
  • 网络skill test;NIT-Pro
  1. 基于二次回溯算法的计算机技能考试实现技术

    Realization of Computer Skill Test Based on Twice Backtrace Algorithm

  2. 护生实习转科综合技能考试形式探讨

    Discussion of Specialized Comprehension Skill Test of Nursing Trainees

  3. 机械CAD职业技能考试课程的研究及实践

    Research and practice on course of mechanical CAD ′ s occupational skill testing

  4. 随机抽取上海考区50名考生,对他们重复实施两次2002年上海考区的临床实践技能考试及实施以标准化病人为基础的多站客观结构临床能力考试(OSCE)。

    Candidates sampled at random were tested twice by the clinical examination for national licensing of doctors in Shanghai in 2002 and by objective structured clinical examination with standard patient .

  5. 北京市社区护士模拟家庭情景技能考试成绩及问题分析

    Skill Examination Result Survey and Analysis of Community Nurse of Beijing

  6. 变革理论在北京市社区护士技能考试工作中的运用

    Application of change theory in community nurse technical ability examination , Beijing

  7. 计算机操作技能考试系统的开发与应用

    The Exploitation and Application of Computer Operation Skills Examination System

  8. 国家医师资格考试上海考区临床实践技能考试的评价研究

    Evaluation of the clinical examination for national licensing of doctors in Shanghai

  9. 试题设计和考试要重点突出临床技能考试;

    Giving priority to the examination in clinical skills in designing examination items ;

  10. 我通过了计算机和速计的商业技能考试。

    I 've passed the tests for business skills in computer and shorthand .

  11. 我国执业医师临床技能考试方法的探讨

    Discussion of the method of examination in clinical skills for medical practitioners in China

  12. 另一个是汽车安全检查和紧急救援技能考试。

    The latter exam involves car safety inspections and emergency rescue skills , among others .

  13. 没有免费的在线中医师技能考试指导。

    Directive without exam of free skill of division of online traditional Chinese medical science .

  14. 结果:实行该模式管理,学生技能考试成绩及动手能力明显提高。

    Results : The students skills test and operating abilities were improved obviously under this pattern .

  15. 技能考试组考初探

    Experience of skill exam organizing

  16. 实践技能考试是医师资格考试中的两个重要组成部分之一。

    The Doctor Practical Technique Test is one of the two important parts in the Doctor Qualification Tests .

  17. 临床技能考试设计要体现实践性、客观及公正等原则。

    Giving expression to such principles as practicality , objectivity and impartiality in designing the examination in clinical skills .

  18. 文章阐述了实践技能考试的重要性和复杂性,以及如何搞好实践技能考试的各个环节。

    The article expounds its importance and complication as well as how to grasp each point of the test .

  19. 结果实验组学生的操作技能考试及理论考试平均分数均高于对照组。

    Results : Students in the experiment group got higher marks in examination of both clinical skills and theoretical study .

  20. 1999~2003年连云港市公卫医师实践技能考试结果分析

    Analysis on the result of practice technical ability examination of the public health physicians in Lianyungang City from 1999 to 2003

  21. 结果:实验组期末技能考试优良率明显高于对照组。

    Results : Fine rate of the skill examination the term was apparently higher in the experimental group than that in the control group .

  22. 该系统不但应用于日常选课活动,而且应用到了大学英语四、六级和计算机二级等级考试培训、职业技能考试培训的报名管理工作。

    The system not only applies to elective public actives , but also to the CET and computer grade examination of the application work .

  23. 实验组与对照组技能考试优秀、良好率差异不大,平均成绩无显著性差异。

    The skills test of the experimental group and control group of excellent and good rate is insignificant , no significant difference in average scores .

  24. 同时还具有良好的可扩展性、易于维护、方便快捷等优点,能满足目前的大多数职业技能考试需求。

    It also has good expansibility , easy maintenance , fast and convenient advantages that can meet the current most vocational skills examinations ' requirements .

  25. 结果实验组的护理技能考试成绩与理论考试成绩的均分以及实习医院评估的优良率均高于对照组;

    Results The average marks of the students ' nursing theory and skill and the practice hospital 's appraisal of experimental group were higher than that of the control group .

  26. 对一些人来说,小学最后一年参加的国家技能考试是一种焦虑的原因,而过渡到中学对另一些人来说则是一种挑战。

    National Sats tests taken in the final year of primary school were a cause of anxiety for some , while the transition to secondary school was challenging for others .

  27. 培训结束后对学员进行理论知识与技能考试,同时对社区卫生服务机构提供项目的开展情况进行评价。

    At the end of training the trainees were given test on theoretical knowledge and technique , and the developing conditions of service items supplied were assessed at the same time .

  28. 重点介绍了临床技能考试的依据、范围、原则和方法,提出了我院医学生临床技能考试的基本思路和具有我院特色的五站考试方法。

    The article focuses its introduction on the basis , scope , principles and method of examination in clinical skills , and puts forwards some basic ideas and the special five-station method of examination in clinical skills .

  29. 另外,通过非结构性个案晤谈、课堂观察和问卷三个角度的调查,本研究发现,作为一种技能考试培训,普通话水平测试培训比一般考前培训的内容更加不确定一些。

    Moreover , through investigating unstructured case interview , classroom observation and questionnaire survey , this study finds that , as a kind of pre-exam training focusing on skills , training courses of Putonghua test are of more obvious uncertainties than some ordinary pre-examination training curricula .

  30. 职业技能鉴定考试技术指标的确定及应用

    Decide on the Technical Index of Professional Skill Appraisement and Its Application