- 名matriarchy ;matriarchies

[matriarchy] 亦称母系制,女家长(族长)制,一种社会组织制度,在这个制度下血统完全地或主要地通过母系来追溯,财产的继承和社会特权有时也按照同样的方式确定
Traces of mother-right are also found until late in the middle ages .
The overthrow of mother-right was the world historical defeat of the female sex .
Mother-right , therefore , had to be overthrown , and overthrown it was .
The matriarchal gens has become the pivot on which the whole science turns ;
It points out that : Firstly , matrilineal and matriarchy are two different concepts .
Mother-right has given way to father-right ;
This , however , was impossible so long as descent was reckoned according to mother-right .
It also analyzes the relations between the concepts of Yin-Yang , Confucianism , patriarchy and matriarchy .
Mother-right has given way to father-right ; Then , it transfers control to an application program .
At the same time , the influence of ancient mother-right society leads to the ignorance of kinship .
What seems strange here to civilized people is simply the rule according to mother-right and in group marriage .
The Resistance and Surrender of Bathsheba to Patriarchy in Far from the Madding Crowd ; Mother-right has given way to father-right ;
The Hapan culture and the Dathomirian witches had much in common , as both were strong matriarchies where men were second-class citizens .
Before we go on to monogamy , which developed rapidly with the overthrow of mother-right , a few words about polygyny and polyandry .
Correlation of the Locus of Control and Parental Rearing Patterns of the Junior High School Students ; Mother-right has given way to father-right ;
For , at bottom , he believes that the overthrow of mother-right by father-right was a miracle wrought during the Greek heroic age by these divinities .
In the time of Tacitus , however , mother-right had already given way to father-right , at least among the Germans with whose customs he was more familiar .
Their office is solely to punish murder between blood relations , and of such murders the most grave and the most inexpiable , according to mother-right , is matricide .
But that formerly mother-right prevailed in Scotland is proved by the fact that , according to Bede , in the royal family of the Picts succession was in the female line .
Patriarchy instead of matriarchy , the form of marriage had changed . The dual marriage and the monogamous form of marriage appeared . Women reduced to slavery party in the marriage relationship .
In accordance with this view , Bachofen interprets the Oresteia of aschylusas the dramatic representation of the conflict between declining mother-right and the new father-right that arose and triumphed in the heroic age .
We can no longer doubt the important part it played , as a transitional form between the matriarchal family and the single family , among civilized and other peoples of the old world .
Viewed from the angles of world history and anthropology , matriliny and matriarchy are two different concepts . Matrilineal society does not necessarily lead to the emergence of matriarchy , nor women 's social status decided merely by the genealogical factor of the matrilineal system .
Father-right has triumphed over mother-right , the " gods of young descent ," as the Furies themselves call them , have triumphed over the furies ; the latter then finally allow themselves to be persuaded to take up a new office in the service of the new order .
A son was never chosen to succeed his father as sachem , since mother-right prevailed among the Iroquois and the son consequently belonged to a different gens ; but the office might and often did pass to a brother of the previous sachem or to his sister 's son .
A family , community , or society based on this system or governed by women .