
  • 网络technical training
  1. c)技术培训教你如何使用公司常用的软件。

    c ) Technical training to teach you about the special software the company uses .

  2. 安阳市HIV检验人员技术培训效果评价

    Appraisal of the training effect in HIV laboratory workers

  3. 我们已经在今年的员工发展计划中写到我们希望有一些技术培训课程。

    We 've put down on our staff development plan for this year that we would like some technology courses

  4. 实现SOA愿景,执行技术培训

    Perform SOA vision and technology training

  5. 与CNN在技术培训方面的合作也在之前很久结束。

    The channel 's cooperation with CNN on technical training in the early days was also ended long ago .

  6. 针对远程数控技术培训的需要,利用Java技术开发了基于Web环境下的数控铣削仿真系统,对其结构及关键技术进行了分析。

    Aiming at the needs of long-distance numerical control technology training , Java is employed to exploit the numerical control milling simulation system based on the Web . The construction and the key technology are analyzed .

  7. 高职教师教育技术培训EPSS研究

    EPSS in the Technical Training of Higher Vocational Education Teachers

  8. EPSS在高职教师教育技术培训中的应用

    Application of EPSS in Educational Technology Training of Higher Vocational School Teachers

  9. 在英国汽车业中也可以见到这种做法所产生的影响,英国汽车业已把针对制造商的技术培训、它们的供应链以及新组建的汽车委员会(AutomotiveCouncil)协调起来,以利于分析未来的行业趋势。

    The influence of these practices can be seen in the UK car industry , which has co-ordinated skills training for its manufacturers and their supply chains and a new Automotive Council to analyse future trends .

  10. UCEP之所以突出,是因为它为学生们提供实用技术培训,帮助他们适应就业市场。

    UCEP stands out because it provides practical training to its young students and assists them in adapting to the job market .

  11. WoF对灭火和安全提供技术培训,并且提供如何建立一支商业灭火队并让人们知道这项服务的团体培训。

    WoF offers technical training in fire-fighting and safety as well as organisational training in how to set up a commercial fire response team and notify people of the service .

  12. 此外,她还参加业界的一些会议,向推荐者提供会议,找出哪些人写文章,哪些人做技术培训,回复Addison-Wesley的作者以便与其他人联系。

    In addition , she attends industry conferences , sets up meetings with presenters , finds out who is writing articles and who is training on technologies , and returns to AW authors for other contacts .

  13. 加强企业热处理工人技术培训

    Strengthen the Technical Training for the Heat Treatment Workers of Enterprises

  14. 特种作业人员安全技术培训现状及对策

    Current status and countermeasures of safety technology training for special operators

  15. 变革理论在医院护理技术培训中的应用

    Application of the Change Theory in the training of nursing skills

  16. 大学依托型农业推广中农民技术培训模式研究

    Models of Peasant 's Training under the Agricultural Extension of University-Depending

  17. 中国煤矿安全技术培训中心开展远程培训教育的探讨

    The discussion about launching distance training of National Safety Training Center

  18. 为用户提供管道安装、维修技术培训。

    Provide the customer with pipeline installation and maintenance technical training .

  19. 发挥电大优势开展农村实用技术培训

    Develop TVU Advantages and Promote Agricultural Practical Technology Training Actively

  20. 浅谈煤矿机电安全技术培训

    Talking about the machine and electricity safe technology training in coal mine

  21. 浅议高师院校教师的教育技术培训

    On Training of Educational Technology among Staff of Teachers Colleges

  22. 质量管理小组在急救技术培训中的作用

    The role of Quality Management Group in emergency care training

  23. 加强农业技术培训推进农业产业化进程

    Strengthening Agro - technical Training and Promoting the Progress of Agricultural Industrialization

  24. 高校新型教育技术培训课程设计

    The New Course Designing of Educational Technology Training in Colleges

  25. 我国农药使用技术培训体系研究

    Research on training system of pesticide application technique in China

  26. 对腹腔镜外科医师技术培训方法进行了探讨。

    The method of surgical technique training to laparoscopic surgeons was discussed .

  27. 承接实验室的设计和承包、开展检验人员的技术培训工作。

    Carry on laboratory design and contract , unfold technic 's teach .

  28. 努力加强有线数字电视技术培训工作

    Make Great Efforts to Strengthen the Work of Cable DTV Technology Traning

  29. 特殊感染手术流程图应用于专科护理技术培训的效果评价

    Application effect of flow chart of special infected surgical nursing on training

  30. 四是技术培训力度较小。

    Four is the technical training intensity of small .