
zhì lì
  • Chile
智利[zhì lì]
  1. 他很久没有回故乡智利了。

    It is a long time since he has visited his native Chile .

  2. 周四,南极气流给智利南部带来了刺骨的严寒。

    Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday .

  3. 在智利会面的外交官们已经为那些对未来影响深远的环境保护条例的制定打好了基础。

    Diplomats meeting in Chile have laid the groundwork for far-reaching environmental regulations

  4. 智利是世界上最大的产铜国。

    Chile is the world 's largest producer of copper .

  5. 他是智利政坛的风云人物。

    He 's a big shot in Chilean politics .

  6. 对森林的商业开发所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们感到忧心忡忡。

    Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests

  7. 智利和阿根廷对于南极的领土主张都持强硬态度。

    Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica .

  8. 梵蒂冈成功地调解了1984年阿根廷与智利之间的领土争端。

    The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984

  9. 新矿投产后,智利在世界铜产量中所占的份额将大幅增加。

    As new mines come on stream , Chile 's share of world copper output will increase sharply

  10. 好像还不够,一架巴西C-130大力神军用运输飞机自从2014年紧急降落后,仍搁浅在智利航空基地的跑道附近。

    As if that were not enough , a Brazilian C-130 Hercules military transport plane has remained stranded near the runway of Chile 's air base here since it crash-landed in 2014 .

  11. 中国最近翻新了位于乔治王岛上的长城站,使这里的俄罗斯与智利的基地显得有点落后了。

    China 's newly renovated Great Wall Station on King George lsland makes the Russian and Chilean bases here seem outdated .

  12. 他的航行沿智利参差曲折的海岸线行进。

    His voyage was down Chile 's indented coastline .

  13. 我方审计均遵循智利通用审计准则完成

    Nuestras auditorial fueron efectuadas de acuerdo con normas de auditoria generalmente aceptadas en Chile .

  14. 但这座位于智利沙漠中的望远镜能够看到宇宙的真实面貌,里面充满了一种神秘的物质,被称作“暗物质”。

    But this telescope in the deserts of Chile is able to see the Universe as it really is , filled with a mysterious substance called dark matter .

  15. 一是太平洋联盟(PacificAlliance),包括智利、秘鲁、哥伦比亚和墨西哥。

    One is the Pacific Alliance , which includes Chile , Peru , Colombia , and Mexico .

  16. 这几幅画作由智利艺术家弗雷多用3D铅笔多所绘。这个天才所描绘的物体好像跃然纸上。

    The 3D pencil drawings by Chilean artist Fredo are mind-blowing . The prodigy draws objects that look like they 're about to jump off the page .

  17. 自由贸易协定(FTA)下的中国东盟及中国智利农产品贸易发展研究

    Research on the Development of Chinese Agri-product Trade under the FTA Framework of China-ASEAN and China-Chile

  18. 具体来讲,智利最干燥的地区是阿塔卡马沙漠(AtacamaDesert)。

    Most specifically , the driest part of the country is the Atacama Desert .

  19. 这项决定是在智利首都圣地亚哥召开的为期两天的峰会结束时做出的。此前,在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的支持下,有关各方展开了为期数月的讨论。

    The decisions were made at the conclusion of a two-day summit in Santiago , Chile , and followed months of discussions supported by the International Monetary Fund .

  20. 当艾尔维斯·普莱斯利公司听说佩纳是一个歌迷时,它送了各种礼物到智利,包括照片、DVD、CD、一本书和太阳镜。

    When Elvis Presley Enterprises heard Pena was a fan , it sent various gifts to Chile , including a picture , DVDs , CDs , a book and sunglasses .

  21. 巴西和墨西哥领跑A组。用新式打法击败卫冕冠军西班牙后,智利得以出线B组。哥伦比亚领衔C组。乌拉圭使英格兰从D组淘汰,并为自己同哥斯达黎加一同晋级创造了机会。

    Brazil and Mexicolead Group A. Having so stylishly seen off the defending champions , Chile are already through in Group B. Columbia lead Group C. Uruguay have eliminated England from Group D and now have the chance to progress with Costa Rica .

  22. 现在天体化学家有了新工具:阿塔卡马大型毫米/亚毫米波天线阵(ALMA,位于智利北部)。

    Now the astrochemists have a new tool : the Atacama Large Millimetre / submillimetre Array ( ALMA ) in northern Chile .

  23. “这使得智利断层更显著地使地球质量发生垂直变化,并更有效地移动了地球的形状轴,”NASA官员说。

    " This makes the Chile fault more effective in moving Earth 's mass vertically and hence more effective in shifting Earth 's figure axis ," NASA officials said .

  24. 此外,巴里克黄金还搁置了60亿美元的智利CerroCasale项目以及67亿美元的阿拉斯加DonlinGold项目。

    It also shelved the $ 6bn Cerro Casale project in Chile and the $ 6.7bn Donlin Gold project in Alaska .

  25. 据彭博社(Bloomberg)资料显示,只有5个国家股市上涨:智利、委内瑞拉、突尼斯,再加上如今被寄予厚望的中国和印度。

    According to Bloomberg only five nations saw gains ; Chile , Venezuela and Tunisia plus the two on which hopes now hang China and India .

  26. 澳新银行(ANZ)高级大宗商品策略师珀尔文(MarkPervan)表示,智利之于铜相当于中东之于石油。

    ' Chile is to copper what the Middle East is to oil , 'says ANZ senior commodity strategist Mark Pervan .

  27. 他在智利拥有一家葡萄酒企业,6个月后,他向ASC投资,拯救了我的企业,圣皮尔说道。

    He owned a wine business in Chile and saved my business by investing in ASC six months later , Mr St Pierre Sr says .

  28. 巴西的伊塔乌联合银行(Itaú)在海外采取了一些动作,但主要是在邻国智利、阿根廷、巴拉圭和乌拉圭。

    Ita ú of Brazil has made some moves abroad but mostly into neighbouring Chile , Argentina , Paraguay and Uruguay .

  29. 中国最大的电力公用事业公司国家电网(StateGrid)已同意出资至少9亿美元,与总部位于温哥华的QuadraMining携手开发智利一个大型铜矿床。

    State Grid , China 's biggest power utility , has agreed to spend at least US $ 900m (€ 660m , £ 599m ) to develop a large copper deposit in Chile in partnership with Vancouver-based Quadra Mining .

  30. RicardoLagosEscobar是智利前总统以及前教育部长和公共工程部长。

    Ricardo Lagos Escobar is the former President of Chile , and former Education Minister and Minister of Public Works .