
  • 网络New Brunswick
  1. 新不伦瑞克省,美国、欧洲等地处于加拿大ICT创新网络的中密度区。

    New Brunswick , the United States , Europe in the Canadian ICT Innovation Networks of medium density area .

  2. 这两个精彩图片上面发出的罗克珊在西,新不伦瑞克省,加拿大。

    The two fabulous pictures above were sent in by Roxanne in Westfield , New Brunswick , Canada .

  3. 加拿大当局称,他们在新不伦瑞克省查封了600多桶偷来的枫糖浆,这是魁北克省价值百万的糖浆被盗案调查的一部分。

    Canadian authorities say they have seized more than 600 barrels of stolen maple syrup in New Brunswick as part of an investigation into the theft of millions worth of syrup in Quebec .

  4. 在魁北克省以外的省份,包括英、法语双语省份新不伦瑞克省,法语是母语以及法语是使用语言的居民的比例都在下降。

    In other provinces of Canada , among them the bilingual province of New Brunswick , nevertheless , the proportion of population who speaks French as mother tongue or / and home language is decreasing .