
  • 网络Hideki Tojo;tojo hideki
  1. 壹个叫NobusukeKishi的高级经济规划人与后来占领山洞区的长官来往密切,而那个长官正是中国人所熟悉的关东军的总长官东条英机。

    A high-ranking economic planner named Nobusuke Kishi worked closely with then commander of the occupying Kanto division , known to the Chinese as the Kwantung Army , General Hideki Tojo .

  2. 1946年的今天,前日本首相东条英机(东条英机)及28名前日本领导人被以战争罪名起诉。

    1946-Former Prime Minister of Japan Hideki Tojo and28 former Japanese leaders are indicted for war crimes .

  3. 1945年日本战败后,东条英机和Kishi作为甲级战犯被人们唾弃,然而Kishi却因某种原因避开了恐吓&也许是因为他那在战争中能够摧毁民族的利用价值。

    After Japans defeat in1945 , both Tojo and Kishi were found guilty as Class-A war criminals , but Kishi evaded the gallows for reasons unknown & probably his usefulness to a war-ravaged nation .

  4. 这样你才拍到东条英机穿浴衣的照片,记得吗?

    All so you could get a photograph of Tojo Hideki in his bathrobe , remember ?

  5. 他和墨索里尼领导的意大利、东条英机领导的日本联盟结成轴心国。

    He led by Italy and Mussolini , Hideki Tojo led Japan to form the Axis alliance .

  6. 1948年的今天,日本前首相东条英机等6名日本头号战犯在东京被处决。

    1948-former Japanese premier Hideki Tojo ( hee-day-kee toh-joh ) and six other Japanese war leaders were executed in Tokyo .

  7. 东条英机将军在盟军占领的日本国土上监禁期间,征召入伍的美国牙医杰克.马洛里把这句话用摩尔斯信号钻在东条英机的假牙上。

    American dentist , drilled the message in Morse code into General Hideki Tojo 's dentures while the general was imprisoned in occupied Japan .

  8. 影片中,一般约战时东条英机,日本的批评激怒了中国,因为它声称东条英机是毕竟不是那么糟。

    The film , about wartime general Hideki Tojo , infuriated Japan critics in China because it claimed that Tojo was not so bad after all .