
mǔ xì
  • matriarchal;maternal side
母系 [mǔ xì]
  • (1) [matriline]∶母系血统总合

  • (2) [distaff;maternal side,matriarchal]∶母方血统

  • 家族的母系的一支

  1. 这些动物按母系群体生活。

    The animals live in matriarchal groups .

  2. 同时,半坡文化见证了母系氏族社会。

    Meanwhile Banpo Culture witnessed the time of matriarchal clan society .

  3. 其母系辽宁人。

    His mother is a native of Liaoning .

  4. 通过主成分分析,证明贵州从江侗族与其他的壮侗语族人群相聚,母系遗传结构复杂,无C单倍群分布可能为该民族特征之一。

    The matrilineal genetic structure of Dong of Guizhou is complicated .

  5. 西南地区母系遗传性耳聋家系的线粒体DNA分析

    Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Matrilineal Nonsyndromic Deafness Pedigrees of Southwest China

  6. 母系遗传性耳聋线粒体DNA突变分析

    Mutational Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA in Familes with Maternally Inherited Hearing Loss

  7. 线粒体DNA在家鹅中也遵循严格的母系遗传。

    Mitochondrial DNA of geese was also maternal inherited .

  8. 这些DNA完全遗传于母系

    Which are passed unchanged down the maternal line .

  9. 通过线粒体DNA限制类型的比较分析,确定了中国鹅及欧洲鹅的母系起源及母系发生关系;

    The maternal origins of these domestic geese were confirmed through their mtDNA RFLP analyses .

  10. 母系遗传氨基糖苷类抗生素致聋家系的线粒体DNA突变分析

    Mutation Analysis for Mitochondrial DNA in a Chinese Pedigree with Maternally Inherited Aminoglycoside Antibiotic-Induced Deafness

  11. 人类仅能从母亲身上遗传线粒体DNA(线粒体DNA是严格的母系遗传),所以只有母系血统能使用追踪线粒体DNA的方法。

    People inherit mitochondria only from their mothers , which is why only the female line of descent can be tracked using them .

  12. 应用DNApooling技术对一例母系遗传非综合征耳聋大家系进行全基因组扫描

    Screening the Whole Genome of an Extensive Matrilineal Nonsyndromic Sensorineural Deafness Family by Using DNA Pooling

  13. CRP配套系母系猪排卵规律的初步研究

    Study on Ovulation Regularity of Dam Line Pigs of CRP Multiple Cross Systems

  14. 瓯江彩鲤起源于单倍型II为主的母系祖先,推算分化时间分别约在11.5万年、9.5万年前;

    Oujiang color carp would have originated from a maternal ancestor mainly composed of haplotype II , 115 thousand and 95 thousand years ago respectively .

  15. 一个母系遗传非综合征耳聋大家系及mtDNA12SRRNA基因突变研究

    An extensive matrilineal nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness family and mtDNA 12S rRNA gene mutation

  16. 经血清学鉴定,该突变株保持母系菌株的Vi抗原表型。

    The Vi antigen phenotype of the mutant did not change in contrast to wild strain with serological method .

  17. 中国水牛mtDNAD-loop区遗传多样性与母系起源

    MtDNA D-loop Genetic Diversity and Maternal Origin in Chinese Swamp Buffalo

  18. 方法应用PCR和DNA序列分析技术,对一个有明确氨基糖苷类抗生素应用史的母系遗传耳聋家系共18人(包括聋人和听力正常者)的线粒体DNA进行研究。

    Methods The mutation of mitochondrial DNA from all 18 family members of a chinese pedigree with maternally inherited aminoglycoside antibiotic-induced deafness was detected by PCR and DNA sequencing .

  19. 有学者认为子痫前期(pre-eclampsia,PE)是一种与母系表达的印迹基因异常有关的疾病。

    Some scholars considered that pre-eclampsia is a disease together with the disorders of maternal expressed imprinted genes .

  20. 造成HBV家庭内聚集的原因可能是垂直传播和遗传因素及水平传播综合作用的结果,而母系在垂直传播中具有重要意义。

    It is suggested that the etiology of HBV contagiosity of familial inhabitation is a combination of vertical transmission , horizontal transmission and genetic factors .

  21. 约50%的人类卵细胞经历了异常的受精过程,此过程剩余了过量的母系核dna在实验组猴和对照组中则是更为频繁的一个问题。

    Some 50 % of the human eggs underwent abnormal fertilization , in which excess maternal nuclear DNA remained - a problem seen much less frequently in the monkeys or in controls .

  22. 方法选择常染色体上365个短串联重复序列标记,应用DNApooling方法对一母系遗传性聋家系进行全基因组扫描。

    Methods Whole genome-wide scanning was performed to analyze the 365 short tandem repeats in a deaf pedigree with maternal inheritance using DNA pooling strategy .

  23. 大肠癌HT-29细胞亚系与母系转移能力和相关因子的比较

    Comparative analysis of metastatic variants from the colorectal tumor cell line HT - 29

  24. 线粒体DNA(mtDNA)由于自身比较独特的遗传特性(母系遗传、缺乏重组和进化速率高)而被广泛地应用于人类群体的起源和演化研究。

    Owing to its high evolution rate , lack of recombination and maternal inheritance , mtDNA has been extensively used in unraveling the genealogical history of our species .

  25. 线粒体拥有自己的dna并仅通过母系遗传,因此,替换母系(即有高风险传递这些疾病的人)卵细胞中有缺陷的线粒体就可以避免伤及儿童。

    Mitochondria have their own DNA and are inherited only from the mother , so replacing defective mitochondria in eggs from mothers who have a high risk of passing on such diseases could spare the children .

  26. 基于线粒体全基因组信息剖分普通牛种母系结构及其ATP酶基因对泌乳性状的影响

    Dissecting the Matrilineal Components of Bos Taurus Based on Complete Mitochondrial Genome and the Correlation of SNPs in ATPase Genes with Milk Production Traits in Holstein

  27. 目的Leber遗传性视神经病变(Leberhereditaryopticneuropathy,LHON)是一种主要累及视盘黄斑束纤维,导致视神经退行性变的母系遗传性疾病。

    Objective Leber hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) is a maternally inherited disease characterized by a bilateral optic neuropathy .

  28. 母系遗传糖尿病中线粒体tRNA~(leu(UUR))基因突变的研究

    The mitochondrial tRNA leu ( uur ) gene mutation in maternally inherited diabetes mellitus

  29. 结论AMD可能与由母系遗传所致的mtDNA3243点突变无关。

    Conclusion It is suggested that mtDNA 3243 point mutation due to maternal inheritance might be not concerned with both wet form AMD and dry form AMD .

  30. 利用噬菌体随机肽库对神经胶质瘤母系SWO-38进行全细胞筛选

    Whole cell screening of phage-display peptide library for mimicry peptides of glioma SWO-38