
dōnɡ běi fēnɡ
  • northeasterly wind;northeastern wind
  1. 9点15分时刮起了寒冷的东北风。

    By 9.15 a bitter north-east wind was blowing .

  2. 东北风刮得呼呼响。

    A northeast wind is blowing strongly .

  3. 中纬度西风与MCS南部的偏东北风构成一个反气旋环流带。

    The Meiyu cloud band is associated with an anticyclonic wind belt with mid-latitude westerlies to the north and subtropical easterlies to the south .

  4. 全区夏季为西南风,冬季为东北风。

    The region southwest winds in summer , winter north-easterly winds .

  5. 涨着潮还刮着东北风

    The rocking was from the moon tide and the northeast wind .

  6. 东北风:你刮到哪儿了?

    Northeast Wind : Where have you gone ?

  7. 低层吹东北风,随着高度增大,风速减小。

    At low-layer wind direction is Northeast , wind speed decreased with the altitude .

  8. 深厚的逆温层,同时也是东北风与西南风的过渡层。

    The deep inversion layer is actually the transitional level of NE and SW wind .

  9. 可是,过了不久,有一种称为「东北风」的飓风,向岛上冲来。

    But not long after , there arose against it a tempestuous wind , called Euroaquilo .

  10. 猛禽迁徙的最适天气条件是晴朗、少云、能见度好、三级以上的东北风或西北风。

    The fittest weather is sunny , good visibility with upwards third class northeaster of northwester winds .

  11. 闽南地区在偏西风下的酸雨出现率大,东北风下最小。

    The frequency is large with the westerly wind but small with the northeasterly wind in southern Fujian .

  12. 那时我们正在仲冬季节,东北风刮得很厉害,我就反对。

    We were in the middle of winter , the wind blew strong from the north-east , and I objected .

  13. 夏季,克里雅河以西地区盛行偏西北风和西风,以东盛行东北风。

    In summer northwesterly and westerly ( northeasterly ) winds are prevalent west ( east ) of the Keriya River ;

  14. 由于有凸出的峭壁遮挡着,东北风只能从侧面吹来。

    Thus the winds from the northeast would only strike it obliquely , for it was protected by the projection .

  15. 北部地区会有雨变为雪的气象并且要迎来东北风。

    Northern Oregon will also see rain turning to snow and quite windy , with winds coming from the North-East .

  16. 结果表明:受地形和建筑布局影响,长沙城区内盛行低空东北风。

    The results showed that : the layout of the terrain and building effects of low-level northeasterly winds prevailed within the city of Changsha .

  17. 隆冬季节东北风强盛时锋面可南移到陆架坡折,形成陆架/陆坡锋。

    In deep winter , this front could move southward to the shelf break and becomes a shelf / slope front when northeasterly blows .

  18. 美国国家气象局称,东北风预计将形成强风,带来暴雨,这周三或周四可能会发生洪水。

    The National Weather Service says the nor'easter is expected to generate some strong winds , heavy rain and possible flooding this Wednesday or Thursday .

  19. 于田绿洲位于东北风与西北风的交汇地带,受到流沙侵蚀的危害很严重,自然条件非常恶劣,生态环境异常脆弱,人民的生存环境受到了很大的威胁。

    Located in the cross belt which converges northeaster and northwester , Yutian Oasis is threatened by the flowing sand , and has the bad natural conditions .

  20. 到了晚上,天气变了,南来的风变成了东北风,先是带来了雨,跟着就是霜和雪。

    In the evening , the weather broke : the wind shifted from south to northeast , and brought rain first , and then sleet and snow .

  21. 由于中国大陆下对流层的压力正距平以及西太平洋下对流层的压力负距平,会为东亚沿岸地面带来乾冷的东北风距平。

    In lower troposphere , the positive anomaly of pressure in China and the negative anomaly of pressure in west Pacific Ocean bring cold-dry air into Eastern Asia .

  22. 秋天,东北风给香港吹来了最佳的远足季节,夏日的闷热逐渐退去,取而代之的是干燥凉爽的天气。

    Autumn 's northeasterly winds bring the prime hiking season to Hong Kong , as the summer 's hot , humid weather gives way to drier , cooler days .

  23. 本文利用河口海岸三维数学模型(HEM-3D)对黄河口双导堤工程实施后河口高、中流量条件及低流量与东北风组合条件下的河口泥沙输送过程进行了数值计算。

    With the 3-D model , the impacts of the double-dyke on the river sediment transport under the circumstances of different runoff and its combination with wind forces are assessed .

  24. 此外,当地面为东北风时,位于竞赛海域上游的崂山对地面风速有阻挡减弱的作用,从而有利于海风的发展;

    However , when the surface wind is from the northeast , the blocking and decreasing of surface wind due to the upstream the Lao Mountain are favorable to the development of sea breeze .

  25. 当上海吹西风、西南风和西北风时容易出现灰霾天气,而北风、东北风、东风、东南风对大气有一定的净化作用,灰霾天气出现较少。

    When westerly , southwest or northwest winds blowed in Shanghai , there was higher occurrence of haze , while north , northeast east or south-east wind could purify atmosphere leading to less haze .

  26. 随着《马大帅》、《刘老根》、《乡村爱情》等作品的热播,使电视剧东北风越刮越强劲,席卷了大江南北。

    With the broadcasting of " Mada Shuai "," Liu Laogen "," Country Love " and other works , the TV series " northeast " increased than strong , swept through the major north-south .

  27. 确切地说,南海冷水年份,即南海和孟加拉湾负距平、西太平洋正距平的年份,2,3月份南海有东北风异常;

    When there are cold SST anomalies in the SCS and the Bay of Bengal and warm anomalies in the western tropical Pacific Ocean , there is anomalous northeasterly over the SCS in February and March .

  28. 中、西部地区除东南或东北风外,还有西南或西北风及其邻近方位。

    While in the middle and western parts of the island , the winds blow not only in the directions of southeast and northeast , but also in southwest or northwest and in the neighbouring direction .

  29. 外围那些石块已经掉了,主拱经过两三百年的东北风吹过,一侧已经破损得只剩一个骨架,但在他的工作开始之前是所有的石头都被仔细地固定下来。

    Blocks were missing on the exterior , and one side of the main arch was worn away almost to a skeleton , as though two or three centuries of wild north-east weather had blown through it . But all the stone had been carefully stabilised before his work began .

  30. ELNino事件与东北区夏季风异常无直接联系,故与东北夏季降水关系不密切。

    There is no direct connection between El Nino events and the summer monsoon in northeast China , i. e. the former has no close relation with the summer rainfall in northeast China .