
  • 网络Journalism and Communication;news communication
  1. 新闻传播学教育是新闻传播事业发展与新闻传播学研究的产物。

    Journalism and Communication education is the product of the development of news media and journalism and communication studies .

  2. 新闻传播学研究生教育的研究,是关涉到新闻学、传播学和教育学这三门学科的边缘性研究课题。

    As a cross-disciplinary research project , the research of graduate education in Journalism and Communication involves such disciplines as Journalism , Communication and Education .

  3. 美国专栏作家李普曼1922年出版的著作《民意》(PublicOpinion)一书是涵盖新闻传播学、政治学、社会心理学、公共关系学等领域的综合性的传世名著。

    American columnist Walter Lippmann ' Public Opinion published in 1922 was a masterpiece which covered many disciplines such as journalism , mass communication , political science , social psychology and PR.

  4. 文章最后,谈到新闻传播学研究中存在的五个问题。

    In the end it discusses five problems existed in the research .

  5. 对新闻传播学研究生论文的一点看法

    Some Reflections on the Papers Written by Graduates Majoring in News Dissemination Studies

  6. 2006年我国新闻传播学研究综述

    A Review on the Studies of Journalism and Communication in China in 2006

  7. 近年中国新闻传播学研究概述

    On the Study of Chinese Journalism and Communication Science

  8. 比较视野中我国内地新闻传播学研究

    Research progress in journalism and communication in Chinese mainland from the comparative perspective

  9. 就业导向下高校新闻传播学实践教学的思考

    Reflections on the University Practice Teaching of Journalism and Communications under Employment-oriented Consideration

  10. 中国理论新闻传播学研究百年回顾

    One Hundred Years of Chinese Journalism : A Review

  11. 并结合现实的社会语境,分析女性主义思潮与中国本土的新闻传播学研究相互对接的学科背景。

    And integrated the real language-circumstance , it analyses the subject-background of the research .

  12. 自此,在新闻传播学领域,女性与传媒的研究也逐渐发展壮大起来。

    After that , the studies on female and mass media have been developed .

  13. 2008年新闻传播学研究的新鲜话题

    On the Fresh Topics in the Field of Journalism and Communication Study in 2008

  14. 专升本后中文新闻传播学课程设置的思考

    Chinese language The curricula setup The journalism

  15. 中国体育新闻传播学发展现状及趋势(2004-2007)

    The Current Situation and Tendency of Sport Journalism and Communications in China ( 2004-2007 );

  16. 新闻传播学类学生职业预期下的职业能力构建

    Professional Ability Building for the Occupational Expectation of the Students Majoring in Journalism and Communication

  17. 新闻传播学必须与时俱进

    Journalism Must be Put Forward with Time

  18. 当代新闻传播学本科教育教学的四三二一模式

    The " 4321 Mode " for the Contemporary Undergraduate Education and Teaching in Journalism and Communication

  19. 在新闻传播学领域里,性别与媒介研究在逐渐发展壮大。

    The research of " Gender and Media " has developed gradually in the mass communication .

  20. 国内的研究则多在新闻传播学中体现,缺乏从社会学角度的思考,大都停留在定性的描述上。

    And domestic studies dwell on qualitative description rather than pondering upon this problem from sociological angle .

  21. 媒介素养一直都是中外新闻传播学界研究的重要课题。

    Media literacy has always been an important research subject in the domestic and overseas news communication circle .

  22. 中国新闻传播学的发展,与近现代以来中国新闻传播事业的发展,有着紧密的联系。

    There is close relationship between the development of Journalism in China and the development of Chinese media affairs .

  23. 手机报作为新兴的传播媒介,具有巨大的发展潜力和空间,也对新闻传播学产生了许多新的有价值的启示。

    It has great potentialities and also brings a lot of new valuable enlightenment to journalism and communication science .

  24. 《新闻传播学》对新闻和新闻价值的定义都不够恰当。

    The monograph News Dissemination Studies has made improper definitions of " news " and " news value " .

  25. 英美新闻传播学研究生教育模式的比较研究中、美、日、前民德中小学体育教学模式的比较研究

    Comparative study among china , america , japan and former GDR on sport teaching model in primary and secondary school

  26. 论新闻传播学专业的考研热与高校学风建设

    " Craze for Graduate Education " Phenomenon in Journalism and Communication Major and the Construction of Learning Style in Universities

  27. 论20世纪40年代美国新闻传播学教育的新拓展广播电视新闻学专业传播学课程教学的思考

    Education of US Journalism & Mass Communication in 1940s ; On Teaching of Communication Theory of Broadcasting Television Journalism for Undergraduates

  28. 新闻传播学专业的学生不同于文史、理工类学生,有其鲜明的个性特点。

    Different from the students of arts or science majors , students in the major of journalism and communication have unique features .

  29. 传播学的引进和发展,对中国大陆新闻传播学理论研究和传媒实践,都产生了重要影响。

    The introduction and development of communication study have produced great influence on Chinese Mainland journalism and communication theory as well as practice .

  30. 我国新闻传播学在学术规范方面与国际不接轨,使得我们的学术成果难以走向世界。

    The fact that Chinese journalism and communication research fails to adopt international standards prevents our achievements from well recognized by the world .