
yà mǎ sūn hé
  • the Amazon;the Amazon River
亚马孙河 [yà mǎ sūn hé]
  • [the Amazon River] 南美洲第一大河,世界上流量最大、流域面积最广的河流,发源于秘鲁安第斯山脉。流经亚马孙平原,在巴西的马拉若岛附近注入大西洋。全长6500公里,流域面积705万平方公里

亚马孙河[yà mǎ sūn hé]
  1. 亚马孙河流域已有40万平方公里的森林遭到滥伐。

    400,000 square kilometres of the Amazon basin have already been deforested .

  2. 亚马孙河是全世界最长的。

    The Amazon River is the longest river in the world .

  3. 拯救亚马孙河的行动安排在了旱季来临之际。

    Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season .

  4. 居住在亚马孙河雨林偏远地区的部落

    tribes living in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest

  5. 在对马德拉河(亚马孙河上最长的支流)修建水电站项目的许可上,玛丽娜•席尔瓦女士接二连三地惨败给卢拉的总参谋长罗塞夫(DilmaRousseff)。

    She lost out to Dilma Rousseff , Lula 's chief-of-staff , in a row over environmental licences to build hydroelectric power plants on the Madeira river , the Amazon 's longest tributary .

  6. 人很难适应亚马孙河周边的环境。

    The environment of the Amazon can be difficult for humans .

  7. 亚马孙河流域生态系统灾变和对策

    Ecosystem disastrous changes and its counter measures in the Amazon Basin

  8. 我们朝着亚马孙河上游继续漫长的旅程。

    We went on a long trip up the amazon .

  9. 亚马孙河流域有世界上最大的热带雨林。

    The Amazon River Basin contains the world 's largest tropical rainforest .

  10. 有些榔学家希望对亚马孙河赌那一藤定区域进行坎察。

    Some hope to chart out that particular area of the Amazon .

  11. 显微镜下看亚马孙河

    The Amazon Under the Microscope Exploration on the Amazon River

  12. 有大的可食用根的亚马孙河盆地的缠绕植物。

    Twining plant of Amazon basin having large edible roots .

  13. 探险队出发去亚马孙河上游。

    The expedition set out for the upper reaches of the amazon .

  14. 水牛肉和奶在亚马孙河流域也畅销城乡各地。

    Buffalo meat and milk are sold widely in Amazon towns and villages .

  15. 赴亚马孙河的一支6人考察队。

    A six-man expedition down the amazon .

  16. 仅次于南美的亚马孙河和东非的尼罗河。

    Only the Amazon in South America and the Nile in eastern Africa are longer .

  17. 20岁出头时,巴蒂斯塔回到巴西,在亚马孙河流域勘探黄金。

    On returning to Brazil in his early 20s , he prospected for gold in the Amazon .

  18. 南美洲的一半是巴西,巴西的小一半,是亚马孙河。

    Half of South America is Brazil , and nearly half of Brazil is covered by the Amazon .

  19. 亚马孙河植物研究方案

    Amazonian Botanical Research Programme

  20. 巴西说在亚马孙河的采伐森林在2007年最后五个月中到达了一个记录率。

    Brazil said that deforestation in the Amazon reached a record rate in the last five months of2007 .

  21. 关于气候、生物和人类之间相互作用,特别是亚马孙河流域植物和气候之间相互作用的国际会议;

    International Conference on climatic , biotic and human interactions with emphasis on vegetation and climate interactions in amazonia ;

  22. 除了亚马孙河流域的热带雨林,其他地区的很多热带森林也正在受到不断的砍伐。

    In addition to8 the Amazon 's rain forests , many other forests are being cut down as well .

  23. 而在这之前,桑奇斯发现秘鲁亚马孙河地区的许多人坚信他们的土地无法进行农业生产。

    Mr. Sanchez found that many people in Peru 's Amazon River area had believed their soil was useless for agriculture .

  24. 答案:亚马孙河由一千多条支流汇交而成。整个水系覆盖的面积如北美洲一样大。

    The Amazon has over a thousand tributaries feeding into it . The entire river system is the size of North America .

  25. 南美的亚马孙河是世界第二大河流,约占世界总河的五分之一。

    This river of South America is the second largest river in the world and accounts for approximately one-fifth of the world 's total river .

  26. 剩下的少数荒野地区包括阿拉斯加、加拿和俄罗斯的北部森林,中国和蒙古的高原以及亚马孙河流域的大部分地区。

    The few remaining wild areas include the northern forests of alaska , Canada and russia ; the high plateaus of China and mongolia ; and much of the Amazon River basin .

  27. 仅仅在过去一年,亚马孙河地区就有约2000平方英里(约合5180平方公里)的森林遭到砍伐,面积和一个特拉华州相当,土地被用以种植大豆和饲养牛群。

    In the last year alone some 2000 square miles of the Amazon - roughly the size of Delaware - were lost to clearing , largely for planting soybeans and raising cattle .

  28. 尽管这类研究存在固有的不确定性,但“大量证据显示,改变亚马孙河地区的水循环会导致全球性的后果,”希米尔说,“这是一个相当扎实的见解。”

    Despite the uncertainty embedded in these and other studies , " There 's lots of evidence that changing the water cycle in the Amazon would have global consequences , " Dr. Schimel said . " It 's a fairly robust notion . "

  29. 诺布雷和其他气候学家正在呼吁人们立即停止砍伐森林,以及通过大规模再植森林,使亚马孙河地区恢复到健康状态,使其在气候中的重要作用稳定下来。

    Dr. Nobre and other climate experts are urging an immediate halt to deforestation , as well as large-scale planting of new forests , as a way to essentially nurse the Amazon back to full health and stabilize its pivotal role in climate .

  30. 亚马孙上空的“河”比亚马孙河本身的水还多。

    The sky-borne river over the Amazon carries more water than the Amazon River itself .