
  • 网络Russian Prime Minister;Prime Minister of Russia
  1. 一些领导人比如俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)巧妙地回避了这个问题。

    Some leaders , such as Vladimir Putin , Russian prime minister , have dodged the issue .

  2. 周一,俄罗斯总理普京(VladimirPutin)向一群由全球各大企业的掌门人组成的听众宣传投资俄罗斯的种种魅力。普京吹说他知道在座的大多数人打算继续加大在俄罗斯市场的投资。

    Prime Minister Vladimir Putin touted the attractiveness of investing in Russia to an audience of global chief executives Monday , boasting that he knew the majority of you are planning to continue to boost your participation in the Russian market .

  3. 为平息叙利亚内战,美国国务卿克里(JohnKerry)与俄罗斯总理拉夫罗夫(SergeiLavrov)于2012年年中启动了一轮外界斡旋。当时许多西方国家政府都预计阿萨德政权即将倒台。

    Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart , Sergei Lavrov , launched a diplomatic process in mid-2012 to try and end Syria 's civil war a time when many Western governments were predicting Mr. Assad 's regime was close to collapse .

  4. 问题21俄罗斯总理是如何描述俄罗斯烟民的?

    Question 21 . What does the Prime Minister say about Russian smokers ?

  5. 现任俄罗斯总理的普京迅速将经济低迷归咎于美国。

    Mr Putin , now prime minister , was quick to blame America for the downturn .

  6. 都只谈论一件事:俄罗斯总理怎么眼部发青?

    Only talked of one thing-how did the Russian prime minister get a bruise under his eye ?

  7. 俄罗斯总理普京批准停止俄罗斯向乌克兰输送的所有天然气。

    Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has approved a halt to all deliveries of Russian natural gas to Ukraine .

  8. 前国际像棋冠军卡斯帕罗夫和前俄罗斯总理卡西亚诺夫说,他们没有收到参加会议的邀请。

    Former chess champion Garry Kasparov and former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov say they were not invited .

  9. 俄罗斯总理还宣布两国共同研制第50代战斗机。

    The Russian prime minister also announced the two countries will work together to develop a 50th-generation combat aircraft .

  10. 俄罗斯总理与这位英石油老板亲密握手,达成了一项涉及金额达160亿美元的协议。

    The Russian prime minister shook hands with the boss of BP , sealing a $ 16 billion deal .

  11. 辩护律师施密特说,这一判决是俄罗斯总理普京政治压力的结果。

    Defense lawyer Yury Shmidt said the decision was the result of political pressure from Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin .

  12. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,俄罗斯总理普京在最近的照片展现出他更为关注自然的一面。

    Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin 's latest photos show his slightly more environmentally caring side , the Daily Mail of London reported .

  13. 俄罗斯总理表示,内阁的计划包括刺激经济增长、提高收入并减少失业的措施。

    The prime minister says that the cabinet 's plan involves measures intended to stimulate economic growth , raise incomes and reduce unemployment .

  14. 若得到证实,这一结果将意味着现任俄罗斯总理的普京在此次大选中轻松胜出,不需要举行第二轮投票。

    If confirmed , the result would represent a comfortable victory for the prime minister with no need for a second round of voting .

  15. 苏扎表示说照片中装扮成游客并带着照相机的人,就是曾经的苏联间谍,现任俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔·普京。

    Souza said the man with the camera is Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin posing as a tourist during his days as a Soviet spy .

  16. 俄罗斯总理普京警告说,如果基辅中断对西欧的天然气供应,乌克兰同俄罗斯以及同欧盟的关系将面临严重后果。

    Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has warned that Ukrainian relations with Russia and the European Union will suffer serious consequences if Kyiv disrupts supplies to Western Europe .

  17. 俄罗斯总理普京从莫斯科飞行了五个时区,来这里告诉布里亚特的领导人,他们将在构建俄罗斯和亚洲的关系方面发挥战略性的作用。

    Prime Minister Vladimir Putin flew five time zones east of Moscow to tell Buryatia leaders they will play a strategic role in building Russia 's ties with Asia .

