蒂夫史翠克败给了17岁的利玛窦马纳塞罗,吉姆福瑞克败给了瑞安帕尔默。

    Steve Stricker lost to17-year-old Matteo Manassero , while Jim Furyk was beaten by Ryan Palmer .

  17. 传教士利玛窦被驱逐出南京后,在江西南昌开辟传教事业。

    The priest LI Ma-dou had been preached in Nanchang after he was exclude from Nanjing .

  18. 利玛窦在传教的同时,也带来了西方科技的知识,促进中西文化交流。

    While preaching the gospel , Ricci also taught science and technology promoting east-west cultural exchanges .

  19. 意大利耶稣会士利玛窦于1601年抵达北京并成立新的教友团体。

    In1601 , the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci reached Beijing . A new Catholic community took shape .

  20. 文章试图对这幅可能与利玛窦有关的地图加以讨论。

    This paper attempts to give some discussion on the map which may be related to Matteo Ricci .

  21. 我们认为利玛窦可能已将战胜邪恶的美德这一概念引入他的盒子系统中。

    We thought that Matteo Ricci could have introduced in this box the concept of the Good which overcomes the evil .

  22. 利玛窦把中国的祭祖祀孔礼仪解释为世俗性的。

    Matteo Ricci considered that Chinese worship rituals for ancestry and sacrificial rituals for Confucius had secular nature not holy nature .

  23. 利玛窦在华期间刊出的《万国舆图》,综合反映了世界地理大发现的成果。

    The " Great Map of Ten Thousand Countries " which Ricci produced in China showed the geography of the modern world .

  24. 1606年,在利玛窦的不断催迫下,罗马方面派遣了一位深懂天文的意大利籍熊三拔神父来到中国。

    In1606 , in answer to pressing requests sent by Ricci , Sabbatino De Ursis , an Italian well equipped in astronomy arrived .

  25. 1688年南怀仁逝世,康熙赐以国葬,墓地就在利玛窦及汤若望墓隔邻,他对中西文化交流做出的杰出贡献至今仍为人所景仰。

    Upon his death in1688 , Ferdinand Verbiest was given a state funeral by Emperor Kangxi and was buried next to Ricci and Schall .

  26. 利玛窦带着传布福音的使命,远涉重洋来到中国,但他在华的最大成功却不在基督的事业,而在中西文化的交流。

    Matteo · Ricc come to China , he great success cause not in Christ mos , but exchange in Chinese and West - em culture .

  27. 在那里利玛窦不仅学习经典,而且勤研一项精粹隐秘的“记忆之术”。

    There he learned the Classics and the regular disciplines , but also the most refined and secluded skills of " the Art of Memory " .

  28. 然而,利玛窦在文化对话中使用的友好而学术的方法却在百年后退化为一场权力意志和文化的冲突,即“中国礼仪之争”。

    Yet his friendly and scholarly approach in a cultural dialogue degenerated one hundred years later into a clash of wills and cultures known as the Chinese Rites Controversy .

  29. 16、17世纪之交,以儒学为核心的东学西渐第一站是意大利,代表人物是耶稣会士利玛窦。

    At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries , the dissemination of Oriental learning , mainly Confucianism , first occurred in Italy , and the representative was Matteo Ricci .

  30. 从明代西方传教士利玛窦携带圣母像进入中国算起,中国引入油画已有四百余年的历史。

    From the Ming Dynasty , the Western missionary Matteo Ricci entered China to carry the Madonna date , China has been the introduction of four hundred years of history painting .