
shì zhě shēng cún
  • survival of the fittest
适者生存[shì zhě shēng cún]
  1. 他错误地认为“适者生存”是查尔斯·达尔文说的。

    He mistakenly ascribes the expression ' survival of the fittest ' to Charles Darwin .

  2. 随着世界气候的变迁,恐龙绝迹了,但许多较小的动物却继续活了下来。这就是适者生存。

    With the changes in the world 's climate , dinosaurs died , but many smaller animals lived on . It was the survival of the fittest .

  3. 按适者生存而言,和地球说再见的不一定是喜鹊。

    It seems that magpies9 may not be the ones saying goodbye to Earth in the end .

  4. 遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm,简称GA)是一类模拟生物界的进化规律(适者生存,优胜劣汰遗传机制)而形成的一种最适应全局优化概率搜索算法。

    Genetic Algorithms ( GA ), which simulates the evolution laws ( mechanism of being survival of the fittest ) of biological world , is an algorithm with global optimization .

  5. 遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm)仿效生物界中的物竞天择,适者生存的演化法则,是一种通过模仿自然进化过程完成对全局最优解搜索的方法。

    Genetic Algorithm follows the evolution rules of " natural selection , survival of the fittest " in the biological world , which is a method to search the global optimal solution through imitating natural evolution process .

  6. 广东新供销商贸公司(guangdongnewco-op)承认会定期得到政府补贴,但将与楼下菜市场的竞争描述为“适者生存”。

    The Guangdong new co-op store admitted it regularly received government subsidies , but characterised the competition with the wet market downstairs as " a survival of the fittest " .

  7. 商业航空发射业正处于适者生存、优胜劣汰的关键历史关头。就目前而言,是SpaceX正在推动整个行业的发展。

    The commercial space launch industry is in the midst of an adapt-or-die moment . For now , SpaceX is driving it .

  8. 这是大自然的规则:适者生存。

    Such is natural rule , that the fittest can survive .

  9. 我明白了。适者生存嘛。

    Lily : I got it , the survival of the fittest .

  10. 生活是适者生存的一场殊死搏斗。

    Life is a deadly struggle in which only the fittest survive .

  11. 在适者生存的竞争机制中,为达目的可不择手段。

    In the ruthless competition for fitness the ends justify the means .

  12. 演化计算是基于进化论(物竞天择,适者生存)机制的群体随机搜索算法。

    Evolutionary computation is a random group search algorithm based on evolutionary mechanism .

  13. 适者生存,不适者淘汰,至今仍然是自然界的无情的法则。

    Adapt or perish , now as ever , is Nature 's inexorable imperative .

  14. 这就上人们所说的“适者生存”

    This was what was known as " the survival of the fittest . "

  15. 人类对于适者生存理论的定位和影响有哪些?

    What 's the position and influence from human being towards survival of fittest ?

  16. 从广义角度讲,“适者生存”的法则适用于此。

    Broadly speaking , the law of the " survival of the fittest " applies .

  17. 其原因大概是由于进化中的适者生存的压力固化了像我们这样的社会性动物的行为。

    Evolutionary selection pressure has probably entrenched the behavior in social animals such as ourselves .

  18. 厚皮,巨熊形态和适者生存只影响基础护甲值。

    Thick Hide , Dire Bear and Survival of the Fittest only affect base armor .

  19. “适者生存”淘汰了相当一些令人惊叹的生物。

    Survival of the fittest has led to the extinction of some rather astounding creatures .

  20. 进化论的思想依据是适者生存并繁衍适应生存的后代。

    Evolution theory works on the idea that the fittest survive and produce fit offspring .

  21. 适者生存,不适者被淘汰,这是大自然的发展规律,同时也是社会组织的发展规律。

    Survival of the fittest is the law of both natural development and social organizational development .

  22. 看到这个话题,我们会很自然地想到“优胜劣汰,适者生存”的格言。

    This topic generally reminds us of a saying : " survival of the fittest " .

  23. 从进化角度来看,这一概念奉行“适者生存”的哲学。

    The concept , drawing from evolution , espouses the philosophy of survival of the fittest .

  24. 他在华尔街工作,他相信在那里适者生存。

    He now works on wall street , where he believes in survival of the fittest .

  25. 有些人认为,适者生存,强烈的个人和团队的成功运动。

    Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always success in sports .

  26. 从前美国西部的生活往往是遵循适者生存的原则。

    Life in the old West was often a case of the survival of the fittest .

  27. 遗传算法根据自然界适者生存的原则进行搜索和优化。

    This paper proposes a novel approach to reactive power optimization on the basis of genetic algorithms .

  28. 两份文书都对适者生存的弱肉强食社会观念提出挑战。

    Both documents challenge the notion of a dog-eat-dog society , where survival of the fittest reigns .

  29. “适者生存”是物种不断变化的关键。

    The " survival of the fittest " was the key to the constant change in species .

  30. 适者生存。

    The fittest will survive .