
  • 网络united russia party
  1. 亲政府的主要党派统一俄罗斯党(UnitedRussia)在上月的地区选举中表现相对较差。

    The dominant pro-Kremlin United Russia party performed comparatively poorly in regional elections last month .

  2. 统一俄罗斯党的理论和实践表现

    Theory and Practice Analysis of the Party " United Russia "

  3. 在12月的选举中,统一俄罗斯党赢得最多席位。

    In the December elections , United Russia won the most seats .

  4. 阿巴托夫说,这种依赖使得指望统一俄罗斯党来解决国家的问题变得非常困难。

    Arbatov says this dependency makes it difficult to rely on United Russia to resolve the country 's problems .

  5. 外界本来以为,候选人身份在12月17日的统一俄罗斯党大会之前不会揭晓。

    The candidate 's identity was not expected to be revealed until United Russia 's congress on December 17 .

  6. 不过这个去年10月才成立的政党与统一俄罗斯党一样,多数情况下对克林姆林宫尤其是普金都会作出忠心耿耿的姿态。

    But the party was created only last October , and like United Russia , it is sycophantically loyal to the Kremlin in general and to Vladimir Putin in particular .

  7. 他指出,统一俄罗斯党没有为这个国家产生领导层,而是领导层创造了这个政党,它的党员依靠总统来保证他们的政治存在。

    He notes that United Russia did not produce the country 's leadership , but rather the leadership created the party , whose members rely on the president for their political existence .

  8. 如果俄共继续拿国歌说事,统一俄罗斯党也将再次提出迁移列宁墓问题。

    He said that if the Communist Party continues to focus on the change of the anthem , the " Unified Russia " party would propose the moving of Lenin 's tomb again .

  9. 普京总统在选举之前发表了一个电视讲话,呼吁选民支持统一俄罗斯党,以保证“普京路线”得以延续。

    Prior to the elections , Putin made a television address asking eligible voters to cast ballots for United Russia to stick to the development path on which he has set the nation .

  10. 这次党代会在25小时之前刚刚开幕,格雷兹洛夫摇铃宣布开会后指出了党内工作小组集思广益、创造统一俄罗斯党在2020年前的政治策略的重要性。

    The convention opened a mere 25 hours earlier with Gryzlov ringing a bell as he announced the importance of brain storming in party working groups to craft United Russia 's political strategy through 2020 .

  11. 在电视票选胜出的角逐者,专家们抱怨这头熊是公然复制一九八零年莫斯科奥林匹克的吉祥物,并且很类似执政的统一俄罗斯党的党熊。

    Among the TV poll winners , pundits complained that the bear was a blatant copy of the1980 Moscow Olympics mascot and also too close to the bear symbol of the ruling United Russia party .

  12. 普京向统一俄罗斯党领导层表示:总统是超越党派的,这符合俄罗斯的政治实践。普京称,国家首脑扮演的是整合国家所有政治力量的角色。

    In line with political practice here , the president stands above parties , he told the leadership of United Russia , describing the head of state as a consolidating figure for all political forces in the country .

  13. 俄罗斯执政党统一俄罗斯党的国会议员维塔利?米洛诺夫敦促文化部部长在电影上映前先举行一场试映会,看其是否符合相关法律,如果发现“同性恋宣传成分”,可以“发出全面禁令”。

    But Vitaly Milonov , an MP of the governing United Russia party , urged the culture minister to hold a screening of the film before it was released to see if it complied with the law and to " take measures to totally ban " it if he found " elements of propaganda of homosexuality . "