
  • 网络Oriental Region;Oriental realm
  1. 东洋区的种类相对贫乏,有10种,仅占总数的20%;

    Only 10 species ( 20 % ) to Oriental realm ;

  2. 我国已知16亚科93属,其中分布于东洋区的居多,古北区种类较少。

    It includes 16 subfamilies 93 genera in China , mostly distributed in Oriental realm , others in Paleoarctic realm .

  3. 本文对滇西北昆虫区系特征进行了分析。滇西北昆虫区系具有以下特点:古北区与东洋区种类过渡与交混明显;

    The present paper deals with the characteristics of insect fauna in northwestern Yunnan province .

  4. 中国地跨古北区和东洋区,蝶类生物多样性非常丰富。

    The biogeographical territory of China spans Palaearctic and Oriental region , which results in a rich diversity of butterfly species .

  5. 其生态分布,以热带山地雨林类型中种类最多,地理分布,以东洋区种类为主。

    Its distribution is concentrated in the tropical mountain rain forest and the geographical distribution is mainly in the Oriental region .

  6. 7个族在非洲区均有分布,古北区有4个族、东洋区3个族、澳洲区2个族。

    Seven tribes are all exist in Afrotropical region , 4 tribes in palearctic , 3 in Oriental and2 in Australian region respectively .

  7. 对乐土自然保护区的114种蝴蝶进行区系分析表明,保护区蝴蝶以东洋区成分为主体构成;

    The faunal analysis of114 species of butterflies in Letu nature reserve shows that the butternies in Letu nature reserve are predominated by Oriental elements ;

  8. 南岭南部北江源地鱼类区系及东洋区北侧界的划分

    Studies on the fish fauna and dividing line at the north of Oriental region in the source of Bei-jiang River on the south of nan-ling

  9. 麋鹿苑鱼类以江河平原鱼类为主,其次还有东洋区印度平原鱼类,缺少北温带北部的北方平原鱼类。

    The fishes of Milu Park is common river species and few oriental Indian plain species , lack plain fishes of the northern North Temperate Zone .

  10. 依种类分布情况对4大动物区的相似性分析表明,东洋区与古北区关系最为密切,其次是澳洲区,与非洲区的相关性较小,这与地球演化历史是相吻合的。

    Similarity coefficient analysis of the four regions shows that the similarity from greater to smaller is : Oriental , Palearctic , Australian and Afrotropical Regions ;

  11. 目前已鉴定的61种蛱蝶中,87%分布在东洋区,13%分布在东洋区和古北区。

    At present , 87 percent of the sixty-one species of Vanessa which have been identified are distributed in Orient region , and 13 percent of them are distributed both in Orient region and palaearctic region .

  12. 长白山北坡访花天牛种类,主要以古北区系成分为主,随着海拔增高,访花天牛种类逐渐减少,古北区系成分种类增多,古北、东洋区系成份种类减少。

    The Palaearctic species are the main specie in the north slope of Changbai Mountain . With the rising of altitude , the flower-visiting longicorn beetles gradually become less , the Palaearctic species increase , and the species common to Palaearctic and Oriental regions decrease .

  13. 长江下游平原省东洋界区系特征最明显,东洋界鸟类占19.52%。

    Lower Yangtze River Plain Province has the obvious features of Oriental fauna with Oriental birds accounting for 19.52 % .

  14. 云南革螨物种数和多样性的分布格局可能直接受到古北和东洋两区系边缘效应的影响。

    The spatial distribution patterns of gamasid mites in Yunnan Province may be the results of the edge effect between the Oriental and Palaearctic realms .

  15. 淮南平原省和宁-宜丘陵山地省具有过渡性区系特征,前者偏重于古北界区系,后者偏重于东洋界区系。

    Huainan Plain Province and Nanjing-Yixing Mountains Province have features of Transitional flora . The former inclined to the Palaearctic fauna while the latter inclined to the Oriental fauna .