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zhì náng
  • Think tank;brain truster;brainpower;repository;backroom boy;wise man;oracle
智囊 [zhì náng]
  • [backroom boy;brain truster;wise man] 比喻智谋多,善于给人出主意的

  • 樗里子滑稽多智,秦人号曰智囊--《史记.樗里子甘茂列传》

智囊[zhì náng]
  1. 本文以项目生命周期管理为主线,按照客户、专家(承包商)、智囊团和管理员四种不同角色的业务操作流程,利用UML技术构建了系统整体框架的模型。

    On the basis of management of project lifecycle , According to the different business fluent of client 、 expert 、 brainpower and administrator , the paper constitute the architecture of whole system by UML .

  2. 聚集于一地的最伟大的科学智囊。

    The greatest scientific brainpower ever gathered together in one place .

  3. 他是总统的亚洲政治智囊。

    He 's the president 's go-to guy on Asian politics .

  4. 他确信原先的幕后智囊能够填补暂时的空缺。

    He is confident the backroom can step into the temporary void

  5. 国内一些智囊人物今晚都出席了。

    Some of the best brains in the country are here tonight .

  6. 约翰是他家里的智囊。

    John is the brain of the family .

  7. 3braintrust专家顾问团,智囊团总统面对着智囊团提出的相互冲突的意见。

    The president faces conflicting advice from his brain trust .

  8. 伦敦智囊机构政策网络(policynetwork)在奥斯陆会议上就个中原因提供了一个巧妙的解释。

    The London-based think-tank policy network offered the Oslo gathering an intelligent explanation as to why .

  9. “没多少人”的意思是——除了谷歌(Google)总部的智囊们,没多少人这么看。

    Not many , that is , outside the brainaics at the Googleplex .

  10. 作为美国企业研究所(AmericanEnterpriseInstitute)的智囊学者,赫尔曼援引的生产统计数字至今仍让人震撼不已。

    The production statistics cited by Mr Herman , a think-tank scholar at the American Enterprise Institute , still astound .

  11. 邓肯史密斯和他创立的智囊机构社会公平中心(centreforsocialjustice)希望鼓励这种看法。

    Mr Duncan Smith and the centre for social justice , the think-tank he founded , wish to encourage this perspective .

  12. 一个例子是,一个更为传统的智囊机构美国对外关系委员会(councilonforeignrelations)也协办了save峰会。

    The save summit , for example , was co-sponsored by a more traditional think-tank , the Council on foreign relations .

  13. 默里是华盛顿智囊机构美国企业研究院(AmericanEnterpriseInstitute)的W.H.布雷迪学者,而这个机构从来不掩饰自己保守的风格。

    Murray is the W.H. Brady Scholar at the unabashedly conservative Washington think tank American Enterprise Institute .

  14. 但是,位于伦敦的公共政策智囊机构查塔姆研究所(ChhathamHouse)的中东问题专家罗宾.洛说,欧洲人的外交影响力有限。

    But Robin Lowe , a Middle East expert at Chatham House , a London-based public policy institute , said the Europeans have limited diplomatic clout .

  15. 该智囊机构的新建议可能不会对货币政策有任何影响,因为货币政策由中国人民银行(People'sBankofChina)控制。

    The commerce ministry 's new position is unlikely to have any impact on currency policy , which is controlled by the People 's Bank of China , the central bank .

  16. 在上周智囊机构Tomorrow'sCompany就资产所有者进行有效监管召开的新闻发布会上,提出的问题之一,与让初创企业丧失发展资金的市场失灵有关。

    One of the questions raised at a briefing last week by Tomorrow 's Company on effective stewardship by asset owners was about the market failure that deprives start-up businesses of capital to develop .

  17. 我这个缺乏自我检讨的加拿大人观点将以竞争及繁荣协会(InstituteforCompetitivenessandProsperity)2005年报告为基础,这是多伦多的一个智囊机构。

    My devoid-of-any-self-criticism Canadian observations were going to be based on a 2005 report from the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity , a Toronto think-tank .

  18. 国际清算银行(bankforinternationalsettlements)在危机前表现出来的预见性,远远超过大银行家,或者那些正在改革大银行家监管方式的政府智囊团。

    The bank for International Settlements showed far more prescience ahead of the crisis than big bankers or the government brain trusts now reforming how they are regulated .

  19. 正如智囊机构欧洲对外关系委员会(EuropeanCouncilonForeignRelations)在一份有关欧中关系的最新报告中所言,中国已经学会利用欧盟成员国之间的分歧。

    As the European Council on Foreign Relations think-tank puts it in a new report on EU-China relations : China has learned to exploit the divisions among EU member-states .

  20. 独立智囊机构经济与和平学会(instituteforeconomicsandpeace)与总部位于英国的经济学人智库(economistintelligenceunit)共同编制了全球和平指数。

    The global peace index is drawn up by the Institute for economics and peace , an independent think-tank , together with the UK-based Economist Intelligence Unit .

  21. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)向这家位于华盛顿特区的智囊机构发问:年轻大学毕业生收入下滑的情况相比其他全职工作者怎样?

    Fortune asked the Washington , DC-based think tank how the slide in earnings of young college grads compares to most other full-timers .

  22. 谈到中国,科技智囊集团战略通讯社(StrategicNewsService)的马克•安德森指出,中国从其他国家获得知识产权的30年历程将难以为继。

    Speaking of China , Mark Anderson of strategic News Service says that the 30-year effort by the Chinese of " obtaining " intellectual property from other nations is coming to a head .

  23. 中国对于是否真的希望人民币全球化依然犹豫不决,智囊机构中国社科院(ChineseAcademyofSocialSciences)有影响力的经济学家余永定表示。

    China is still very hesitant about whether it really wants the currency to be international , says Yu Yongding , an influential economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences think-tank .

  24. 该报告是美国智囊团新美国安全中心(centerforanewamericansecurity)在上述事件发生前委托撰写的,重点关注为美国国防部工作的军人和文职分析师。

    The report was commissioned by the center for a new American security , a US think-tank , before the latest incidents , and focuses on the US military and civilian analysts employed by the Department of defence .

  25. 格林在智囊机构政策交流(PolicyExchange)向听众表示,这一新制度面向在大学指导下发展出商业创意的非欧盟学生,将从4月起实行。

    The new route , open to non-European Union students who have developed a business idea under supervision at university , will be available from next April , Mr Green told an audience at the Policy Exchange think-tank .

  26. 伦敦智囊机构demos今日将在一个关于科学、创新和全球化的国际会议上公布这项名为《创意版图》(atlasofideas)的研究报告。

    Demos , the London-based think-tank , will launch the atlas of ideas study today at an International Conference on science , innovation and globalisation .

  27. 但是,根据堪萨斯城的智囊团考夫曼基金会(theKauffmanFoundation)有关创业的最新研究,这个形象是虚构的。

    But according to a new study from the Kauffman Foundation , a Kansas City think tank that studies entrepreneurship , that image is a myth .

  28. 英国智囊团“移民观察”(MigrationWatch)的AlpMehmet对政府的限令表示赞同。

    Alp Mehmet with the think tank Migration Watch approves of the government 's cap .

  29. 这项研究是由智囊团Demos实施的,并定于星期五全面发表。

    The research was carried out by thinktank Demos and is due to be published in full on Good Friday .

  30. 最近一个由美国乔治华盛顿大学和L2智囊团的分析发现,在中国,周大福的品牌知名度超过劳力士、宝格丽或蒂芙尼。

    A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2 , a think-tank , found the brand is better known in China than Rolex , Bulgari or Tiffany .