
  • 网络xinhuanet;xinhua;NBA;Xinhua News Agency
  1. 新华网:中比经贸关系密切,比利时是中国在欧盟的第六大贸易伙伴,而中国也是比利时在欧盟外的第二大贸易伙伴。

    Xinhuanet : Belgium is Chinas sixth biggest trading partner in EU , while China is the second biggest trading partner of Belgium outside EU .

  2. 新华网:有人说,比利时是一幅展开的画卷,古堡、现代都市、自然风光等应有尽有。

    Xinhuanet : It is said that Belgium is like an unfolded scroll , with all kinds of picturesque scenes , such as ancient castles , metropolis and natural landscapes .

  3. 以下是新华网的两篇报道。

    Here are two reports from www.xinhuanet.com .

  4. 新华网和美国CNN网在许多方面存在较大的、甚至是根本性的差异。

    There is a big , even fundamental difference between China News Agency and the U.S. CNN network in many aspects .

  5. 上海复旦大学信息技术学院迟楠教授对新华网记者表示,一个微芯片灯泡可以产生高达150M每秒的网速。

    A microchipped bulb can produce data speeds of up to 150 megabits per second ( Mbps ) , Chi Nan , IT professor at Shanghai 's Fudan University told Xinhua News .

  6. 在新华网论坛和苹果论坛数据集上进行的实验证明,本方法在传统的ROUGE和本文给出的观点覆盖率等评价标准上的结果均优于已有方法。

    Experiments show that the new approach works better than some known ones on the dataset of XinHua forum and Apple forum in terms of the score of ROUGE and the viewpoint coverage , which is firstly coined in this paper .

  7. 中部线在一个半月内向平顶山市的baiguishan水库运输水资源超过5000万立方米,新华网写道:“其有效缓解了平顶山市一百多万居民的水资源匮乏问题”。

    The middle line delivered more than 50m cubic metres of water to the city 's Baiguishan reservoir over a month and a half , it said , " effectively relieving the scarce water supply of Pingdingshan city 's one million-plus residents . "

  8. 惠普政府牙科学院和医院,新华网,印度。

    HP Government Dental College and Hospital , Shimla , India .

  9. 最新新华网请点击:地震!

    The newest New China net please click : Earthquake !

  10. 大使先生,能否为新华网网友介绍一下比利时?

    Sir , would you please introduce the beautiful Belgium to our netizens ?

  11. 新华网报道,怀疑一切已成为中国整个人群的集体意识。

    Distrust has seeped into the collective consciousness of Chinese people , Xinhua reports .

  12. 在新华网转载的一篇报道中,记者曾在去年7月实地前往这座冰山,并描述了游客在那里拍照、乱丢垃圾的景况。

    A Xinhua reporter who visited the glacier in July described seeing tourists there taking photos and littering .

  13. 一名腾讯高管接受新华网采访时表示,腾讯对这一事件给用户带来的不便感到抱歉。

    Tencent official told Xinhua that the company felt " sorry " for the inconvenience brought to QQ users .

  14. 还有新华网报道速度、原创新闻和原创评论给新华网带来的信誉;

    It gets its credit for its quick reporting speed , its original news reports and original news reviews .

  15. 当地居民对新华网记者说,距离烟花厂几公里外的建筑窗户都被震碎了。

    Windows of buildings several kilometers away from the factory were shattered in the blast , residents told Xinhua .

  16. 新华网房地产论坛的一位网民写道,我发现我们自己的生活就像剧中描写的一样,一切都暴露在了阳光下。

    Another commenter on Xinhua 's property forum wrote , I found our own lives depicted in this drama , everything is exposed under the sunlight .

  17. 据新华网报道,一名南开大学的博士生在2008年被指控为剽窃,且于去年取消了他2004年取得的学位。

    A doctoral student at Nankai University was accused of plagiarism in2008 and his degree , which he got in2004 , was revoked , last year .

  18. 官方媒体新华网曾报道,2013年上半年,有135座城市属酸雨城市,其中23座属重酸雨城市。

    Xinhua , the state news agency , reported that acid rain hit 135 cities in early 2013 . Of those , 23 were severely affected .

  19. 为了实现数据的充分共享和深度利用,新华网在采编发系统基础上建立了以数据中心为核心的内容管理系统。

    In order to share and use the data , XHNETs content management system with a kernel of data center is established based on collectioneditiondistribution system .

  20. 刘翔在赛后没有解释抢跑的原因,但他对新华网记者表示跟之前的脚伤无关。

    Liu was not willing to explain the reason of his false start , but he told Xinhua that it was not related to his foot injury .

  21. 请看新华网的报道:她在第二次试举中成功举起了125公斤的重量,比上一次成绩提高了2公斤,在第三次试举中又以128公斤的重量打破了几分钟前的纪录。

    She succeeded the second attempt of 125kg , bettering the previous score by two kilos , and she with a lift of 128kg in the third .

  22. 新华网的报道称,中国旅游研究院估计,中国游客在春节期间的花费超过了1400亿元人民币。

    The China Tourism Academy estimated that Chinese tourists shelled out more than 140 billion renminbi , or $ 22 billion , during the holiday , Xinhua reported .

  23. 根据新华网的报导,南水被调工程在八月中旬已开始向平顶山成功运输紧急供水。

    The South-North Water Diversion project began sending emergency water supplies to Pingdingshan in mid-August and , according to the official newswire Xinhua , the diversion was asuccess .

  24. 请看新华网的报道:在8月8日到24日奥运会比赛的302个颁奖仪式上礼仪小姐将会身穿五个系列的颁奖礼服出现,每个系列的礼服会出现在不同的比赛现场。

    A total of five series of costumes will be worn by hostesses at the 302 of the August 8-24 Games , with each series being designed for certain sports events .

  25. 许多中国民众向他表示慰问,并急切地盼望他重回赛场,但新华网的一篇报导说,刘翔的时代已经结束。

    Many Chinese have expressed sympathy for him and eagerly await his return to the track , but others say his moment has passed , according to this Chinese-language report from Xinhua .

  26. 新华网:大使先生,您曾在接受采访中提到与中国有很深的渊源,在此之前,您来过中国吗?

    Xinhuanet : Mr. Ambassador , you took the office last year . In our earlier interview , you mentioned your close ties with China , Had you ever been to China before that ?

  27. 本研究从新华网和纽约时报中各选取了五十篇有关中美贸易问题的新闻报道,分别作为中文语料和英文语料进行分析。

    In this study , 50 pieces of news concerning the Sino-US trade issues were selected from Xinhua Net as the Chinese data source and 50 pieces from the New York Times as the English data source .

  28. 据新华网5月22日报道,由于近年来语言处理技术取得了多项突破,专家们相信,足以取代资深译员的机器翻译将在五至十年内普及。

    Experts believe that machine translation good enough to replace advanced human translators will be widespread within five to 10 years , as language-processing technology has seen many breakthroughs in recent years , Xinhuanet.com reported on May 22 .

  29. 新华网悄然上市,人民网等一批中央和地方重点网站上市工作正在审批过程中,这为传统媒体新闻网站的进一步发展和变革树立了样板。

    Xinhua Website has been listed quietly , and People Website and other important websites are under examination and approval to be listed , which set an example for the further development and change of traditional news websites .

  30. 据新华网报道,泰国29岁的前泰拳拳王巴里亚·乍龙蓬于1999年实行变性手术后成为一名女模特,还获得过选美比赛的皇后头衔。

    Parinya Jaroenphon , 29 , a former man and Thai boxing champion , has worked as a model and won a queen title in beauty contests since he became a woman by surgery in1999 , xinhuanet reported .