
fú tè jiā jiǔ
  • vodka
  1. 请来一份橙汁伏特加酒。

    A vodka and orange , please .

  2. 他挂账买了两瓶伏特加酒。

    He bought two bottles of vodka on account .

  3. 她往玻璃杯里倒了一些伏特加酒,两口就喝完了。

    She poured some vodka into a glass and knocked it back in two swallows .

  4. 这种伏特加酒是正品。

    The vodka was the genuine article .

  5. 这些男孩狂饮廉价的伏特加酒

    The boys guzzled the cheap Vodka .

  6. 俄国人取出一大瓶伏特加酒,给自己的旅伴们每人倒了一杯,然后随手把剩余的半瓶酒扔出了窗外。

    The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka , poured each of his companions a drink and then hurled1 the semifull bottle out the window .

  7. 我的同事,,And,Laura,,the,woman,that,I,was,with,想要一杯海风,是蔓越莓和伏特加酒调成的。

    Laura wanted a sea breeze , which is cranberry and vodka .

  8. 目前,这种酒在都柏林市中心的威斯汀酒店内的薄荷酒吧里出售。这种酒的成分包括加入了香草的伏特加酒、有200年历史的干邑白兰地以及纯度为23K的黄金薄片等。

    The " Minted " cocktail a vanilla and chocolate Martini on sale at the Mint Bar in central Dublin 's Westin Hotel includes vanilla-infused vodka , 200-year-old cognac and flakes of23-carat gold .

  9. 你们应该加些伏特加酒与芹菜末

    You should serve it with vodka and apiece of celery .

  10. vodka:伏特加酒噢,谢谢,不用了。

    martini . - Jenny : Oh , no , thanks .

  11. 她纵声狂笑,以致把一些伏特加酒溅在衣裙上。

    She laughed immoderately , and spilled some vodka on her frock .

  12. 你是对的,那里有两瓶伏特加酒。

    There aren 't three bottles of vodka in there , Steve .

  13. 她向经过她身旁的服务员要了一大杯加了奎宁水的伏特加酒。

    She ordered a large vodka and tonic from a passing waiter .

  14. 这伏特加酒很够劲儿。

    This vodka has a lot of kick in it .

  15. 恐怕过了昨晚我们只有司木露(一种伏特加酒的商标名)

    I 'm afraid after last night we 've only got Smirnoff .

  16. 在一个大些的壶中,加入除伏特加酒以外的所有原料。

    In a large kettle , combine all the ingredients except the vodka .

  17. 伏特加酒,囊括了许多时区,作曲家们。

    Vodka , lots of time zones , composers .

  18. 我和你说过我的伏特加酒的故事吗?

    Did I ever tell you my vodka story ?

  19. 他们把伏特加酒倒入她的果汁中,把她灌醉。陶醉;

    They 've put vodka in her fruit juice to get her drunk .

  20. 平底大玻璃杯中加入冰,伏特加酒。

    Place ice into a tumbler , add Vodka and Kahlua , stir .

  21. 他高声说道,于是点了伏特加酒与橘子汁。

    He exclaims , requesting vodka and orange juice .

  22. 我们有一大桶的乳脂软糖和伏特加酒……

    We have a tub full of fudge and vodka

  23. 如果你喝掉那整整一瓶伏特加酒的话,你就会病倒。

    If you drink that whole bottle of vodka , you 'll be ill .

  24. 她很晚也不睡,在喝伏特加酒。

    She had stayed up late drinking vodka .

  25. 这瓶伏特加酒真有劲儿。

    This vodka 's got a real kick !

  26. 现在,你们一定已经意识到伏特加酒闻起来绝不像臭鸡蛋。

    Now , you will have noticed that vodka never smells of rotten eggs .

  27. 在宴会上,冰雕的米开朗基罗大卫像把伏特加酒“尿”到酒杯里。

    The party featured an ice-sculptured Michaelangelo 's David , urinating vodka into glasses .

  28. 接着是伏特加酒,鱼子酱。

    After that comes vodka , caviar ,

  29. 我不喜欢喝伏特加酒。

    I don 't like vodka . -

  30. 我并没有倒三瓶伏特加酒在里面,是吧?

    I didn 't pour the three bottles of vodka in it , did I ?