
  • 网络Skill development
  1. 英国行业技能发展机构(SkillsSectorDevelopmentAgency)研究主管迈克•坎贝尔(MikeCampbell)表示,这相当于到2020年,每两个英国成年人中就有一人的素质达到更高水平。

    Mike Campbell , head of research at the Sector Skills Development Agency ( SSDA ), says that this is the equivalent of every second adult in the UK gaining a higher level qualification before 2020 .

  2. 为团队成员规划和管理技能发展和培训。

    Plan and manage skills development and training for Team-members .

  3. 他们发现,婴儿看DVD的时间越长,语言技能发展得就越慢。

    They found that the more time the babies had spent watching the DVDs , the less developed their language skills were .

  4. 语素意识在学前儿童言语技能发展中的作用

    The Role of Morphological Awareness in Kindergarteners ' Linguistic Skill Development

  5. 物理教师职业技能发展需求探析

    An Analysis of Professional Development Needs of Physics Teachers

  6. 友谊经验同时促进了青少年社会技能发展的个体差异。

    Friendship at the same time promotes individual difference of their social skills .

  7. 浅谈对运动技能发展最佳时期的选择

    On Choosing the Best Time to Develop Sport Skill

  8. 儿童假扮游戏中的认知技能发展

    The Cognitive Skills of Children in Pretend Play

  9. 高级女经理行政技能发展讨论会

    Executive Skills Development for Senior Women Managers

  10. 儿童社会技能发展存在结构失衡的现象,即情感性社会技能的水平显著低于言语性社会技能;

    There is a " construction imbalance " phenomenon in children 's social skill development .

  11. 有些孵化器和加速器专注于不同的时期或具体的技能发展。

    There are incubators and accelerators focused on periods of time or specific skill development .

  12. 技术教育和技能发展局

    Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

  13. 论听后复述与学生英语听说技能发展的有机结合

    A Study of the Effect of After-listening Retelling Practice on Students ' Listening and Speaking Skills

  14. 影响高师数学专业师范生讲解技能发展的因素研究

    The Study on the Influencing Factor of Explaining Technique Development of Student in Mathematics Major in Normal University

  15. 词汇是语言知识的重要内容和语言技能发展的基础。

    Vocabulary is an important aspect of language learning and serves as the basis of language skill development .

  16. 应对方式和归因风格是大学生社会适应性和社会技能发展的重要指标。

    Coping behavior and attribution style are important qualifications to bringing up social adjustment ability for college students .

  17. 城镇和农村学生的合作意识与合作技能发展水平没有显著的差异。

    There is significant difference between a single child and a non-single-child in cooperative consciousness and skill level .

  18. 技能发展促进自力更生

    Skills Development for Self-Reliance

  19. 本研究通过实验方法,探讨了听后复述对学生听、说技能发展的影响。

    This study aims to find out the effect of after-listening retelling practice on students'listening and speaking skills .

  20. 网络在一定程度上发挥了其特有的优势,促进了英语学习和师生的网络技能发展。

    The use of the Internet may promote learners ' language skills and other numerous skills to some extent .

  21. 一些美国东道主然后将前往参与者的祖国从而提供技能发展和结成网络的研讨会。

    Some of the US hosts will then travel to the participants'home countries to offer skills development and networking workshops .

  22. 构建教师资格校内审核机制促进师范生职业技能发展

    On the Development of Normal students ' Professional Skills Based on Colleges ' Internal Examining Mechanisms of Teacher 's Qualification

  23. 毫无疑问,缺乏关注会造成孩子某些重要技能发展的缺失。

    As is abundantly clear , this lack of attention can lead to the development of some extremely useful skills .

  24. 这些事被有规律地组织起来而且它们的训练经费一部分是通过使用政府援助技能发展补助津来提供的。

    These courses are organised regularly and the training costs were partially met with the use of government-aided skill development grants .

  25. 而且还有另一个需要改进的领域:我们的员工抱怨说他们没有得到足够的相关工作技能发展的培训。

    And there 's another area that needs improvement : our employees complain that they 're not getting enough job-related skills development training .

  26. 目的通过对儿童适应行为的评价,探讨儿童适应技能发展的现状及规律。

    Objective To explore the epidemiological status and rules of the development of children ′ s adaptive skills through assessing their adaptive behavior .

  27. 国家技能发展公司近期促进技能培养的努力,便是为培养熟练工人进行的一次尝试。

    The recent effort to foster skill development through the National Skill Development Corporation is one such attempt at creating a skilled workforce .

  28. 不同学业成绩的高中学生合作意识与合作技能发展水平无显著性差异。

    There is no obvious difference between students with different academic record in senior high school in their cooperation consciousness and cooperation skill level .

  29. 在过去的一个世纪里,对目标语的教学已从单一的学习语言技能发展到学习交际能力,进而发展到现在的跨文化交际能力。

    In the last century , teaching target language has been extended from language skills to communicative competence , and then to intercultural communication .

  30. 根据巴基斯坦自己的估计,它拥有全世界第6大人口,但是在技能发展方面的排名位于91个国家的最后。它说,这是巴基斯坦经济增长和参与全球知识经济的一个“重大障碍”。

    " is a major obstacle " to Pakistan 's economic growth and its participation in the global , knowledge-based economy , it said .