
  • 网络Technology;Leading technology;technology leadership
  1. 市场巨大的潜力、中国良好的政策和经济环境、以技术领先为要素的竞争态势和LED本身的优势特点为欧司朗提供了机遇。

    Big market potential , good policy and economic environment , competition of technology and the advantages of LED provide the opportunities .

  2. 过去LED封装产业由日本所主导,技术领先市场,然而在台湾LED封装产业急起直追之下,成长率已经远胜日本。

    In the past , Japan with its market-leading technology , has dominated the LED packaging industry . However , Taiwan 's packaging industry has caught up , and its growth has far overtaken Japan .

  3. G公司在成立初期具备一定的技术领先优势,企业在广西地区的通信行业内拥有一定的影响力。

    G Company in the early days with certain technical lead , has a certain degree of influence within the communications industry in the Guangxi region .

  4. IBM一直在进行门户与其他应用程序间API的标准化工作,经常在很多标准组织中占据了技术领先地位。

    IBM has worked to standardize the APIs between portals and other applications , and often assumes lead technical positions within many standards organizations .

  5. 目前谷歌、三星及其他技术领先的公司可提供数种VR耳机。

    There are currently several VR headsets available through Google , Samsung , and other leading tech companies .

  6. 瑞典的Pyrosequencing公司在DNA自动序列分析系统中处于技术领先的地位。

    The Swedish firm Pyrosequencing has become a technological leader in making systems for automated DNA sequence analysis .

  7. KLUB的经营团队不断的研究与开发成为技术领先的OEM及ODM厂。

    KLUB management team continue to research and development into technology-leading OEM and ODM factory .

  8. 本文的基本出发点是MD公司拥有的行业技术领先地位的产品,从行业特点看,MD公迅速占领市场势在必得。

    This basic starting point is the MD of the company with industry leading technology products from industry-specific look , MD and quickly occupied the market of public aspirations .

  9. 嵌入式系统具有灵活性强、软硬件可裁剪性、体积小型化、成本低、功耗低等优点,其中的ARM(advancedriscmachine)处理器是目前业界公认的技术领先的32位嵌入式处理器。

    The embedded system has some good characteristics , such as flexibility , software and hardware modifiable , mini-bulk , low cost , and low power . Among the 32-bit embedded systems , ARM ( Advanced RISC Machine ) is the accredited leading processor .

  10. M7企业邮件管理系统是具备高效,易用,技术领先的解决方案,专为各类大小企业的邮件安全设计。

    M7 Enterprise Mail Management Suite are high-performance , easy-to-use , and technically-innovative solutions , designed to secure organizations of all sizes .

  11. 因此用嵌入式开发出的高清晰度、稳定的、多路的、低成本的MPEG-4监控录像系统不仅会在当今世界取得技术领先的优势,还可以形成极大的产品竞争力。

    Thus , multi-channel MPEG-4 surveillance recording system with high resolution , excellent stability and low cost , which is developed by using embedding technology , can gain the technology advantage in the world but also with great rivalship .

  12. 以技术领先的轻量级开源框架Spring为核心,集成其他优秀开源组件(比如Hibernate、WebWork等),构建了一套具有通用性的web轻量级开发框架,程序员可以使用它高效地构建web应用程序。

    Using core of SPRING , one leading web lightweight development frame and integrating other excellent open-source modules including Hibernate , WebWork etc , a general-used set of web lightweight development frame has been built up , which gives programmers the possibility to set up web application programs efficiently .

  13. 诺基亚(NOKIA)公司通过在专利联盟中积极学习技术领先者的知识,取得了在移动通信技术领域综合能力的快速提升和在全球市场的成功。

    Learning through patent pool is an important means to acquire knowledge . Nokia learned actively from leading partners of patent pool s , got rapid improvement in the mobile technology and comprehensive capabilities , became the leading firm in the global mobile phone market .

  14. 因此,MFTS在国内该领域处于技术领先地位。6.对企业工时定额管理提出建议,重点强调企业自身基础数据的收集、保存、管理中的规范化。

    So , MFTS is on the top of internal domain . 6 . Suggestion to the management of man-hour , emphasizing data collection , conservation , and the standardization in management .

  15. 康明斯以技术领先战略服务中国客车业

    Cummins Serves China Bus and Coach Industry with Technology Leading Strategy

  16. 智力资本能促使企业实现技术领先的战略,也是第3章论述的企业发展战略实现的第一个支撑点。

    Intelligence capital is the first support for the enterprise developing strategy .

  17. HOEFLER&处于技术领先地位的高精齿轮磨床的制造者

    HOEFLER & A Leading manufacturer of high precision gear grinders

  18. 美国在医疗领域也许还拥有技术领先地位。

    The USA probably still has the technological lead in the Medical Field .

  19. 技术领先、品质第一是客户对公司的信赖。

    Clients are satisfactory to the advanced technology and first-class quality of the company .

  20. 水事业部平台建设是从追求技术领先开始的。

    Our construction of platform for water Industry initiated from seeking the advanced technology .

  21. 出口管制政策能保持美国的技术领先优势吗?

    Can export regulation policy win the competition edge of American high technology sector ?

  22. 曼先生:因为我们的产品是专利产品,技术领先。

    Mr. Mann : Because we have a patented new product with the latest technology .

  23. 日本是全球技术领先的国家,它拥有的专利权比任何国家都要多。

    Japan is the global leader in technology with more patents than any other country .

  24. 即便在一个激动人心且技术领先的创新世界里,单调的管理学基本原则仍然发挥着重要作用。

    Even in the exciting , leading-edge world of innovation , unglamorous management basics matter .

  25. 在保证技术领先的基础上,对检测网络要求、业务流程的完善做了系统归纳;

    The dissertation sums up the requirements on testing network and the work procedure perfection .

  26. 追逐利润和技术领先是大叉厂的两项基本任务。

    Seeking for profit and technology leading are the two basic tasks for Dalian Forklift factory .

  27. 然而,尽管拥有慷慨的补贴,美国汽车制造商还是丧失了技术领先地位。

    But , in spite of generous subsidies , American manufacturers have lost the technological lead .

  28. 我公司一向以诚信、求实、服务、互利为宗旨,秉承技术领先、质量第一、客户至上的经营理念。

    We are dedicated to providing highest quality product with the good faith and high credibility .

  29. 园内拟引进国内实力雄厚技术领先的汽车零部件生产厂家。

    The park intends to introduce domestic auto parts manufacturers that possess strong resources and advanced technologies .

  30. 预计欧洲和北美供应商将在一段时期内保持技术领先优势。

    European and North American suppliers ' technology is expected to retain an edge for some time .