
  • 网络adaptation;photosynthetic acclimation;Adaptation phenomenon
  1. 自从适应现象被发现以来,人们就从心理物理学和生理学等方面对其进行了广泛的研究。

    Since the adaptation phenomenon has been found , it has been studied comprehensively in psychophysics and physiology .

  2. 先前的研究表明,LGN的一些神经元具有方位选择性,同时外膝体神经元也具有适应现象。

    Previous studies demonstrated that some LGN neurons exhibited an orientation bias and also showed adaptation phenomena .

  3. 设施桃树CO2施肥过程中的光合适应现象

    Photosynthetic Acclimation of Peach Tree during CO_2 Enrichment

  4. 尽管存在光合适应现象,CO2施肥对桃树的光合作用仍然有着明显的促进作用。

    Yet CO2 enrichment in greenhouse promoted the photosynthetic rate of peach trees obviously .

  5. 研究低温、干旱锻炼和外喷ABA对黄瓜幼苗的生理影响,初步探讨交叉适应现象的机理。

    The physiological effects of cold hardening , drought hardening and abscisic acid ( ABA ) spraying on cucumber seedlings were studied , and the mechanism of plant cross-adaptation in stress was investigated .

  6. 在轻度体力负荷下,YX-3系统持续作用30min,未发生感觉适应现象;

    With YX-3 system being used for 30 min with light physical activity , adaption of respiratory resistant sensation was not observed .

  7. 结论:0.5Hz低频重复经颅磁刺激可改善脑卒中后抑郁患者的抑郁症状,减轻患者的神经功能缺损程度,且患者无特殊不适应现象。

    CONCLUSION : Low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of 0.5 Hz can ameliorate the depressive symptoms of post-stroke depression patients , and relive the degree of their neurologic impairment , and no special maladaptation occurs in the patients .

  8. 纤维囊内层出现的滑膜化生是一种生物适应现象,追溯滑膜与纤维内层之成纤维细胞都起源于间充质细胞,在生物适应过程中发展为滑膜细胞。

    Synovial metaplasia was present in the inner layer of fibrous capsule .

  9. 心肌缺血预适应现象能产生明显的心脏保护作用。

    Myocardial ischemic preconditioning has an obvious protection in heart .

  10. 入世后中国商人商务谈判文化适应现象分析

    On Acculturation of the Chinese Businessmen in Foreign Trade Negotiations

  11. 重复运动试验检测稳定性心绞痛患者心肌缺血预适应现象

    Detection of Ischemic Preconditioning in Patients with Angina Pectoris Using Repetitive Exercise tests

  12. 大鼠肾脏缺血预适应现象的证实及其机制研究

    Renal Ischemic Preconditioning Attenuate Acute Ischemic Injury in Rat Kidney and Its Mechanism

  13. 人的补偿追踪行为之适应现象。

    Adaptive Phenomenon of Human Compensatory Tracking Behavior .

  14. 缺氧预处理对心肌细胞可以产生预适应现象,缺氧预适应迄今为止被认为是最强有力的一种心肌内源性保护措施[9,10]。

    Hypoxic preconditioning so far is considered to be one of the most powerful endogenous myocardial protective measures .

  15. 当他们一旦离开父母走向社会的时候,就会出现严重的不适应现象。

    When they , once leaves the parents move toward social time , will appear seriously does not adapt the phenomenon .

  16. 器官移植中的适应现象番木鳖中药健胃浸剂的毒性试验

    Accommodation in organ transplantation toxicity test of dilute acid Chinese herbs mixtum mixture and the effect on viscus organ in mice

  17. 发现了植物对干旱胁迫的适应现象,即植物体有干旱胁迫的自动适应和调节能力。

    It was found that plant has adapting phenomena in drought stress , which means that plant has adapting ability to suit drought .

  18. 学者们通过分析人际和群体间的传播网络,更好地解释了文化适应现象,认为有效的支持网络可以帮助个体缓解文化适应压力。

    The researchers better explain acculturation phenomenon by analyzing individuals ' communication network . They hold that effective supporting networks help relieve the stress .

  19. 结论:植入式芯片系统能有效地将血压控制在设定范围,且未产生适应现象。

    Conclusion : The implanted chip system can regulate the blood pressure successfully and keep the blood pressure in a lower constant level without adaptation .

  20. 多年来,酶的底物好象参与了这一过程的事实使得对酶的适应现象的解释复杂化了。

    For many years , the interpretation of enzyme adaptation had been complicated by the fact that the substrate of the enzyme seemed to be involved in the process .

  21. 然后用不同胁迫交叉处理,检测新的特异蛋白的表达变化情况,以此作为一个方面来反映玉米响应不同逆境胁迫启动的系统抗性及其交叉适应现象。

    Then treated with more cross stresses , detected changes of its expression content in order to illuminate the mechanism of systemic resisitance and cross adaptation response to different stresses .

  22. 因此,笔者认为有必要借鉴缺血预适应现象,阐述其作用机制,弘扬针灸优势。

    Therefore , it 's very necessary to explain the mechanism of the effect and to develop advantages of acumoxi by using for reference of the phenomenon of ischemic precondition .

  23. 本文针对运动负荷引起的肌肉适应现象,着力介绍了适应过程中肌肉的相关营养生化改变以及不同类型和强度的运动对机体能量代谢的影响。

    The paper mainly introduces that some changes of muscular nutritional biochemistry during training adaption and that different types or intensities in exercise effect on the energy metabolism of the body .

  24. 然而,这些孩子特别是少数民族学生在进入区内班后由于远离父母,面对环境的变化、集体的重组以及学习方式的改变,他们的学习、生活和交往会出现一些不适应现象。

    However , there might appear certain mal-adaptations among those students when they live and study far away from their parents , and have to confront a different environment , a regrouping of their class as well as the change of their way of study .

  25. 大学新生入学适应不良现象分析与自我调适

    College Freshmen 's Maladjustments and Their Self-correction

  26. 测试结果表明,这些正在进行大强度训练的运动员的机能状态良好,无运动性贫血发生或其它对运动负荷不适应的现象。

    The result shows that the athletes with big-intensity training have a good physiological function without happenings of sports anaemia or any signs ( unfit ) for the sports load .

  27. 因为大多数策略和规则会随时间变化,所以在项目中实现策略和规则很可能需要多次迭代,良好的设计方法应该适应这个现象。

    Good methodologies address the fact that there will most likely be iterative attempts at implementing the policies and rules in a project as most policies and rules change over time .

  28. 教育的实践存在着经验性、非科学性与教育理论不适应的现象,现有理论不能有效地指导教育实践。这反映出教育科学指导实践的特点、过程、规律等研究的薄弱。

    Today Empiricism and non-scientific phenomenon in practice of education is incompatible with education theory , which can 't direct education practices effectively , reflecting its weakness of studies in character , process and rule .

  29. 对农业遥感的现状和一些与农业现代化不相适应的现象深表忧虑。

    The author also take regard to the present situation of remote sensing in application to Chinese agriculture , and feel extremely anxious about some phenomenon which is not adapted to modernization of Chinese agriculture .

  30. 组织创新与技术创新均是高技术企业创新的重要组成,但在高技术企业中往往存在技术创新与组织创新不相适应的现象,影响企业的创新效率及效果。

    Organizational Innovation and technology innovation are both important components of high-tech enterprises innovation , but in high-tech companies , the incompatible phenomenan of organizational innovation and technology innovation which affects the efficiency and effectiveness of innovation .