
  • 网络RIA Novosti;Russian News Agency;RIA Novosti news agency
  1. 俄罗斯新闻社上月曾报道,中国几家商业银行拒绝通过离岸账户转移俄罗斯客户的资金。

    Russian news agencies reported last month that some Chinese commercial banks were refusing to transfer the money of Russian clients through offshore accounts .

  2. 据俄罗斯新闻社(RiaNovosti)的翻译,这位官员表示,“被驱逐出欧元区的可能性很大。”

    Russian newswire Ria Novosti translated the official as saying ," There is a big danger of expulsion from the euro zone . "

  3. 烟草在线据俄罗斯新闻社报道编译据俄罗斯财政部说,俄罗斯国会大幅提高烟税的计划将刺激卷烟的非法贸易,而最终损害公共健康。

    The Russian parliament 's plans to sharply increase taxes on tobacco would create a boom in illegal trade in cigarettes and ultimately harm public health , according to the Finance Ministry .

  4. 据该俄罗斯新闻通讯社透露,17只企鹅中,只有三只幸存。

    Only three of 17 penguins survived , the Russian news agency said .

  5. 约翰逊-希尔告诉俄罗斯Ruptly视频新闻社说,他的店每天都能卖出几百罐北京空气。

    Johnson-Hill told Ruptly that his shop is selling hundreds of Beijing air cans every day .

  6. 他代表着美国人不想听到的一种不同的观点,斯通对俄罗斯新闻机构俄罗斯新闻社(RIANovosti)说。

    He represents a different point of view that Americans don 't want to hear , Stone had told RIA Novosti , a Russian news service .

  7. 这位28岁的俄罗斯记者,在俄罗斯新闻社的北京办事处工作,当他从中文网站得知他最喜欢的中国女政治家当选时,异常激动。

    The28-year-old Russian reporter working for Russia News Agency 's Beijing bureau was over the moon when he learned from Chinese websites that his favorite Chinese woman official got selected .