
  • 网络statistic
  1. 假设数据来自一个特定分布的程序计算出来的统计数。

    Any statistic computed by procedures that assume the data were drawn from a particular distribution .

  2. 公司可以为每只鸟类打上标签,以使用RFID协议统计数、确定归属人、记录检查日期。

    The company can tag and count bird , track species , document ownership and log inspection dates , using RFID protocols .

  3. 通过对各品种表现的平均数分极值H1,秩次值H2,环境区分指数YM等统计数的计算,进行品种间秩次平均数的多重比较。

    The grade numerals of average ( H1 ) and rank numerals ( H2 ) of variety trans , and circumstance differentiating index ( YM ) were calculated , and the multiple comparison were carried out with the rank average of various varieties .

  4. 本公报中数据均为初步统计数。

    All figures in this Communiqu é are preliminary statistics .

  5. 抽样方式对评价小麦种质资源遗传多样性统计数的影响

    Evaluation of Different Sampling Methods on the Genetic Diversity of Wheat Germplasm

  6. 重庆人口数为户籍统计数。

    Note : 1.Population of Chongqing is household registration .

  7. 这个文件列出不同虚拟内存统计数。

    This file displays various virtual memory statistics .

  8. 最后一次统计数是多少?

    What was the final count ?

  9. 政府贸易统计数表明向欧共体的出口在过去6个月里有所减少。

    Government trade statistics show that exports to the EC have fallen over the last six months .

  10. 他们争论说,结果的收集手段各地不一致,就无法产生出一个可靠的全国统计数。

    They argue that inconsistencies in the way results are collected prevent any reliable national picture emerging .

  11. 此处,稀疏度指得是每一文本样本所表征的矢量中非零特征项的平均统计数。

    Sparsity is here defined as the average number of non-zero components in the vector representation of data .

  12. 对于每个长于两字符的单词,将统计数存储在频率映射中。

    For each word that is longer than two characters , it stores the count in the frequency map .

  13. 研究人员认为他们的官方统计数少了,估计真实数字接近一千种。

    The researchers think their official count is low - they estimate the true number at nearly a thousand species .

  14. 注:本页为全部国有和规模以上非国有工业企业统计数。

    Note : data of industry in this table refer to state-owned industrial enterprises and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises above designated size .

  15. 本文选取2004年和2007年辽宁省十四个地区统计数进行比较研究,使分析更具有针对性。

    This selection in 2004 and fourth in 2007 in Liaoning Province Regional comparative study of statistics to make analysis more focused .

  16. 对每个文件输出行、单词、和字节统计数,如果指定了多于一个文件则还有一个行数的总计。

    Print newline , word , and byte counts for each FILE , and a total line if more than one FILE is specified .

  17. 我国曾对理论水能蕴藏量和技术可开发水能资源进行全面普查,但缺乏经济可开发水能资源的统计数。

    The gross theoretical hydro potential and technically feasible hydro resources of China have been comprehensively evaluated , but statistical values of economically feasible hydro resources are lacking .

  18. 注:闽东南地区包括福州市、门市、田市、州市、州市五个地级市;本表人口数为户籍统计数。

    Note : Southeast Fujian include five cities as Fuzhou , Xiamen , Putian , Quanzhou , and Zhangzhou . Population in this table is derived from the datum of household registration .

  19. 根据数学模型理论,采用相应参数、统计数的公式变换,制定比较标准,实现试验前比较试验设计,评价试验设计优劣。

    On the base of the mathematical model , we can use the formula transformation of the corresponding parameter and statistics to draw up the corresponding comparative standard . The purpose was to carry out the comparison of different experiment designs for the application of better design .

  20. 除了统计字节数之外,PipeViewer还可以通过计算行数显示进度。

    Beside counting bytes , Pipe Viewer can visualize progress by counting lines .

  21. 文章利用不等式方法证明了幂平均数M(K)关于K在整个实数集上是单调上升的,并在此基础上将统计平均数加以推广。

    This paper shows that the power mean is ( monotonic ) increasing about K on the set of real number using the inequation . Based on this the authors expand the concept of average .

  22. 结果显示:(1)UPI总分最低为0分,最高为44分,统计均数为14.9±9.76。

    The results showed : ( 1 ) UPI score , the minimum is 0 and the maximum is 44 points , statistical mean is 14.9 ± 9.76 .

  23. 病毒传播的如此之快Schuchat说以至于我们可能无法统计病例数。

    The virus is spreading so widely , Schuchat said , that soon the U.S.will be unable to count individual cases .

  24. selpg通过以下方法记住当前页号:如果输入是每页行数固定的,则selpg统计新行数,直到达到页长度后增加页计数器。

    Selpg keeps track of the current page number as follows : If input is fixed-lines-per-page , it counts newlines until the page length is reached and increments a page counter .

  25. 本文基于Kenney和Laub的统计条件数估计方法提出了关于广义特征值和奇异值问题条件数求解的新方法。

    This paper presents a new approach to the evaluation of sensitivity or condition of generalized eigenvalue and singular value problems based on the method of statistical condition estimation by Kenney and Laub .

  26. 113个城市空气质量劣于三级,占统计城市数的33.2%。

    The air quality in 113 was worse than Grade III , accounting for 33.2 % .

  27. 其中101个城市颗粒物年均浓度超过三级标准,占统计城市数的29.2%。

    The annual concentration of the particulate in 101 cities exceeded Grade III , accounting for 29.2 % of the cities .

  28. 本文从表征抗压强度检测结果的统计特征数入手,探讨合理表征抗压强度的参数。

    Proceeding from statistical characteristics , this paper is seeking for a reasonable characteristic parameter for the measurement results of compressive strength .

  29. 在我们统计鱼数的时候,红叶组成的舰队顺流飘过,还有一些虎纹麝香龟游过来打量我们。

    Flotillas of crimson leaves sailed by downstream , and stripe-necked musk turtles swam over to survey us as we counted fish .

  30. 如果仍有出入,可能是因为我们作为广告服务方,有能力全面统计点击数,而别的追踪软件却可能漏掉。

    If there are still discrepancies , it could be because we host your ads and therefore are able to record clicks that other tracking software programs may miss .