
mǔ xìng
  • maternity;maternal instinct;motherhood
母性 [mǔ xìng]
  • [maternal instinct] 母亲身上体现出的对子女的本能的爱

母性[mǔ xìng]
  1. 与祖先沟通,母性,父权,团体关系,神的誓约(神的诅咒)。

    Ancestral communication , maternity , paternity , fellowship , divine oaths .

  2. 母性:女性写作不应遗忘的圣地

    Maternity : An Unforgettable Holy Land for Women Writing

  3. 谁会反对母性与家庭的温馨呢?

    Who could argue against motherhood and apple pie ?

  4. 他激发了她母性的本能。

    He aroused her mothering instincts .

  5. 她缺乏母性。

    She had little maternal instinct

  6. 你那被雄心壮志压制已久的母性本能终于开始展现出来。

    After having been subjugated to ambition , your maternal instincts are at last starting to assert themselves .

  7. 叶绿体具有独立的基因组DNA,以母性遗传为主,其结构和功能高度保守。

    Its structure and function are highly conservative .

  8. 人类卵母细胞及植入前胚胎中母性效应基因MatermRNA的表达

    Expression of Mater mRNA in human oocytes and preimplantation embryos

  9. 除3个已知母性基因外,其余主要与DNA复制、能量代谢、信号转导、转录、蛋白质结构以及胚胎发育中个体形成等相关。

    Except three known maternal genes , the rest were mainly related to replication , metabolism , signal transduction , transcription factor , protein structure and embryo development .

  10. OT在中枢神经系统中参与调节母性行为;

    Oxytocin is involved in the regulation of maternal behavior in the central nervous system .

  11. 在脑内,OT与母性行为和生殖行为、学习记忆、镇痛等生理功能有关。

    In the brain , OT has relationship with mating and maternal behaviors , study and memory , and relieving pain .

  12. 在父性、母性孕期酒精暴露研究中,怀孕期间酒精摄入对植入前胚胎DNA甲基化及组蛋白修饰可能造成损害的差异,也为我们预防酒精对胎儿的伤害提供借鉴的作用。

    In the paternal or maternal alcohol exposure during pregnancy , parents with alcohol intake during pregnancy may damage DNA methylation and histone modifications of pre-implantation embryo . We provide prevent the harm of alcohol to the fetus .

  13. 最近的研究发现,除这些作用之外,OT还参与调节哺乳动物的母性行为、择偶行为及社会交往、记忆等活动。

    However , recent researches revealed that , OT can play some other roles like modulating maternal behaviour , pair-bonding social communication , and memory .

  14. 众多的研究表明,线粒体DNA的RFLP可以作为一个可靠的母性遗传标记用于家养动物起源分化及其亲缘关系的研究方面。

    It was indicated from lots of results that the RFLP of mtDNA could be used in the study of origination and differentiation of domestic animals as a reliable maternal genetic marker .

  15. 一股强烈的母性在Karen体内应运而生,这位平日里温柔的女性眼睛一眨也不眨的盯着护士长的脸,嘴角显出坚毅的线条。

    The mother rises up strong in Karen , and the usually mild-mannered lady glares steel-eyed into the head nurse 's face , her lips a firm line .

  16. 在小鼠以及地方品种母猪上研究表明,PRLR基因在一定程度上对所研究动物的母性行为有一定的影响。

    The study of PRLR gene in the mouse and local varieties sows show that this gene have the effect on sow maternal behaviors .

  17. 经Southern、Western检测及子代遗传学分析实验证明OC基因已整合到烟草叶绿体中,并且可以遵循非孟德尔的母性遗传规律稳定遗传给后代。

    After screening with spectinomycin , transformants were finally obtained . The analysis of Southern blotting , Western blotting and genetic analysis of the progenies showed that OC gene was introduced into the tobacco chloroplast genome and OC gene was inherited maternally to the progenies .

  18. 但基因座与母性遗传Ⅰ型卵色突变&第1白卵(w-1)相同,即10-12.7。称之新母性白卵,基因符号:w-1n。

    However , its locus was the same as the egg color mutation ( w-1 ), or at 10-12.7 . Therefore , this new strain is named a new maternal white egg with a gene symbol ( w-1 n ) assigned .

  19. Szyf发现鼠仔接受的母性关怀越多,与糖皮质激素受体基因结合的NGFI-A就越多。这证实了他的猜想。

    This suspicion was confirmed when he found it is also the case that the more maternal care a pup receives , the more NGFI-A it has bound to its glucocorticoid-receptor genes .

  20. 现代人类的起源和迁移:来自母性遗传的证据

    Origin and Migration of Modern Humans : Evidence of Maternal Heredity

  21. 成熟的女人会展现母性的温柔给丈夫一份舒心。

    Mature women will show a maternal tenderness to her husband .

  22. 作品形态优雅而富张力,表达母性那温柔的美。

    The sculpture is elegant and full of the motherly tenderness .

  23. 古老的中国文化是以母性为起点的。

    The old Chinese culture starts with " Mother " topic .

  24. 攻击行为系统化分析方法猪的母性行为研究进展

    Research on Systematically Describing Attacks Advance on Maternal Behavior of Swine

  25. 当然,氏族母性也有她们的祖先。

    The clan mothers had ancestors too , of course .

  26. 四个小时之后,母性的本能将我从睡梦中拉醒。

    Four hours later mother instinct pulled me from sleep .

  27. 最后,探究母性恶形成的缘由。

    Finally , to explore the formation of maternal causes of evil .

  28. 第二章:母性精神的存在与意义。

    The second chapter : the significance and existence of maternal instinct .

  29. 母性崇拜:解读艾青诗歌的一个视角

    The Motherhood Worship : A Perspective of Reading Ai Qing 's Poetry

  30. 那个绝望的小男孩的模样唤起了她的母性。

    The sight of the hopeless little boy aroused her maternal instincts .