
  1. 本课题组把TPS浸取技术移植、改进用于加工中国的高硫甙菜籽和棉籽,菜粕和棉粕均达到饲料标准。

    Our research group transplanted and improved the TPS technique in processing the Chinese rapeseed and cottonseed , obtained qualified meal .

  2. NoC将计算机网络技术移植到芯片设计中,它比总线结构拥有更好的可扩展性,更加适用于大规模系统芯片的设计。

    It transplants the technology of the computer network into the chips design . The NoC has a better scalability than the bus architecture and is more applicable to large-scale SoC design .

  3. 尽管我们将把DEC公司的电脑系列产品转为康柏品牌的产品,但我们的这一目标将会在一段时间内逐步进行,以使您能够按照自己的计划进行技术移植。

    Although we will move the Digital PC line to Compaq-branded products , we will do so over a period of time that allows you to make the transition at your own pace .

  4. 片上网络NoC(NetworkOnChip)是一种新的系统芯片体系结构,其核心思想是将计算机网络技术移植到系统芯片设计中来,从体系结构上彻底解决总线架构带来的问题。

    So several research groups proposed a whole new idea of integrated circuit architecture , Network-on-Chip ( NoC ) . The core idea of NoC is to transplant the knowledge of network technology of computer into the design of chips to systematically solve the problems of bus architecture .

  5. 将系统家庭治疗的理念与技术移植于学校自然班级中改善儿童同伴关系是可行并且有效的,儿童所处环境的变化对同伴接纳也是有影响的。

    The similarity between family and class is an important base for transplanting family systemic therapy .

  6. 本研究试图用显微外科技术移植足趾于手臂残端,以操纵电子假手实现准确的控制。

    This paper report the study on electronic artificial hand control by a reconstructed finger ( toe to stump transplantation ) .

  7. 二是将多元统计过程监控技术移植到工程动力学中,用于工程结构和机械系统的状态监测与故障诊断。

    And second transplanting the MSPC technology into the area of engineering dynamics for the condition monitoring of structures and machinery systems .

  8. 简单而直接的技术移植,使新培训的中国工人在数周内就能胜任西方工人的工作。

    Simple and direct transplants saw newly trained workers in China doing the jobs of Western workers within a few weeks of the move .

  9. 将先进的军工技术移植到工业用生产设备中,从事航空及民用非标设备的设计与承制。

    The plant transfers advanced military technology to civilian industrial production equipment by engaging in design and accepting orders to make aviation and civilian non-standard equipment .

  10. 方法对10例采用关节镜技术移植异体韧带重建损伤前交叉韧带进行了5~11mo,平均8mo的随访评估。

    METHODS Ten cases of ACL reconstruction operated upon with allografts assisted with arthroscopic technique were followed up for 5 to 11 mo , mean 8 mo.

  11. 在陶瓷粉料中适当加入陶瓷纤维,会改善发泡反应法制品性能;将注凝成型技术移植到泡沫陶瓷制备工艺中可望取得较理想的效果。

    It was suggested that gel - casting technique be introduced to the preparation process so as to improve the properties and reliability of the foamed ceramics .

  12. 其核心思想是将计算机网络技术移植到芯片设计中来,从体系结构上彻底解决总线架构带来的问题。

    The core idea is to transplant the knowledge of network technology of computer into the design of chips such that systematically solves the problems due to bus architecture .

  13. 心脏手术三年后,在用内窥镜技术移植腿部静脉的病人中,死亡或非致死性心脏病发作的风险几率更是高出38%。

    Three years after the heart surgery , the risk of death or a non-fatal heart attack was38 percent higher among the patients whose leg vein was removed endoscopically .

  14. 与此同时,汽车科技的高速发展,不断有新的应用技术移植到汽车维修和配件市场,从而大大地提升了市场发展的不确定因素。

    At the same time , with the automobile science and technology high speed development and the new application technology transplanting to the automobile service and the parts market .

  15. 将分形理论和计算机图象纹理分析技术移植到微生物发酵研究中,对菌落和菌丝体形态的定量描述进行了探讨。

    In this paper we employ Fractal Theory Organisms Full Information Law and Computer Texture Analysis Technique , and systematically investigate the characterization of morphologies of colonies and mycelium during the microorganism fermentation process .

