- slaves and maid-servants;slaves and maids;I

(1) [slaves and maids]∶原指丧失自由、受人奴役的男女,后泛指男女仆人
(2) [I]∶太监对皇帝、后妃等的自称
The Cause of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Releasing Slaves
The slaves and bondmaids problem of lingnan district in T'ang Dynasty and society evolution
Civil objects was consist of substance , person ( slaves ) and acts .
I think I am lucky just to get to see him in person .
Chiang handled his government officials as a titled lady handles her household servants .
Excuse me ! Am I wearing a sign that says ," karl 's slave "?
In long feudal society of China , slaves are the indispensable special class throughout the history .
Meanwhile , the verdict for his works , influenced by the Slavery Consciousness , is rather fixed and unitary .
The house slave system of the Jias is same as neither western slave system nor Chinese tradition servants system .
She was Illyrio 's favorite , a fair-haired , blue-eyed wench of sixteen who chattered constantly as she worked .
The legal ideology about slave and slave girl in The Laws and Decrees of the Second Year of the Han Dynasty
There you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves , but no one will buy you .
Re-Discussing the Relationship between Contracts and State Law in Ancient China : Centering on the Contracts Handling Lands , Houses and Servants in the Tang Dynasty
Through this family , he controlled seven hundred tenant farmers , thirty slave girls , two hundred squatters and seven wet nurses who breast-fed his numerous brood .
The word that came to Jeremias from the Lord , after that king Sedecias had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem making a proclamation .
Because this question is related to the truth whether slaves had total rights and capacity of criminal responsibility , it is connected tightly with slaves ' legal status .
First of all , we discuss about whether slaves in Chin and Han dynasties had been enrolled in the Household Register , it has been debated by scholars .
In my opinion , the economic conditions , the political system , ideology and social culture in Chin and Han dynasties were all affected the legal status of slaves .
Bring hired servants into the category of familial cohabitation and affected by the status of masters and servants , the Song Dynasty experienced a process of gestation and debugging .
Vocational education makes itself the bondman of economy , in which all the educational ideas of industrial development , utilitarian value , vocational motive and manpower design are implied .
In comparison , less severe punishments are meted out for the same crimes committed outside the family relationship , which reflected relatively open social mores in Qin and Han societies .
Therefore the counterattack was calmed down . Later , he issues six prescripts to release bondservants , which helped to stabilize the social order , restore and develop economy effectively .
The slave-and-maid system in the monastery economy made the relationship between nuns and slave girls very close ; their identities were interchangeable , but actually they were the same in essence .
The Status of Masters and Servants and the Legal Position of Male and Female Servants in the Song Dynasty : A Study of Changing Class Structure during the Tang and Song Dynasties
Based on practicability , knowledge is not a maidservant of so-called scientific epistemology , nor is a power to conquer and reform world , even nor is a power making knowledge-seeker alienated .
First of all , the feudal system provides the soil of its survival . The nature of oppression of upper class provided the fundamental premise exploitation for the appearance of large numbers of slaves .
There were great numbers of Hun maids , including Turk maids , in the society of the western states , who entered into families in western states mainly by reward for military credits and slave trade .
In producing consumption , in order to safeguard the agricultural production , the government had strict restrictions and management on the free trade of land , the free circulation of slaves and livestock and the killing of livestock .
Sixth , the legal position of servants descended from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty , but on the whole the legal position of servants in the Song Dynasty was much higher than that of servants in the Tang Dynasty .
Wang Mang pushed forward new policies and carried a series of reforms , hoping to retrieve the glory of Han by adopting policies described in the Confucian classics . He decreed that farmland be renamed as " royal land " " , slaves " private belongings "