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  • Sulfite;sulphurous acid;sulfinic acid
亚硫酸[yà liú suān]
  1. 磷酸缓冲液对亚硫酸伤害的防护作用研究

    Study on the Protective Function of Phosphate Buffer to Sulphurous Acid harm

  2. 以亚硫酸模式处理不同类型植物,从脂质过氧化方面探讨了磷酸缓冲液的防护作用。

    Three kinds of plant treated with sulphurous acid were used to study the protective function of phosphate buffer in respect of membrane lipid peroxidation .

  3. 熏硫或亚硫酸浸泡果品中还原性维生素C含量的测定

    Determination of vitamin C in the fruits containing sulfurous acid

  4. 亚硫酸制浆废液CODB与BOD5的相关性研究

    Relationships between COD_B and BOD_5 of sulphurous acid pulping wastewater

  5. 亚硫酸氢盐基因组测序是详细分析一个区域的DNA甲基化状态的一种广泛使用的技术。

    Bisulphite genomic sequencing is a widely used technique for detailed analysis of the methylation status of a region of DNA .

  6. 其中中和结束时的pH值,是否用亚硫酸化鱼油预处理,对结果的影响较大。

    But the pH value and whether pre-treatment by sulfited fish oil have more effect to the applied performance .

  7. 这里,给出了亚硫酸氢盐转换,引物设计和PCR条件优化的一个详细的实验方案。

    Here , a detailed protocol for bisulphite conversion , primer design , and optimization of PCR conditions is given .

  8. 亚硫酸钙对C3A和C4AF凝结时间的影响

    Influence of Calcium Sulfite upon the Setting-Time of C_3A and C_4AF

  9. 辐照亚硫酸纸浆结晶度的研究用纸浆代棉花合成CMC

    Effect of irradiation on the crystallinity of sulphite cellulose studies on CMC synthesized by paper pulp

  10. 方法将基因组DNA变性成为单链,用亚硫酸氢盐修饰单链DNA,所有未甲基化的胞嘧啶被转变为尿嘧啶,而甲基化的胞嘧啶则不变。

    Methods Target DNA was denatured by NaoH , then single strands DNA was modified by sodium bisulfite . All unmethylated , but not methylated cytosines were converted to uracil .

  11. 使Ca2+激活猪凝血酶原的实验条件得以确立。在Ca(OH)2碱性条件下亚硫酸钙对矿渣的激发作用研究

    The experimental condition for Ca 2 + activating porcin prothrombin was established . Research of Calcium Sulfite on Activating Slag Hydration under the Calcium Hydrate Alkali Condition

  12. 采用糖厂蔗渣锅炉烟道气进行饱充是提高亚硫酸法制糖质量的一种可能技术途径,但由于烟气中CO2浓度较低且存在波动,烟道气饱充实际效果不佳。

    It is a potential technical approach to improve the sugar quality of sub-sulfuric acid method by using bagasse boiler flue gas for saturation .

  13. 采用化学反应合成亚硫酸乙烯酯(Es)并将其用作锂离子电池电解液添加剂。

    Ethylene sulfite ( ES ) is synthesized by chemical method and used as an additive in lithium-ion cell electrolyte .

  14. 研究了磺化油SS的乳液稳定性、乳化能力以及在制革中的应用,并与氧化亚硫酸化菜油进行比较。

    The stability of emulsion , the emulsifying ability of sulphonated oil SS and the application in the leather-making are studied .

  15. 亚硫酸化填充加脂剂SAA的应用研究

    Application of Sulfited Filling Fatliquor SAA

  16. SLF多功能亚硫酸化羊毛脂加脂剂应用及其特性研究

    Studies on Application and Properties of SLF Multiple-functional Sulfited Lanoline Fatliquoring Agent

  17. 利用产朊假丝酵母C.utilis发酵亚硫酸造纸废液可生产SCP作为动物饲料添加剂。

    To ferment sulfurous acid wastewater from pulp and paper mills by using C. utilis could produce SCP used for animal feed additive .

