
nú yì
  • enslave;keep in bondage;servitude;bondage;yoke
奴役 [nú yì]
  • [enslave] 像对待奴隶一样使用人

奴役[nú yì]
  1. 我死也不会让任何人再次奴役你们。

    I 'd die myself before I 'd let anyone enslave your folk ever again

  2. v.奴役教育使人容易去管理,但不可能去奴役。

    enslave Education makes people easy to govern but impossible to enslave .

  3. 农民奋起反对奴役他们的人。

    The peasants arose against their masters .

  4. 她把婚姻比作奴役。

    She likens marriage to slavery

  5. 如释重负的感觉是难以言喻的。这是受多年奴役之后的自由。我卸下了一个重担。

    The relief was indescribable . It was freedom after years of slavery . A great weight lifted from me .

  6. 那个地区的穷人决不会接受被奴役的命运。

    The poor people in the area will never accept the fate of slavery .

  7. 奴隶们被奴役至死。

    The slaves were kept in bondage until their death .

  8. 主教虽然暂时从妻子的手中解救出来,却还没有给斯洛普先生所奴役。

    The bishop , though temporally emancipated from his wife , was not yet enthralled to Mr slope .

  9. 安全的奴役更胜于危险的自由。

    Better servitude with safety than freedom with danger .

  10. 让每一篇演讲都来谈自由和道德之美,都来谈奴役和邪恶之丑陋、卑鄙和恶毒。

    Let every declamation turn upon the beauty of liberty and virtue , and the deformity , turpitude , and malignity of slavery and vice .

  11. 中国人民也绝不允许任何外来势力欺负、压迫、奴役我们,谁妄想这样干,必将在14亿多中国人民用血肉筑成的钢铁长城面前碰得头破血流!

    Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to bully17 , oppress , or subjugate15 us . Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people .

  12. 3.detentionn.滞留,拘留自立摆脱了被奴役、扣押或压迫的人的自由4.oustern.驱逐,剥夺者,〈律〉剥夺

    Liberty of the person from slavery , detention , or oppression .

  13. 因奴役JayceeDugard18年之久,Garrido正面临指控。

    He is facing charges for allegedly keeping Jaycee Dugard captive for 18 years .

  14. ISIS还定期在达比克杂志上宣称他们对待女人的方式是合法的,并声称根据圣训所言,奴隶制将在世界末日开始之际重新实行。对于异教徒家庭而言,奴役他们,让他们的妻女做姘妇是神圣之事。

    ISIS have regularly justified their treatment of women in their Dabiq magazine claiming that a hadith indicated that slavery would be revived at the beginning of the end of the world . It is a holy requirement to enslave the families of the infidels and take concubines from among them .

  15. 我想控制自己的生活而非被生活奴役。

    I wanna control my life instead of ruled by it .

  16. 我所指的论述,即奴役的自然演变。

    I refer to his arguments for the naturalness of slavery .

  17. 自由在与奴役进行斗争,光明在与黑暗进行斗争。

    Freedom is pitted against slavery ; lightness against the dark .

  18. 被告的公司进口的是经由奴役工人而生产的商品,

    The defendant 's company imported goods manufactured by slave labor ,

  19. 以上帝的姿态奴役着原始的人们。

    That enslaved primitive human populations by posing as their gods .

  20. 分享粮食和解除奴役终于指日可待!

    Share cropping and indentured servitude are finally within reach !

  21. 他就是想洗脱杀人和奴役的罪名。

    Or he just wants his name clear of murder and slavery .

  22. 压迫和奴役往往自身孕育着未来革命的种子。

    Oppression and slavery often contain within themselves the seedsof future revolution .

  23. 外在奴役下的内在自由&基督教对自由观念的贡献

    Inner Freedom under Outer Slavery : Contribution on Freedom Ideology by Christianity

  24. 你知道党的口号‘自由即奴役’。

    You know the Party slogan : " Freedom is Slavery " .

  25. 不要为奴役而战斗,要为自由而战斗!

    Don 't fight for slavery ! Fight for liberty !

  26. 你们在为自由而战,从奴役与腐败中。

    You are fighting for freedom from slavery and corruption .

  27. 奴役别国的人-定会受到制裁。

    No one who enslaves a nation can go unpunished .

  28. 他们肯定不会甘心受人奴役?

    They will certainly not resign themselves to be slaves .

  29. 奴隶制和奴役问题补充公约起草委员会

    Committee on the Drafting of a Supplementary Convention on Slavery and Servitude

  30. 他们不甘心受奴役而起来斗争了。

    They refused to be enslaved and rose in straggle .