  18. 结果公布后,俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔·普京说他会前往苏黎世向国际足联授权俄罗斯举办2018年世界杯表示感谢。

    After the result was announced , Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said he was leaving for Zurich to thank FIFA for awarding Russia the right to host the2018 finals .

  19. 俄罗斯总理普京用他的双手保护野生动物:为北极熊带上无线电跟踪器,并协助去帮它称重。

    Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin takes saving wildlife into his own hands , attaching a caller with a radio transmitter to a polar bear , also helping weigh it .

  20. 俄罗斯总理最近曾经预警可能即将面临经济困难,但是他向俄罗斯人民保证,他们的国家会以最小的损失度过这场危机。

    Prime Minister Vladimir Putin recently warned of possible economic difficulties ahead , but also assured Russians their country has every chance to get through those difficulties with minimum loses .

  21. 俄罗斯总理切尔诺梅尔金8日在政府会议上说,1997年俄罗斯取得的主要成果是为经济增长创造了基本前提。

    Russia 's premier Chernomyrdin said at the governmental Conference on the8th that the major achievement that Russia gained in1997 was that the basic precondition for economic growth was created .

  22. 布什总统在接受美国国家广播公司电视采访时说,他星期五在奥运会上跟俄罗斯总理普京面对面交谈时表明了强硬的立场。

    In an interview here with America 's NBC television network , the president says he was firm during a face-to-face conversation Friday at the Olympics with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin .

  23. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,俄罗斯总理普京近日在一个名人云集的儿童慈善活动中大秀歌艺,演唱了路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的“蓝莓山”。

    Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin serenaded a star-studded crowd with Louis Armstrong 's song " Blueberry Hill " at a children 's charity event , the Daily Telegraph of London reported .

  24. 即将到来的龙年将带给演员阿尔帕西诺好运,但俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔普京则需当心他可能会损失一大笔钱。

    The coming year of the dragon will bring actor Al Pacino good fortune , but Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin needs to watch out - he may lose vast sums of money .

  25. 俄罗斯总理普京在与格鲁吉亚进行短期战争一年之后访问从格鲁吉亚脱离地区阿布哈兹,格鲁吉亚强烈谴责了普京的行为。

    Georgia has strongly condemned the visit by the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to its breakaway region of Abkhazia just a year after the two countries fought a brief war over the territory .

  26. 经过多年从欧盟的新旧成员间的分歧中渔利后,俄罗斯总理普京现在已意识到:欧盟的团结一致不只是嘴上说说罢了,而是实实在在的。

    After years of exploiting differences between old and new members of the European Union , Vladimir Putin , Russia 's prime minister , has realised that EU solidarity is more than mere rhetoric .

  27. 唐宁街昨晚几乎没有隐藏它的愤怒,而且据说卡梅伦“在目前”还没有要亲自祝贺俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔.普京的计划。

    Last night Downing Street did ? little to hide its anger and said Mr Cameron had no plans to congratulate the Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin personally ' at the present time ' .

  28. 国务卿约翰·克里今天在日内瓦开始与俄罗斯总理进行会谈,有传言称世界关注这两个超级大国是否可以协作来解除叙利亚的化学武器危机。

    Secretary of State John Kerry began talks with his Russian counterpart in Geneva today , saying the world is watching to see if two major powers can work together to rid Syria of chemical weapons .

  29. 在此之后,俄罗斯总理弗拉吉米尔‧普廷把他希望雪豹赢这事情说漏嘴,因此让这只有斑纹的掠食性动物票数窜高,并遭外界指控其中有动手脚。

    After that , Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had let slip that he wanted the snow leopard to win , leading to a surge of votes for the spotted predator & and allegations of dirty tricks .

  30. 俄罗斯前总理叶戈尔盖达尔(yegorgaidar)表示:“储备越少,决策过程的质量越高。”

    According to Yegor Gaidar , former Prime Minister : " the lower the reserves the higher the quality of the decision-making process . "