
shì xiāo duì lù
  • marketable;good for sale;enjoy good sale;have a ready market
适销对路[shì xiāo duì lù]
  1. 本文以期运用市场营销理论指导LY电视台公共频道营销策略的制定,帮助其开辟一个适销对路的收视群体。

    This paper in order to use marketing theory guidance from LY television channel marketing strategy formulation of public , and to help them open up a marketable ratings group .

  2. 所以你需要一个良好的计划和适销对路的产品。

    So you need both a good plan and a marketable product .

  3. 加强港口配煤力度增加适销对路产品

    Add Salable Products by Strenthening the Intensity of Force of Port Mixture

  4. 开发设计适销对路的色织中长产品

    Market-Oriented Designing and Production of Medium Staple Coloured-Woven Fabrics

  5. 不断推出适销对路,具有较强市场竞争力的新款产品;

    Constantly ready to launch , with strong market competitiveness of new products ;

  6. 使商品适销对路,是商家的基本经营术。

    Making goods readily marketaBle is the Businessmen 's fundamental technique of operation .

  7. 福特公司现有的适销对路产品实在太少。

    Ford has too few of the right products for today 's market .

  8. 证明动力煤分选,根据市场的需要,生产适销对路产品,是提高煤炭效益的关键。

    It proves that steam coal should be cleaned for to meet market demand .

  9. 汽车新产品是层出不穷,但是真正适销对路的产品却是凤毛麟角。

    The new products continuously appear , but few products that have a ready market .

  10. 只有按标准设计和生产,才能适销对路。

    The products will be suitable for sale only when they meet with the standards .

  11. 商品采购,要适销对路。

    In purchasing goods , one must see to if that they 're readily marketaBle .

  12. 对产品实施持续改进与创新是企业生产出适销对路的产品的重要途径。

    The continuous improvement and the innovation of products are important approaches of producing marketable products .

  13. 产品要为消费者所接受,核心是要适销对路、符合需求。

    The key factor is that the products should be marketable and meet the requirements of consumers .

  14. 因此,准确评价产品功能效用是制造商能生产出适销对路产品的关键。

    Strictly evaluating utility of the product function is key of solving the problem which manufacturers produces the marketable products .

  15. 本厂根据市场需要,生产适销对路的产品,欢迎各地客商来厂洽谈。

    To meet the demands of the market , our factory produces readily marketaBle goods . Business talks are welcome .

  16. 根据市场变化,生产适销对路的高档优质陶瓷产品,增强产品的市场竞争能力,提高了企业的经济效益。

    In accordance with change of market , factory shall produce proper high-quality ceramies goods to improve market competition capability .

  17. 商业企业想提高效益、利润必须创造效用,并应适销对路。

    If business enterprises aim to improve benefit and profit , they have to heighten effectiveness , and comply with marketing .

  18. 目前,营销文化犹如一种适销对路的商品,逐渐被众多企业界人士所认知并借鉴。

    Now marketing culture just like a product needed in the market , is gradually known and adopted by enterprises personage .

  19. 本厂根据客户需要,生产适销对路的小批量时装,欢迎前来洽谈业务。

    To cater to the need of the customers , we produce marketaBle fashions in a small Batch . Business talks are welcome .

  20. 我们有经验将您的设计,通过模具开发、产品定型,成为适销对路的商品;

    We have the experience to convert your design to marketable commodities through developing the moulds and fixing the model of the products .

  21. 高校应把研究开发适销对路的高新技术产品及转化工作放在优先位置;

    Universities should give priority to studying and developing products in advanced science and technology and transforming work which satisfy the customers ′ needs ;

  22. 我们鼓励和支持企业广泛应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,开发适销对路产品。

    We encourage and support the extensive application of new technologies , techniques , equipment and materials and the development of marketable products by enterprises .

  23. 如何满足市场的需求,生产出适销对路的产品是当前企业所面临的重要问题之一。

    One of the most important problems faced by enterprise is how to meet the demand of market and offer the products to the prospective market .

  24. 要努力生产适销对路的名特优新产品和“拳头”产品打入国际市场。

    And efforts must be made to turn out premium and novel products or the so-called " hard-punch " items that can edge into foreign markets .

  25. 营销观念下的独立学院适销对路的人才培养是一个从目标的确定到人才的培养到人才的促销三大步骤的整合营销和管理过程。

    Under the marketing idea , the marketable talents ' cultivation of Independent College is a process of management including goal decision , talent cultivation and talent promotion .

  26. 适销对路要求注重市场需求,通过需求管理使学校的发展目标,尤其是人才培养目标的找位、定位、到位的管理与变化的市场之间建立和保持一种可行的适应关系。

    Cultivating marketable talents requires an emphasis on market demand and a feasible relationship between college development , particularly the location of goal of talents ' cultivation and changing market .

  27. 研究结果还表明:生态旅游者的队伍在不断壮大,旅游经营者应及时开发适销对路的生态旅游产品。

    The result of study indicates that ecological tourists ' population is strengthening constantly , and the manager of tourism should develop the readily marketable ecological travelling products in time .

  28. 支持企业广泛应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,调整产品结构,开发适销对路的产品,提高生产经营水平。

    We support them in making extensive use of new technologies , techniques , equipment and materials to restructure their product mix , develop marketable products and improve their competitiveness .

  29. 因此,体验旅游产品成为了连接旅游主体市场和客体资源的纽带,为市场提供了适销对路的产品。

    Therefore , experience as a tourism product link the main tourist market and the object resources that also provide us the feasibility to carry out the experiential tourism product .

  30. 找准本课程的定位,编写“适销对路”的教材,采用符合学生实际的教学方法,是当前《大学语文》课程不可回避的讨论话题。

    Locating the course , compiling the " right " coursebooks and adopting the teaching method suitable for students , is now becoming an urgent problem for the College Chinese course .