
  • 网络eastern siberia;east siberia;East Siberian;Espo
  1. GazpromNeft是国有巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)旗下的石油子公司,该公司上周五表示自2015年初开始,它一直用人民币结算通过东西伯利亚-太平洋石油管道向中国出口的石油。

    Gazprom Neft , the oil arm of state gas giant Gazprom , said on Friday that since the start of 2015 it had been selling in renminbi all of its oil for export down the East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline to China .

  2. 从东西伯利亚看塔里木盆地寒武系盐下碳酸盐岩勘探前景

    Probe into Exploration Prospect of Cambrian Subsalt Carbonate Rocks in Tarim Basin from East Siberia Basin

  3. STT根焊技术在东西伯利亚&太平洋管道工程中的成功应用

    STT Root Welding Process was Successfully Applied in East Siberia-Pacific Ocean Pipeline Project

  4. 东西伯利亚&太平洋管道工程项目中焊接相关认证介绍

    Introduction on Related Welding Qualification in East Siberia-pacific Pipeline Project

  5. 东西伯利亚和远东的煤炭工业

    Coal industry of Siberia and the Far East

  6. 1997&2005年北极东西伯利亚海海冰变化特征研究

    Variations of Sea Ice Cover in East Siberian Sea of Arctic Ocean in 1997-2005

  7. 欧洲中部和北部以及东西伯利亚到朝鲜和日本的沼泽灌木。

    Bog shrub of northern and central Europe and eastern Siberia to Korea and Japan .

  8. 东西伯利亚经济的发展

    Economic development of East Siberia

  9. 中国和俄罗斯启动在东西伯利亚开展的联合天然气管道建设项目。

    China and Russia have launched the construction of a joint natural gas pipeline in eastern Siberia .

  10. 俄罗斯远东和东西伯利亚油气开发项目现状、问题及前景

    Oil and gas projects in the Russian Far East and East siberia : present situation , problems and Prospects

  11. 七赛车遍布世界的赛道:亚利桑那州,在东西伯利亚,中国的长城,撒哈拉等。

    7 racing circuits around the world : arizona , siberia , the great wall of china , the sahara , etc.

  12. “依据这些最新获得的数据,我们觉得从东西伯利亚北极大陆架释放的甲烷增加了,”他说。

    " With this newly obtained data , we suggest an increase of methane release from the East Siberian Arctic shelf ," he said .

  13. 然而,尽管亚洲市场比萎靡不振的欧洲市场更容易赚钱,东西伯利亚至太平洋管道项目仍不乏批评者。

    But while there is more money to be made in Asia than in sluggish European markets , the ESPO project is not without critics .

  14. 通过对主要管道路线的对比分析,笔者认为东西伯利亚蒙中韩日和土中日管线方案相对成熟。

    By analyzing and comparing the main pipeline routes , the author claims the East Siberia-Mongolia-China-Korea-Japan and the Turkmenistan - China-Japan pipeline plans are relatively complete .

  15. 蒙古种族中,一个散布在东西伯利亚、说通古斯语的游牧民族;他们和满族人有联系。

    A member of the Tungus speaking people of Mongolian race who are a nomadic people widely spread over E Siberia ; related to the Manchu .

  16. 根据最近的探险队介绍,东西伯利亚海正在从海底释放出甲烷这种超级温室气体。

    The East Siberian Sea is bubbling with methane , a powerful greenhouse gas , being released from underwater reserves , according to a recent expedition .

  17. 与克林姆林宫关系较好的一些石油公司已获得税收减免待遇,以加快开发东西伯利亚的储量,抵消其它地区产量下降的影响。

    Some Kremlin-friendly oil companies have been granted tax breaks to speed development of east Siberian res-erves and offset a decline in production in other regions .

  18. 俄罗斯的叶尼塞河是西西伯利亚平原与东西伯利亚高原的分界线,朝向北流向喀拉海。

    Russia 's Yenisei River ( also spelled " Yenisey " ) divides Western and Eastern Siberia , flowing north before emptying into the Kara Sea .

  19. 中石油将出资并修建这条69公里长的管道,由此接入正在修建的从东西伯利亚到太平洋的俄罗斯新出口系统。

    CNPC will finance and build the 69km pipeline , to tap into a new Russian export system being built from East Siberia to the Pacific Ocean .

  20. 如果俄罗斯迅速与中国达成交易,将有助于东西伯利亚地区成为向日本和韩国出口天然气的枢纽。

    If Russia locks in a deal soon , it could spark the development of eastern Siberia as a hub to sell gas to Japan and South Korea .

  21. 该海区的海冰异常造成中、高纬度环流的异常,在极区与欧亚高纬地区之间存在距平波列,其中心分别位于极区(格陵兰岛周围)、东西伯利亚、北太平洋。

    There was an obvious wave train in high latitude area , its centers located at polar region surrounding Greenland island , East Siberian , and north Pacific .

  22. 哈尔滨人,中国的东北。我在那里出生。居住在北蒙古和东西伯利亚的人类。

    B From Harbin , in the north-east . I was born there . a member of the people inhabiting an area of northern Mongolia and eastern Siberia .

  23. 对于它来说,如果想实现长期增长,还需要有大笔投资用于西西伯利亚新油田的开发,并在东西伯利亚及北极地区等更为偏远的地区进行勘探。

    For it to increase in the long-term , massive investments are needed to develop fresh pockets in western Siberia and to tap more remote provinces in eastern Siberia and the Arctic .

  24. 2.4万年前死于东西伯利亚的一具男孩尸体被发现,这引发了新的问题,即那部分世界与欧洲的联系程度。

    The discovery of the remains of young boy who died 24000 years ago in eastern Siberia is risen new questions about extents of the reach of Europeans in that part of the world .

  25. 中国官员正在考虑修建一条路线,将从中国的东北部开始,途经东西伯利亚,穿过白令海峡,再通过一条125英里长的水下隧道抵达阿拉斯加。

    Chinese officials are considering a route that would start in the country 's northeast , thread through eastern Siberia and cross the Bering Strait , via a 125-mile long underwater tunnel into Alaska .

  26. 欧洲研究人员的研究重点在于,日益变暖的北极海水,正如何加快俄罗斯北方东西伯利亚海下面的永久冻土融化&那里据信蕴藏着大量甲烷。

    The European researchers have focused on the way warming Arctic waters are expected to hasten thawing of permafrost beneath the East Siberian Sea off northern Russia , believed to contain vast deposits of methane .

  27. 中国东北属于北半球东西伯利亚变温区,处于它的南部边缘地带,和东西伯利亚夏季地面温度有同样的年代际变化规律。

    In the 1990s , it bounced back .. 2 . Northeast China belongs is located in the south edge of Siberia temperature variation region with the same inter-annual summer temperature variation that east Siberia has .

  28. 俄政府将在2005年加强对上游市场的投资开发,特别是东西伯利亚地区的油气开发,并准备拍卖该地区的38个油田。

    The Russian government plans to intensify its investment and development on the upstream market in 2005 , particularly oil / gas development in East Siberia , and to auction off 38 oil fields in the region .

  29. 东西伯利亚(或鄂霍茨克海)阻塞高压及亚洲中高纬度东高西低分布的稳定维持,则分别对华北平原的严重干旱与雨涝的形成起着重要的作用。

    The stable sustenances of blocking high over the East Siberia ( or the Okhotsk Sea ), and distribution of Ural trough and Baikal ridge plays a very important role in the serious drought and flood formation in the North China Plane , respectively .