
  • 网络alabama
  1. 约翰尼·沃里克在亚拉巴马州有个养猪场。

    Johnny Warrick has a hog farm in Alabama .

  2. 1954年,美国亚拉巴马州的AnnieHodges被一颗8磅重(约3.6千克)的陨石砸中:这颗陨石击穿了她的屋顶,砸中了一台收音机,并反弹起来击中了正在打盹的Annie的屁股。

    In 1954 , Annie Hodges of Sylacauga , Alabama , was struck by an eight-pound meteorite that crashed though her roof and bounced off a radio into her hip while she was napping .

  3. HighlandsBarandGrill,亚拉巴马州伯明翰

    Highlands Bar and Grill , Birmingham , Ala.

  4. cic在中国上海、美国亚拉巴马州伯明翰市均设有办事处。

    CIC has offices in shanghai , China and birmingham , al , USA.

  5. 亚拉巴马州塞尔玛市(Selma,Alabama)是上世纪60年代在民权问题上,尤其是选举权问题上发生冲突的中心。

    Selma , Alabama , was a center of conflict over civil rights in the1960s , particularly voting rights .

  6. 来自亚拉巴马州的Hinkle女士说,我们在一起训练、学习、探险。

    Ms Hinkle from Alabama , said : ' Together we train , learn and explore .

  7. 这场运动旨在反对,亚拉巴马州,蒙哥马利市对于公共交通系统的,种族隔离政策。它的导火索是,一位叫RosaParks的女士,拒绝为一位白人让座。

    This was a protest campaign against Montgomery , Alabama 's segregation on their public transit system , and it began when a woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person .

  8. 该法案的支持者、亚拉巴马州议院议长MikeHubbard在本周的一次演讲中,对该法部分规定可能会作废表示理解。

    In a speech this week Mike Hubbard , the speaker of the Alabama House and a sponsor of the bill , said that he understands that parts of the law may be struck down .

  9. 蒂特里克在亚拉巴马州伯明翰长大,经常吃“鸡翅和脆骨”。他现在是素食主义者。虽然动物福利是他创办HamptonCreek的动力之一,但他为了公司谨慎地淡化这一目标。

    Mr. Tetrick grew up in Birmingham , Ala. , on a diet of ' chicken wings and gristle . ' He 's now a vegan and , while animal welfare was part of his motivation for founding Hampton Creek , he has been careful to play down that goal for his company . '

  10. 美国亚拉巴马州最大城市;位于亚拉巴马州东北部。

    The largest city in Alabama ; located in northeastern Alabama .

  11. 上星期在亚拉巴马州塞尔马市发生的事件也是这样一个转折点。

    So it was last week in Selma , Alabama .

  12. 距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩

    about a half mile from the town of Greenbow , Alabama .

  13. 也许我可以跑遍亚拉巴马州

    maybe I 'd just run across the great state of Alabama .

  14. 在亚拉巴马州,新法甚至可能会受人们心照不宣的欢迎。

    In Alabama , it might even be tacitly welcome .

  15. 她家的房子和亚拉巴马州一样老

    She lived in a house that was as old as Alabama .

  16. 那位拍卖商是一位出生于亚拉巴马州的雄辩家。

    The auctioneer was a silver-tongued man from Alabama .

  17. 亚拉巴马州的移民法在某些方面模仿了其他州的做法。

    The Alabama law imitates those in some respects .

  18. 亚拉巴马州西南的一座港口城市,位于墨比尔湾。

    A port in southwestern Alabama on mobile bay .

  19. 今天是作为亚拉巴马州的联邦士兵

    are here today as federal soldiers for Alabama ,

  20. 她家的房子和亚拉巴马州一样老。

    Well , she lived in a house that was as old as Alabama .

  21. 亚拉巴马州绿茵镇的父老乡亲

    the city fathers of Greenbow , Alabama ,

  22. 亚拉巴马州的移民很少,非法移民更少。

    THERE are few immigrants in Alabama , and even fewer who are there illegally .

  23. 亚拉巴马州部分地区完全被毁,但该州大部分地区未受到袭击。

    Parts of Alabama were utterly ruined , but most of the state was untouched .

  24. 凯利?姆普尔生活在亚拉巴马州乡村。

    Kelly Mumper lives in rural Alabama .

  25. 亚拉巴马州北部据说是一百年来最热的时候。

    The northern part of Alabama is described as the driest in about one hundred years .

  26. 回答可能是亚拉巴马州或者是梅森-迪克森线以南的什么地方。

    The answer will probably be Alabama or somewhere south of the Mason - Dixon line .

  27. 例如,田纳西州和亚拉巴马州都是美国的制造业中心,遭受全球范围的竞争。

    For example , Tennessee and Alabama are both US manufacturing centres exposed to global competition .

  28. 亚拉巴马州北部一名随身配枪的阿嬷相信,入侵的歹徒下次干扰她时,会三思而后行。

    A pistol-packing grandmother in northern Alabama believes intruders will think twice before messing with her again .

  29. 当他一年的服役期结束时,他去了亚拉巴马州,尝试着做铁匠,但是又失败了。

    When his one year enlistment was up he headed for Alabama , tried blacksmithing and failed .

  30. 利雷的发言人说,亚拉巴马州有关部门满世界搜寻他们需要的拦油栅。

    Alabama authorities scoured the globe for the boom they needed , says a spokesman for the governor .