  16. 总之,外资战略持股后对商业银行经营效率的提高有着较为显著的影响,国内商业银行吸收外资先进的经营管理理念和技术移植也表现的较为明显。

    In a word , foreign strategic shareholders have obvious effects to increase operating efficiency of commercial banks . It was obvious that domestic commercial banks absorbed advanced management conception and transplanted technology coming abroad gradually .

  17. 本论文拟将经典控制系统中的反馈技术移植到量子系统中,即拟采用量子反馈的方法来实现量子系统相干性和纠缠的控制和保护。

    In this thesis , we are going to transplant the feedback techniques of the classical control theory into the quantum control system , i.e. the quantum feedback method is adopted to realize the manipulation and protection of quantum coherence and quantum entanglement .

  18. 同期处理受体399只,有320只发情,同期率为80.20%,运用腹腔内窥镜技术移植受体267只,其中44只供体移植双胚。

    There were 399 local female goats as receptors , 320 of them were in estrus , the synchronization estrus rate were 80 . 20 % ( 320 / 399 ), and were used to fresh embryo endoscope transfer , 44 of them were two - embryos transfer .

  19. Hoechest33342标记后微移植方法将其移入PD大鼠模型纹状体内,免疫荧光技术检测移植细胞表达BDNF、NT-3状况。

    BDNF and NT-3 expression in transplantation cells were detected immunofluorescence assay .

  20. 因此应用腺病毒介导转基因技术在移植肺局部高表达HO-1可成为预防和减轻同种异体肺移植物IRI的一种新策略。

    This study demonstrated that the expression of HO-1 in lung grafts may become a new strategy , which can reduce the IRI of lung allografts .

  21. 因此,本研究基于大树移植的实践理论,采用计算机技术进行移植辅助决策,将移植技术规程、费用支出流程和移植相关数据有机结合,使用Delphi语言和SqlServer2000数据库开发大树移植辅助决策系统。

    On the foundation of big-tree transplanting technology , this thesis uses SQL Server 2000 and Delphi to develop Big-tree transplanting aided decision system by combining transplanting technology procedures with fee expenditure process and related data of transplanting .

  22. 采用HE染色和原位末端标记(TUNEL)技术检测移植心切片,进行排斥反应的病理分级并计算移植心肌细胞的凋亡指数(AI)。

    The cardiac grafts were harvested at 3rd and 5th day after transplantation . The cardiac allograft sections were subjected to the HE staining and in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick end labeling ( TUN EL ) for histopathological rejection grade and apoptotic index ( AI ) .

  23. 基因芯片技术在移植器官缺血再灌注损伤研究中的应用

    Gene Chip Application in Organ Transplantation and Ischemia Reperfusion Injury

  24. 目的运用超声造影技术研究移植肝微灌注状况。

    Objective To explore micro-perfusion in graft after liver transplantation with contrast-enhanced ultrasound .

  25. 细胞微囊化免疫隔离技术在移植医学中的应用

    Immunoisolation Technology by Cell Microencapsulation in Transplantation Medicine

  26. 这将增加“构件在可选实现技术之间移植的灵活性”。

    This increases the " flexibility for migrating components to alternate implementation technologies " .

  27. 地震地电阻率观测改进方法研究&电测井技术的移植应用与数值模型分析

    Improved method of earth resistivity observation : Transplant application and numerical model analysis of electric well logging technique

  28. 对不同热缺血时间供体组织进行了超微结构观察,重点讨论了联合移植的意义及联合取材技术与移植效果的关系。

    The significance of combined transplantation and the relationship of the techniques of procuring the donor tissues and transplantation is discussed .

  29. 方法应用显微外科技术制作移植肾慢性排斥反应大鼠模型,将受体大鼠随机分为两组。

    Methods The rat model of chronic renal allograft rejection was made with micro surgery . The recipients were divided into two groups .

  30. 介绍一些具体方案,包括建立异基因骨髓嵌合体、阻断T细胞活化第二信号和转基因技术诱导移植免疫耐受。

    Some experimental protocols were introduced including mixed chimerism of allogeneic bone marrow , blockade of co-stimulation signal and transgene technology for transplantation tolerance induction .