  18. 实验结果表明:采用0.3%的亚硫酸钙处理5h后硬化效果较好;

    The results showed that the hardening effect is better by treated with 0.3 % sodium sulfite for 5 h.

  19. 品红亚硫酸法的回收率为98.2%~108%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为2.6%~5.8%。

    The recovery rates and RSDs of sulfurous acid , magenta spectrophotometric method were 98.2 % - 108 % and 2.6 % - 5.8 % respectively .

  20. 对稻草AS-AQ法蒸煮中不同亚硫酸化度的影响进行了研究。

    The effect of different sulfitity on rice straw AS-AQ pulping was studied .

  21. 进行亚硫酸镁盐法竹子/蔗渣浆的酸预处理(A)和酸预处理浆的压力H2O2漂白(Po)。

    This paper mainly studies on the pressured hydrogen peroxide bleaching ( i.e. Po ) of magnesium-based sulfite bamboo / bagasse pulp , which is pretreated with sulfuric acid .

  22. 对红麻亚硫酸氢镁浆HMP三段漂白进行了研究。

    This paper studied on the HMP bleaching for the magnesium bisulfite pulp of whole stalk kenaf .

  23. 随着茶多酚浓度的增加,反应温度的降低或pH值的升高,亚硫酸镁的氧化速率显著下降,而亚硫酸镁的加入量和空气流量对亚硫酸镁的氧化反应速率基本没有影响。

    With increase of TP concentration , reaction temperature or decrease of pH value , magnesium sulfite oxidation rate decreased significantly , while the addition of magnesium sulfite and air flow rate have no obvious effect on the oxidation reaction rate .

  24. 该文利用实验装置,通过改变pH值、亚硫酸钙浓度、空气流量、温度等条件,研究了亚硫酸钙非催化氧化的宏观反应动力学,实验参数较接近实际工况条件。

    By using experimental equipments , the macroscopical uncatalyzed oxidation kinetics of calcium sulfite was studied by varying the pH , concentration of calcium sulfite , flux of airflow and temperature . The experiment parameters were close to those in practical conditions .

  25. 目的:介绍一种准确、敏感的检测多个标本、多个CG二核苷酸甲基化状态的方法。即亚硫酸氢盐-基因组测序法(Bisulfitegenomicsequencing,BGS)。

    Objective : To introduce an exact and sensitive method for screening the methylated patterns of multiple samples and CG sites : Bisulfite Genomic Sequencing ( BGS ) .

  26. 方法用亚硫酸氢盐处理基因组DNA,并以此为模板进行PCR扩增。目的序列中未甲基化的CpG位点被翻转成TpG,而甲基化的CpG位点保持不变。

    Methods This method used bisulfite-modified DNA as a template for PCR amplification , resulting in conversion of unmethylated cytosine , but not methylated cytosine , into thymine within CpG islands of interest .

  27. 采用超高亮绿色发光二极管作光源,使用9cm液芯波导管和光强差技术分光光度法测定食品中痕量亚硫酸根。

    Trace sulfite in food was determined by liquid core waveguide and light intensity difference technique .

  28. 使用邻苯二胺(EBC法)测定啤酒中双乙酰含量时,啤酒中存在的亚硫酸氢盐会影响测定结果的准确性。

    The hydrosulfite in beer would cause deviation of the determination of diacetyl content in beer by EBC method .

  29. 结果表明:与曝气法相比,采用内置法时亚硫酸铵的氧化率有明显提高;较高的施加电压有利于亚硫酸铵的转化;气量越大,初始pH越小越有利于氧化反应的进行。

    The results showed that the oxidation efficiency of ammonium sulfite by built-in DBD reactor had an obvious increase compared with traditional air aeration . Higher applied voltage , bigger gas flow rate and lower initial pH value would benefit the oxidation of ammonium sulfite .

  30. 目的:探讨SO2及其体内衍生物(亚硫酸盐和亚硫酸氢盐)对中枢神经元钠通道的影响。

    AIM : To study the effects of sodium meta bisulfite ( SMB ), sulfur dioxide ( SO_2 ) and its derivatives in vivo , sodium bisulfite and sulfite , on Na ~ + currents .